Oliver Stone - biography, personal life, photo, news, director, movies, interviews, Vladimir Putin 2021



Oliver Stone - American film director, screenwriter and producer, occupies an active civil position. He considers himself a citizen of the world and is interested in issues of international politics. For his films Stone received a huge number of cinematic premiums, including the owner of three statuettes "Oscar".

Childhood and youth

The director was born in New York in the family of military economist Louis Stone and his wife Jacqueline. Oliver's mother was a Frenchwoman, which his father brought from Europe after World War II. Louis himself was a Jew, and his original surname sounded like Silverstein, and the man Americanized her when he studied at Yale University. Later, the parents of the future director divorced, Mom returned to France, and the boy remained at raising his father.

Oliver graduated from the Evangelical School, then the Humanitarian College in Pennsylvania. He decided to receive a higher education, for this returned to his native New York, after which the Father's approval was the student of the Yale University. However, there, young people did not hold things. He throws his studies and is sent by the volunteer to South Vietnam as a teacher of English. A year later, Stone returns to America, it works for some time in the state of Oregon, but then again leaves - this time in Mexico.

Upon reaching 21 years old, the high sports physique of a young man (the growth of Oliver - 183 cm) was called up to the army. His service coincided with the war in Vietnam, and he was a member of hostilities in this Asian country for more than a year. In combat battles, Stone was wounded twice, and also awarded several honorary awards for courage. After the demobilization, Oliver entered the New York University, at the Faculty of Cinema Directors, where he studied at Martin Scorsese.


The first work of Oliver Stone as the director was a short autobiographical tape "Last year in Vietnam". In 1979, the Cinemaer received his first Oscar for writing a script for the film "Midnight Express". The film deserved recognition from film critics, but cash charges were low.

Then Stone took off a number of low-budget films, the most famous of which was the psychological thriller "Hand". At first, Oliver won recognition as a screenwriter Fantasy "Conan-Barbarian" with Arnold Schwarzenegger, the militant "Year of the Dragon" with Mickey Rourke and the criminal drama "face with the scar" with Al Pachino. In the mid-80s, the director released the Military Drama "Salvador", which was also noted by two nominations for this premium.

But the real world success came to Stow after the director removed the "Vietnamese trilogy". It included 3 paintings on the war of the late 60s: "platoon", "Born Fourth of July" and "Heaven and Earth". For 2 first filmmakers, the director was awarded Oscar and was recognized as one of the greatest specialists in the art of demonstration of military realism.

Another shocking ribbon was the biographical film sector "John F. Kennedy. Shots in Dallas, "in which Stone refutes the official interpretation of the president's murder and leads arguments in favor of a different point of view. The picture on the American market made the effect of a broken bomb.

Also on the account of Oliver a number of documentary political filmmakers. Stone dedicated several films to the Cuban leader Fidel Castro - "Comandante", "In Search of Fidel" and "Castro Winter". In addition to the Cuban political figure, archival entries with Ernesto Che Hermoy and Jimmy Carter were shown in the project.

Later, Stone dedicated to the life of the Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Kinolent "My friend Hugo." In addition, the director was interested in military conflicts in different parts of the planet. On this topic, films "south of the border" about the conflict in Latin America, Non-Grah's Personality about the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation.

In November 2014, the director first stated that he was going to interview the President of Russia to show the Americans a real figure of Putin. According to Stone, the new project was stood for the Americans to hear the words that do not want to hear. In the same year, the American visited Russia. In the capital, he became a guest of the analytical TV broadcasting Vladimir Posner.

Oliver did not refuse and art paintings. From the popular works of his filmography, it is worth named by the historic tape "Alexander" with Colin Farrell and Angelina Jolie, Drama "Wall Street: money is not sleeping" with Michael Douglas and Charlie Tire, as well as the premiere of 2016, Thriller "Snowden", where in the main Roles appears Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

In 2016, Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznik released the same book on the reasons of the documentary series "Unpassed US History". At the same time, the Hollywood director was sterling the documentary "Ukraine on fire". In the film, the interview was included, which the director took from Vladimir Putin and Viktor Yanukovych.

