Zack Snider - biography, personal life, photo, news, "League of justice Zack Snipher", films 2021



Zack Snyder - director and producer, familiar fans around the world as the creator of popular fantastic militants based on DC comic characters. However, the superhero film is not the only source of the popularity of the Snidder. Behind the shoulders of the Wizard visualization are bright commercials, horror, and even adventure animation tape. Some are called his genius, others are accused of lack of logic, but no one's uniform films leave indifferent.

Childhood and youth

Snyder was born on March 1, 1966 in the United States, in the town of Green Bay. The craving for the beautiful Zack took over Mother's mother, who was an artist and taught the foundations of photography. Father Charles Edward worked as an executive recruiter. The elder sister Audrey was also brought up in the family. The childhood of the future director has passed in visiting the arts school, which helped in the future to receive art education in England.

Another Zack loved to fantastics, which was assumed by the famous Saga "Star Wars" George Lucas. Parents noticed this son's addiction and one day presented a guy as a gift to the camera, which recorded the first frames made by the Snidder hand.


The beginning of the career Zack dedicated advertising. He shot a video for world-famous brands of cars and sportswear, where she showed the talent of the scriptwriter and director. One of the main achievements in this industry was the receipt of the Klio and Gold Leo premiums of the Cannes Film Festival for the video for Jeep. Snider's advertisements were serious, so attracted to the shooting stars with world names - Michael Jordan, Harrison Ford and others.

In 2002, Columbia Pictures offered a contract of SOSC. The man signed a contract, but after a while there was a termination, as I realized that his views do not coincide with the opinion of the Company and do not allow to fully develop.

The first debut in Big Cinema occurred in 2004. The remake of the "Dawn of the Dead" caused controversy among professional critics and a furor among ordinary spectators. The picture was able to collect a decent cash register. But the main bar in the filmography - "300 Spartans". The tape brought world fame to the Snider. Thanks to this project, the director has opened the opportunity to embody everything that was intended earlier.

Action "Keepers", also known as "looking at humanity", could not repeat the success of "300 Spartans". The scenario was based on the cult comic of Alan Mura, who, despite the popularity and workplace of the plot, was too multi-layered and gloomy to attract the mass audience in film adaptation.

In 2011, Zack spoke by producer, director and screenwriter of the new film "Forbidden Reception", in which the features of the thriller, fantasy and militant were present. The tape received predominantly negative feedback from film critics. Newspaper browsers The new look defined the project as "gloomy, depressive, filled with some terrible doom."

In 2013, together with Christopher Nolan, Snyder created a fighter "Man of Steel", telling about the formation of superman. Work based on the plot of popular comic DC Comics publishers has won world popularity. Moreover, the picture laid the beginning of a film DC, which subsequently included solo projects about superhero and crossovers about superhero associations.

To the films, combined this film dealer, Zack Snyer somehow applied a hand. If he did not speak as director, then produced or wrote a script.

In 2016, the Snipher's "Batman Against Superman was reached on the screens. At the dawn of justice, "a new film extended film DC. In the project, the director jerked to unite the history of superheroes from different comics - Batman, Superman, wonderful women who played Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill and Gadot Gal, respectively. Attentive fans saw the biblical references in the plot.

According to Zack, the challenge he threw first of all. Snyder conducted serious training before filming. A colossal story was done on a storyboard, which participants in the shooting process followed strictly. The picture received a number of Anti-Prames "Golden Malina", which did not prevent her in the number of the most cash tapes of all times: the rental brought to the authors of $ 870 million.

Also in 2016, Snyder became the executive producer of the comedy militant "squad of suicides", and in 2017 he made a screenwriter of the superhero film "Wonder Woman". Both projects entered the film DC.

Later, the Zaka group took part in the creation of a book for the Justice League: The Official Collector's Edition set. The collection includes interviews and quotes of actors and other team members. Many expressed appreciation to Snider for his work. And the executor of the role of Flash in the "League of Justice" Ezra Miller called the man "God of the DC Universe".

In 2017, Zack began to work on a new fantastic militant, whose action unfolds in a film DC. The "League of Justice" was planned as a sequel and crossover of previous films about Superman, Batman and a wonderful woman. But when the shooting of the director's version of the Snidder reached the final stage, Zack suddenly refused to continue to lead the project. The place of the master took Joss Odon.

