Dzhindoruk - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, Turkish TV series, actor, main roles 2021



Jander Gindoruk - Star continuation of the series "Magnificent Century. Empire Kösem. " Charismatic, brutal widespread jindoral - lovers of women not only in Turkey, but also in other countries. He is even called Turkish George Clooney for the external similarity with the actor.

Childhood and youth

Jander Jindooruk was born on April 17, 1980 in the big beautiful city of Adana in Turkey. Father Druk's shiftless, being famous in Turkey writer, did not earn in this profession. He led trading to at least somehow feed a large family, and the boy helped the father making money: sold slippers, balloons, buckles and toys.

Young janter from childhood rotated in creative circles: Senior Brothers and Uncle Jinderka worked in the theater. So the future profession of Jani was predetermined, especially since he had a clogged in the stoken, and played in local productions at school.

After graduating from the State Conservatory at the University of Chukurov in Adana, Jindoork with his head plunged into the theater life. At the same time, in his youth, I met the experimental theater, led to the productions, trying on the role of the director.

In 1997, Jander began his career in the Adana's theater troupe, and the first serious work was the role of Yusufa in the production of the "Fehima Pasha estate". The actor dedicated a theater career for 10 years, during this time playing 14 roles and rose from the ordinary actor to the director.


Realizing that he reached the ceiling, Jander left his native victul and with several friends went to Istanbul to try to realize himself on television. Soon, Jindooruk debuted in the picture "International", and then made his way to the rating series "Listopad", where the young actor fulfilled the more prominent role of Dr. Zami.

In 2009, Jindooruk appeared in two projects - "Butterfly" and "Mrs. Manor". Having performed in the last memorable role of Kemal, Jander managed to stand out among the famous acting. But the first sentence was received on the main role only two years later, when the man was invited to the dramatic series "Escape", which became quite popular in Turkey.

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On an attractive actor, the suggestions fell one after another. In 2012, the future star "Invalid" starred in three films, in one of which - the "rhinos season" - the unsurpassed monica of Bellucci became his partner on the shooting.

A year later, Dzhaner got a job in the comedy TV series "Let it remain between us", strengthening its position as a strong actor of the first plan.

In 2015, the biography of Jinderuk was replenished with participation in the rating series "Magnificent Century. Empire Kösem. " The artist embodied on the screen the image of the power warrior and a close friend of Sultan - Syoultar Mustafa. The political intrigue and fatal handsome man looked down in the hearts of the series fans.

The ability to reincarnate and attractive exterior allowed the jinacher to gain a firmly on the screen. After the "magnificent century", he was given exclusively the role of the first plan in the drams "tight dress", "smoldering coals" and "sour apples".

Later, Jung joined the long-term TV series "Woman". Fans of three seasons with a fading heart waited for Sarpa's reunion with beauty Bahar.

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In the mini-series "Steeju", where the company was Aich Ayshin Turan, Janeru got a negative role of Erthan - a frightening psychopath, but, despite this, the beautiful half of the audience was delighted with the image of the sexual villain.

In 2020, Jander Jindooruk began shooting in the TV series "Invalid", which is the adaptation of the British "Dr. Phoster". His partner in the site was Jans Dere.

"Turkish Jord Clooney" embodied the contradictory image of Volkana Arslan, changing his wife ACI (Jans Tere). He was so brilliantly born in the role of rumaging that the fans of the series (not all, of course) moved to the actor their hostility to Volkuan. However, this work brought Jinderuk to even greater fame and recognition.

The actor himself said in an interview with Hurriyet, which wanted to play a character in his own way. Dzhaner chose the "wrong" project, as it wanted to show that in the patriarchal system a man does not have the right to do everything he wants. And expresses the progressive opinion that such a system is in a dead end, because no man should exceed a woman.

Personal life

Personal life of the actor is not a mystery to anyone. So far, the relationship of the stars of the Turkish TV series did not differ in long term. Being, on his own admission, in love, the actor in 2016 met with the actress of Farah Zeynept Abdullah, which met on the set of the "magnificent century." But after a few months the relationship unexpectedly ended.

Soon, the actor began to build relations with Celine Schöckerji. The couple gladly shared the photo in "Instagram", he rested together and appeared on the premieres, but in 2018 they had a crisis. Celine and Jander removed common photos from social networks, and soon and unsubscribed from each other. The actress admitted that he no longer wants to see the former, it seems that parting was not peaceful.

Now the actor does not consist in relationship.

In 2015, I was sentenced to Istanbul Court by the month of prison for drunk driving. But the court was walked and replaced the punishment of 1 thousand lire of fine.

In "Instagram" and "Twitter", the star publishes a photo from events, theatrical frames, moments of the shooting process. The actor is not hesitating to lay out its particularly spectacular photos. And Jindoorrook a lot and often photographs its adorable cats.

The actor fans have noticed that their idol is very similar to the American actor George Clooney. Jander Jindoruk in an interview with shared an opinion on explicit similar to the American sex symbol:

"I will not delve into, I do not mind such a comparison. I like George Clooney, and I bow before his professionalism. He is a truly talented actor, and I prefer to compare not so much our appearance as the game. "

In his free time, the star is hidden with nephews, listening to music and goes to football matches and in the gym to keep himself in shape.

The growth of the Turkish actor is 185 cm.

Jander Jindoore

Jander dreamed of playing Indier Memteda, the character of the novel Yashara Kemal "Skinny Memed", but now he believes that it is impossible.

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The star is also dreaming to work with the director Quentin Tarantino and Emir Kusturia. From the actresses it is recognized that I would like to withdraw with Penelope Cruz or Julia Roberts.

In 2021, Jander continued shooting in the TV series "Invalid".


  • 2006 - "INTERNATIONAL"
  • 2008-2009 - "List Falls"
  • 2009-2011 - "Mrs. Manor"
  • 2011-2012 - "Escape"
  • 2012 - "Ratos season"
  • 2016 - "Glowing Coals"
  • 2016 - "Sour Apples"
  • 2016 - "Stambula Streets"
  • 2016-2017 - "Magnificent Century. Empire Kösem "
  • 2017-2019 - "Woman"
  • 2018 - "Insiders"
  • 2020 - "Footage"
  • 2020-2021 - "Invalid"

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