In June 2017, Oliver Stone presented the documentary "Interview Putin", which was based on 27 hours of video interviews with the Russian president, who directed for two years. The result of the filming was reduced to the airtime of the 4-serial mini-series. Picture series "Interview Putin" daily 12-15 June 2017 showed the American TV channel Showtime. The premiere of the documentary painting in Russia was held on June 19-22.

According to Oliver Stone, he shot a film to show the residents of Native America and other countries the truth. The director complains that the American media does not broadcast the speeches of the Russian president directly, do not quote the leader of the country. The American spectators and readers usually have a chance to learn only the retelling of the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich, distorted by the interpretations of journalists and analysts.

Oliver Stone believes that so the Americans are cheating themselves. To eliminate this self-deception, the director spent a half dozen interview. Such a number of meetings Stone was able to organize, abandoning convenience. Conversations were often not planned, the American received time to ask questions in a hurry: on the street, on board the presidential aircraft, in the corridors, along the way to the hockey platform.

At the Stone meetings, asked Acute Questions to the Russian president, seeking Vladimir Putin direct answers about the position of NATO policy, Syria, Ukraine and relations between Moscow and Washington. In addition, the President revealed unknown details of the personal life and political biography: Putin spoke about the "Lichy 90s", about parents and the routine of the day, about personal well-being and his own views on sexual minorities.

In Russia, the first channel announced the premiere as a global political and cultural event. The first channel also took the interview already at Oliver Stone, in which the director told Russian TV viewers about how the film was filmed about the president.

Two years later, the American Coestower again turned to cooperation with the Russian president, this time when creating a film "In the struggle for Ukraine".

Personal life

Oliver Stone was married 3 times and has three children. The first spouse Stone became the beauty of the Lebanese origin of Niva Sarkis. The ratios of the director could be called perfect, but the marriage was durabled by the fact that the spouses could not have children due to incompatibility. After 6 years, the divorce followed.

The second wife, the actress Elizabeth Stone, made the Oliver's fatherhood, twice. With their difference at 7 years old, the sons of Sean Christopher and Michael Jack appeared. The second director's family existed for 12 years, but this union ended with the official bracketing process.

Today, Oliver Stone is happily married at Korean Sun-Zhong Jung, with which more than two decades lives. The spouses are growing a joint daughter of Tara, born a year after the wedding. Family photos often appear in international media: the official page in "Instagram" The director uses in order to acquaint subscribers with new projects.

The director has complex relationships with religions. Despite the fact that Stone's father was a Jew, therefore, Jew, and Mama - Catholic, Oliver himself studied at Protestant school. But Christianity Stone did not attract, and the Cinemaer led himself to an atheist for a long time. Now the director preaches Buddhism.

In 2019, in a conversation with Vladimir Putin, Oliver asked Russian president to become a godfather for his daughter. Stone reported that the girl was brought up in Christian traditions and is ready to pass the sacrament of baptism in the Orthodox Church.

Oliver Stone now

Stone still takes an active public position and continues to work on creative projects. Oliver does not hide what follows events in Russia and the world. He denied the reports of journalists about the influence of the Russian Federation to the election of the President of the United States. Also, the Cinemaer commented on the issue of poisoning Alexei Navalny, suggesting that it was necessary to investigate.

In the autumn of 2020, the American arrived in Russia, where he visited a number of Rosatom objects - Beloyarsk NPP, stations in the Kaluga region and Murmansk. Stone confirmed what is preparing for the shooting of a new film. The process will be launched in 2021. The director spoke on their plans on the Ether Urgant program.

In December, the American Cinemaer visited the NEXT 75 International Conference in Sochi, dedicated to global issues and challenges arising from all the inhabitants of the planet. The participants of the event also made a Russian actor and director Danil Kozlovsky, a public figure and mother Ilona Mask - May Mask and others.

Plans to the director - writing the continuation of memoirs "in pursuit of light".


  • 1986 - "platoon"
  • 1989 - "Born Fourth of July"
  • 1991 - "John F. Cennedy. Shots in Dallas "
  • 1993 - "Heaven and Earth"
  • 1994 - "Inborn killers"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"
  • 2004 - "In search of Fidel"
  • 2010 - "Wall Street: money does not sleep"
  • 2014 - "Unpassed US History"
  • 2016 - "Ukraine on fire"
  • 2016 - "Snowden"
  • 2017 - "Interview with Putin"

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