Soon, it turned out that Snyder stopped shooting for a personal reason: the day died - a receptional daughter from the first marriage. A 20-year-old girl, Chinese citizen, committed suicide in March 2017. At first, after the loss, Zack tried to cope with the grief, immersed in the work, but subsequently convinced that it did not help, and at the time he moved away from business. Deborah Snyder, who acted as a producer of the painting, also left the tape.

At first, the family tragedy was kept secret from fans, but after the sidier's leaving, the press learned about the loss. Fans and colleagues brought condolences and tried to pick up Zack in social networks - "Instagram", "Twitter" - and if possible personally.

However, the break in the creative biography of the director was short-lived. Soon the Snider as a producer began working on the new comic fighter "Aquamen", the action of which took place in the same universe. The film spoke about superhero aqualem, semi-impact and lord of the seas, whose cinema of the audience has already seen in the "League of Justice".

After the premiere of the Odon version, it became increasingly information about the fact that the zoodle was not allowed to complete the "Justice League", since his vision did not coincide with the opinion of Warner Bros. The idol continued to communicate with fans about the picture. In particular, through the VERO application discussed the cut scene. Fans decided to start a campaign in supporting Sniderkat's shooting (Snidder version). The network was flooded by Memes on the League of Justice, telling about the confrontation of directors.

Personal life

The first marriage of Zack was not very successful, although the spouses became parents of four children, two of whom were relatives, and two were receiving. At one time after the divorce with the first wife, Denis Weber Snyder did not resolve the new family. Some period consisted in connection with the producer of commercials Kristen Elin, who presented two sons.

In 1996, the director met Colleague Deboor. Together, the beloved worked on the pictures of "300 Spartans" and "Keepers". After 8 years of checking the senses, Zach still decided on another marriage, which looks happy. Snyder - a large father. With the second spouse adopted two more children during the filming of the film "Man of Steel". A photo of a happy family periodically flashes in the media.

Spouses learned to combine work with a personal life and find a common language and on the set, and at home. Today, the family lives in the California city of Pasaden, where Zack Snyder in his youth completed an art education. The place is famous for mountain views and Parad of roses, which takes place in the days of the New Year celebration.

Zack Snyder now

Now Snyder plunged into producer activity, but does not stop replenishing his director's filmography. In 2021, Zak continued to work on the "Army of the Dead" ribbon, which was sent to the revision due to the replacement of the character of Chris D'Rii. The comedian found himself in the center of the sex scandal. Also producers announced the eponymous series.

But the main news was the fact that Zack returned to the project "League of Justice". Already in August 2020, a teaser appeared on the network, shed light on a number of questions of fans. So, the fans learned that Superman's costume is now black. In addition, it became clear from the trailer that the audience will see not only the villain of the steppe wolf, but also more shadow figures of Darkside and Desaada. A guesses appeared that the Snider will again hold parallels with the Bible.

Zack admitted that the tape is based on the previously footage. But in the 4-hour picture there is an absolutely new scene - a clash of Joker with Batman. The director called the favorite point of filming when Jason Momoa had to pour water from huge guns. The remaining heroes played the actors from the previous version. In Russia, users of the paid platform saw a film with the whole world, the release date is March 18, 2021.

But not everyone was delighted with the "League of Jack Snidder Justice". On the eve of the premiere with sharp criticism, the edition of Time was made. The magazine browsers outraged not the scenario or individual scenes, and the "toxicity" of the admirers of the Snidder creativity. Fans even indirectly accused of racism and sexism.

"Capitulating in front of fans who use dubious tactics for their goals, Warner Bros., perhaps created a dangerous precedent. If this is the future of cinema, then who actually controls the situation? " - Melted Columnist Elian Doctorman.


  • 2004 - "Dawn Dead"
  • 2007 - "300 Spartans"
  • 2009 - "Keepers"
  • 2010 - "Legends of Night Guards"
  • 2011 - "Forbidden Reception"
  • 2013 - "Man of Steel"
  • 2016 - "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"
  • 2017 - "Suicide Squad"
  • 2017 - "League of Justice"
  • 2017 - "Wonder Woman"
  • 2021 - "League of Justice Zack Snider"

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