Ekaterina Savinova - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Ekaterina Savinova - Soviet actress, deserved artist of the RSFSR. For many audience, the actress remained Frosy Burlegaka from the painting "Come tomorrow." The acting fate of Catherine Savinova could work out otherwise, if it were not to curse the director Ivan Pyryev.

Catherine was born on December 26, 1926 in the village of Elertsovka, in the Altai Territory. Stern climate hardened the character of the girl. Catherine grew in a conventional peasant family, since childhood was accustomed to heavy physical work, and dreamed of starring in the cinema.

Actress Ekaterina Savinova

After school, Savinov went to Moscow to enroll in VGIK. But instead entered the land management institute. For half a year he studied there, I realized that this was not her vocation, and left. Then the future actress entered the courses of acting from Vasily Vanina, but Savinov was expelled from them. Vanin said that Catherine - theater actress, for the movie the girl is unpromising.

Another would break and returned home, but not Katya. The girl achieved his own and entered VGIK, hitting the number of 40 lucky ones from 3 thousand applicants. It took six months, and there are only 20 people. Among them and Ekaterina Savinov. The actress studied together with Nonaya Mordyukov and Vyacheslav Tikhonov. In 1950, Savinova received a diploma.


The first experience of the actress in the movie was the role of Kati in the film "Pages of Life". In the credits, the actress did not indicate, so the debut is still considered a liqueury that Catherine played in the "Kuban Cossacks". The film talked about the life of collective farms in the first postwar years and was actually actually about the real and modern premiere of the picture of the situation in the country. At the same time, the picture showed as a shock work of collective farmers and plots about the competition of workers and collective farms, and touching love lines, where the lovers were afraid to confess the feelings or, already confessing, were forced to fight for their own love.

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The picture came out on the screens in 1949, when 23-year-old Ekaterina Savinova was still a student Vgika. It turned out to be a real success, because it was practically impossible to get into the cinema at that time - only 8 films were filmed per year.

Alas, this picture has become a curse for the actress. Ivan Pyriev - director of the "Kuban Cossacks" - was not only a famous director, but also a connoisseur of young actresses. When Katya responded to Pyrhev's claims and shoved the slaughterhouse, the doors of the film studios closed for her. Ivan Pyriev at that time he worked as the head of Mosfilm, and the power of the director in the film conducted legends.

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According to the memoirs of colleagues, Catherine Savinov was listed in the unofficial "black list" "Mosfilm". The actress ceased to receive at least some major roles, and colleagues, and other participants in the shooting process were obvious that the problem was not at all in the game.

The actress tried to the main roles, Catherine claimed, and then recalled and politely refused. About the indisputable talent of actresses also said that after graduation, Catherine was the only one from the course of the course of the MCAT, but the girl dreamed of a movie and rejected this proposal.

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Part of the fans are also confident that the actress committed suicide is not because of the illness that the consciousness of a woman has fallen, in such a interpretation a terrible incident was a consequence of the sorpressive fate of Catherine, which means that a woman had also brought to death a rejected director.

The period of oblivion continued for 13 years. In the 50s, the actress was filmed in many films, but Savinov's roles received passing and unobistant. True, two major roles were treated: the waitress of Klava in the picture "Shadow at Pierce" and the director of Catherine Voropia in the film "One day". Both films of the audience saw in 1955. At the same time, in the picture "One day" actress - the main character of the plot and the participant of the main conflict of the film.

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The picture talks about the confrontation of a new musical worker who came to the ordinary collective farm. A young and energetic girl wants to raise collective farmers to a new level, but meets indifference and lack of support from the chairman and chief accountant who are confident that the musical team in the collective farm is not at all necessary. Therefore, the conductor is forced to join the manual of this confrontation.

The actress was filmed from Grigory Chukhray in the "ballad about the soldier", in the short films "Chuk and Gek", "in the steppe", "revenge" and others. Catherine was pleased with joy for any role and laid out 150 percent.

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But the actress dreamed of the role of his life. Savinova became such a role for Ekaterina Savinova in the picture "Come tomorrow." Lyrical comedy went on screens in 1963. The actress performed the role of a talented provincial, which comes to Moscow from a lost Siberian village to enroll in the Gnesinsky Institute and fulfill his own dream - to become a professional singer. In many ways, the role of the heroine is associated with the biography of the actress and was written specifically for Catherine Savinova.

The provincial immediacy of the main character conquered the audience. A simple and understandable scenario, songs performed by Catherine Savinova, brought actress recognition and love of millions. This role was called the best female role of the year.

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Removed "Come tomorrow" Evgeny Tashkov, Male Savinova. He also wrote a scenario - therefore, the role was saturated with biographical details from the life of the actress. True, the film crew had to be removed not in Moscow, but on the Odessa film studio, because the curse of Pyryeva still acted. Commission came to the shooting, accused the actress in meditance, insisted on the cessation of filming. The film came out, but more Ekaterina Savin's big roles were not offered. She sometimes starred, but the success of "Come tomorrow" did not repeat a single film.

The last role of the actress is Annushka in the painting "Payback". Spectators saw it in 1970.

Personal life

Ekaterina Savinova lived all his life with Evgeny Tashkov. They met in the student years - both studied at one course of Vgika. They met, and got married 8 months after receiving diplomas.

Ekaterina Savinova and Evgeny Tashkov

In 1957, the son of Andrei was born in the family. He went in the footsteps of his parents and became an actor. True, Ekaterina Savinova herself did not see this and could not please his successes.


Health problems began with the actresses even on the set "Come tomorrow." I had to interrupt them for a year. Soon doctors diagnosed brucellosis from the actress. The reason was the pair of milk, which actress loved very much.

For almost a year, doctors could not make a diagnosis, because the incubation period of the disease is 8 months. All this time, Savinova worked for wear. And when the disease was diagnosed and began to be treated, it turned out that Brucellites struck the nervous system, which, according to doctors, was subsequently the cause of the death of the actress.

The grave of Ekaterina Savinova

Ekaterina Savinova developed schizophrenia. For a long time, Ekaterina Savinova lived between the house and hospitals. For four months, she spent four months in hospital walls. Surprisingly, the actress retained the clarity of the mind.

In the 70th year, Savinova declared his relatives that he was leaving for the sister in Novosibirsk. And on April 25 of the same year, she rushed under the train.

The actress is buried in the cemetery in Novosibirsk.


  • 1949 - "Kuban Cossacks"
  • 1953 - "Chuk and Gek"
  • 1953 - "Alyosha Polysin produces character"
  • 1953 - "Mysterious Find"
  • 1955 - "One fine day"
  • 1958 - "Man with Planet Earth"
  • 1960 - "Lullaby"
  • 1963 - "Come tomorrow ..."
  • 1964 - "To me, Mukhtar!"
  • 1964 - "Marriage Balzaminova"
  • 1965 - "Road to the Sea"
  • 1965 - "Road to the Sea"
  • 1968 - Zigzag Good luck
  • 1968 - "Thirst over a stream"
  • 1970 - "Payback"

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