Rami Malek - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, filmography, "instagram" 2021



Rami Malek - American actor of Egyptian origin. The owner of prestigious filmmakers, including Oscar, hides the biography details. Modesty and shyness do not interfere with it to attract fans around the world mysterious amplua shrouded in a mystical haze.

Childhood and youth

Rami Said Malek was born in California. In Los Angeles, the parents and his older sister Yasmin moved from Cairo. In Motherland, his father worked as a guide, and in the US began a career of the insurance agent. Nelli Abdel-Male's mother set up an accountant. Rami so recalled the chapter of the family:

"I remember how my father, when I was a child, I put a suit and tie every day. He was rarely seen in shorts. The clothes attached to him additional confidence and self-esteem. And, perhaps, even the word "dignity" comes to mind ... He somehow managed to wear a different tie for every day of the week, which I considered enviable. "

In California, a couple more children appeared - the twin brothers themselves and Rami. Parents saw heirs with solid people with serious professions. They wanted her daughter and sons became lawyers or doctors. Two children justified the expectations of Mother and Father: the daughter received a medical education and became a resuscitator, he himself became a teacher of the Los Angeles school. But Rami still in the school stated that it would be an artist than a lot of parents upset.

In 1999, Malek went to the college at the university, which graduated after 4 years, receiving a bachelor's degree. Here the guy first went to the scene. Parents came to the premiere of the performance. Seeing the talented game of the Son, Said and Nelli, they got up with the desire of Rami to become an actor.


The way to success in the movie was long for Male. At first he prepared Shawarma and delivered pizza. Also Rami worked as a waiter in a Hollywood cafe. And to start an artist's career as a guest on various popular shows.

The cinematic biography of Rami Malek started with an episodic role in the popular multiserial project "Gilmore Girls". In 2005, the comedy series "War in the House" was released, where the beginning actor entrusted a more significant hero.

Rami lit up in a series of criminal thriller "24 hours" about the work of the Counter-terrorism division of Los Angeles. In the film he got the image of a suicide bomber. Then the repertoire of Malek was replenished with roles in the mystical project "Medium" and a military militant "there." Participation in the rating serials helped to get into full-length cinema, where a young man awaited success.

Fame to Rami came after the comedy comedy comedy, where the artist organically embodied the image of Pharaoh. The picture received a high rating. The main character in Kinolent played Hollywood actor Bin Stiller.

In 2010, Maleg in his project "Pacific Ocean" invited the cult director Stephen Spielberg. In the television series about the events of World War II, Rami fulfilled the role of Capral Merriell Shelton. The mini-series was approved by film critics and gained the Emmy Prize.

One of the producers was Tom Hanks, who got a little man. The artist was approved for the role of a college student in the romantic melodrama "Larry Kraun". The teacher played Julia Roberts. On Rami, the magnificent game of Hollywood diva made an indelible impression.

In 2012, Rami tried himself in a new role - starred in a fantastic film-catastrophe "Sea battle" about the invasion of aliens. And again Malek found himself in a star cast. Taylor Kitch, Liam Nison, Rihanna played next to him. Another famous director Paul Thomas Anderson called the artist to the Master project about the leader of the sectarian movement. Among the artists of the main roles were Hoakin Phoenix and Amy Adams.

In the same year, another picture was published, which the audience was adopted with admiration - "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - part 2, "where Maleku tried the image of a vampire named Benjamin. Fantasy collected $ 829 million at the box office, and it turned out to be nominated for 11 categories of antipremia "Golden Raspberry".

Soon, the artist's filmography was enriched with another drama - "In the runs," where it was a speech about Ruth and Bob's lovers (Rooney Mara and Casey Affleck), who dreamed of getting out of poverty by criminal. Rami Malek played a hero named Will. The actor also appeared in the dramatic tape "Short term - 12" and the thriller "Oldboy."

Rami Malek - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, filmography,

In 2014, the star starred in the 3rd part of the "Night in the Museum", called the "Secret of the Tomb". Malek was familiar to the image of Pharaoh Akmena, thanks to which one day he woken up famous.

Another mystical role of Rami presented director Sarah Adda Smith. In a mystical drama, the artist appeared in the image of John's concierge, which after a fateful meeting with a strange computer engineer changed his life and became the opener of the Baster.

