Miles Teller - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Miles Teller is an American film actor and a musician who received recognition from fans of cinema due to the appearance in the paintings "Divergent", "obsession", "this awkward moment", "fantastic four".

Miles was born in the city of Dauningtown, Pennsylvania, in the family of an engineer of the nuclear power plant Teller Teller and Spouse Merry Flauers, which was engaged in selling real estate. Miles was the youngest of three children in the family: he has two senior sisters, Erin and Dana. The ancestors of the actor lived in Russia: the grandfather of the father's line was very small to the United States under the program of emigration of the Jews.

In Dowuningtaun, Miles lived for long. Because of the work of the father, tellara had to constantly move from place to place. Family one time lived in the states of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Florida. In the south of the United States, the future actor lived the longest. There, Miles attended senior classes and seriously became interested in music. The young man learned to play a saxophone, piano and drums. Together with friends, Teller even founded The Mutes's own rock band.

Also, the teenager showed great successes in the baseball team and even one time he was thinking about becoming a professional athlete, but everything changed a new passion: a dramatic circle. Teller began to spend so much time in the school theatrical studio that he was unanimously elected her president. In parallel with study, the young man worked as a waiter at the local restaurant.

Miles Teller as a child

Higher education young man received in the prestigious New York University. And is it worth saying that Miles chose the faculty of acting skills for himself. At the end of study, a young man received a bachelor's degree of scenic arts.


Mailz Teller's cinematic career started with short films. Then there were the series "Unusual Detective" and the drama "Rabbit Nora", which brought the first recognition. At the Film Festival in the Savannah Miles called the most promising ascendor. In addition, in this picture, the actor was lucky to cooperate with professionals Nicole Kidman and Aaron Eckhart.

Teller's popularity brought youth comedies "exciting time" and "21 and more". But the actor himself highlighted the musical psychological drama "obsession", in which Andrew drummer played, who dreams of becoming a great performer. In order to look like in a frame of naturally, Miles trained in the game on percussion instruments for several hours a day, rubbing blood corn on his hands.

It is impossible not to note the fantastic anti-nightopia "divershent" whose popularity has pulled two new films - "Insurgent" and "Behind the Wall", Ideanly continuing the first picture. Later, the actor was involved on the set of the final film "Ascendent".

In the further creative biography, Miles Teller tries to participate in diverse projects in the genre. After working on a fantastic manner, the actor switched to a comedy role in the film "This awkward moment", where Zac Efron and Michael B. Jordan became partners of Milza Teller in the frame.

In 2015, the comedy "HUNTING", sports drama "to the last drop of blood" was published with Teller. A year later, a release based on the real events of the Comedy "Guys with trunks", which tells about two carefree friends who have concluded a contract with the Pentagon for the supply of weapons. The main roles got Miles Teller and John Hill.

But without failures in the filmography of the actor, too, did not cost. This film turned out to be the superhero action of the 2015 release of the "Fantastic Four", where the hero of Miles is a brilliant high school student Reed Richards, becomes the inventor of teleport.

In addition to the fact that the shooting themselves passed in a state of nervousness due to the constant scandals of the director of the Josh Trank project with major roles, the film rental did not meet the expectations of the creators. And at the Golden Malina awards ceremony, the Golden Raspberries was nominated for five categories from which he won three.

The chit of 2016 was a sports drama "Pazhemsky Devil" sprumered by Martin Scorsese. Hero of Miles, Boxer Winnie Patient, who is at the peak of a sports career, is injured incompatible with further occupation boxing. But the effort of the will champion returns to the previous form and continues to go into the ring. Boxer coach played Aaron Eckhart.

Personal life

As happens with other actors, Solva tied the name of Miles Teller with partners on films. The fans have transferred cinema relations into real life and wanted to see the loved artists together not only on the screen. The most common rumor was that Miles occurs with a colleague Sheilly Woodley, but no confirming the facts did not exist.

The only romantic relationships that the Teller confirms is, this is a connection with the fashion model Keli Kelry. Moreover, this novel, which began in 2013, continues until now. In August 2017, the couple woke up. The event occurred at unusual circumstances: Miles handed the bride with a diamond ring, being on safari, while traveling in Africa. The photo of the bride and the bride published the sister Sirry's sister in "Instagram" - Christie.

Miles Teller and Kelie Sirry

Many movie lovers wonder: Where does the Milza Teller's shrama actor on the face? Back in 2007, a young man, returning home in Florida from the Music Festival, got into the most serious car catastrophe.

The driver of the car did not cope with the control, as it exceeded the speed. The vehicle turned over exactly seven times, and Milza was thrown out of the car and threw back on a tent of meters to the side. The actor broke his wrist and shoulder, and in the head after the injuries received are now two special plates. In addition, on the face and neck remained scars from the seams, some of them are visible after ten years.

Miles Teller now

Teller filmier continues to develop on ascending. With the participation of the actor in 2017, the releases of two paintings took place, the ratings of which were high. In the drama "Case Brave" about the fire department employees who prevented the largest fire in Arizona, Miles fulfilled the main role. The director of the project was the creator of fantastic films Joseph Kosinsky ("Throne: Legacy" and "Oblivion"). He picked up a strong cast, where, in addition to Miles Teller, Josh Broolin, Taylor Kitch, Jennifer Connelli, Jeff Bridges.

Another work of Miles is the role of the soldier who returned from Iraq to the homeland, who is experiencing the real military syndrome. The hero of the teller is the title character of the biographical drama "Thank you for your service." The film also appeared Haley Bennett and comedy actress Amy Sumer, who appeared in a dramatic role.

Now they are shooting the criminal series "Too old, to die the young" director Nicholas Windows Refna (the films "Drive" and "Neon Demon"). According to the plot, the reality of the criminal world Los Angeles will be intertwined with existential experiences of the main characters, which Miles Teller will play, Jen Malone, William Baldwin. The date of the premiere is still kept secret, but it is assumed that this event will be held in 2018.


  • 2010 - "Rabbit Nora"
  • 2013 - "21 and more"
  • 2014 - "Divergent"
  • 2014 - "Sex for two nights"
  • 2014 - "This awkward moment"
  • 2014 - "Stuck in two nights"
  • 2014 - "Obsession"
  • 2015 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2016 - "HUNTING"
  • 2016 - "Guys with trunks"
  • 2017 - "Case Brave"
  • 2017 - "Thank you for your service."

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