In 2017, Rami appeared on the screen in the cast of the criminal painting "Moth" about the genius hacker Henri, who had to get out of the most defended prison in the world. In the film Malek played with Charlie Hannem. The drama was the remake of the 1973 film reserves, in which the similar roles of Henri Schariner and the fake Louis Degi performed Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman.

The main expected premiere of 2018 with the participation of Rami Maleg was the Biographical Musical Music "Bohemian Rhapsody" about the fate and the work of the cult musician Freddie Mercury. Rami perfectly worked on the manner of the main character.

The actor, in addition to working on Hollywood projects, also appeared in the series. He starred in the episode of the scientific fiction ribbon "Alcatras", the main characters of which Rebecca Madsen and Dr. Diego Soto (Sarah Jones and Jorge Garcia) investigate the mysterious disappearance of prisoners. The case was not out of simple, since the statute of limitations reached 50 years. In the TV series "Believe" about people with superpowers, Malek appeared in one of the episodes.

A huge success, about which Rami dreamed almost from childhood, hit him after the release of Technotriller "Mr. Robot", where his hero Elliot, a young and brilliant specialist in the IT-sphere, easily hacks the National Security Service servers. At the same time, Elliot on "You" with drugs is not distinguished by persistent mental health.

Personal life

Malek lives in Los Angeles, where he has its own apartment. He loves secular society and communication with journalists. In this case, the details of the personal life of the celebrity is a closed topic. There were rumors about non-traditional orientation with Rami, but they were not confirmed by anything.

I did not find a confirmation and allegedly an existing affair with a team of "Twilight" by Angela Sarafyan. According to the assumption of fans, the relationship between the stars began in 2012. But in 2015, persistent rumors about the novel by Rami Malek and the Portia of Dubalday began to appear in the network, along with which the artist played Mr. Robot.

Fans have ever seen Malek and Dublday together at various secular events. At the same time, none of them confirmed the existence of the novel. According to Paraszi, the couple broke up in 2017.

After filming the "Bohemian Rhapsodia", the actor began to appear in public with a colleague on the shooting area of ​​Lucy Bointon. In early 2019, at the Film Festival in Palm-Springs, Rami admitted to the girl in love right from the scene in front of the amazed public.

Unlike Maleg, which is not currently using social networks, Lucy leads a page in "Instagram", but not to meet the photo with Rami in the account. Either the feelings did not receive development, or the pair hides them from prying eyes - anyway, the fans of slim handsome (height 171 cm, the weight of 70 kg) remains only to guess.

Rami Malek now

Today, the Hollywood Star continues to be filmed in new projects. In 2020, Rami took part in the voicing of the adventure comedy "The amazing journey of Dr. Dulittla". Maleg's voice spoke noble and harsh gorilla nickname chi chi. The main role of a veterinarian who knows how to talk with animals, performed Robert Downey - the younger.

In October, the actor starred for the cover of the male magazine L'Uomo Vogue. Malek, being the official face of Yves Saint Laurent, gave a detailed publication interview. He told reporters about the completion of the new film about the agent 007 "not time to die."

Rami Malek - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, filmography,

On January 29, 2021, the premiere of the Thiller "Devil in the details" took place. The artist again got the main role. This time he appeared in the image of a backster policeman. The Hero of Washington's Denzel's hero was the on-screen partner of Malek, and Jared Summer-killer renovated in maniac.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, already in the first weekend Picture of John Lee Hancock collected $ 4.8 million, heading the rating of American film distribution. Despite the age limit of 17+, the project instantly amounted to competing to other filmmakers worldwide.


  • 2005-2007 - "War in the House"
  • 2006 - "Night in the Museum"
  • 2009 - "Night in Museum 2"
  • 2010 - "24 hours"
  • 2010 - "Pacific Ocean"
  • 2011 - "Larry Kraun"
  • 2012 - "Twilight. Saga: Dawn - Part 2 "
  • 2013 - "Oldboy"
  • 2014 - "Night in the Museum: Secret of the Tomb"
  • 2014 - "Sweet Blood Jesus"
  • 2015-2019 - Mr. Robot
  • 2017 - "Moth"
  • 2018 - "Bohemian Rhapsodia"
  • 2021 - "not time to die"
  • 2021 - "The Devil in the details"

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