Zac Galifianakis - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Zach Galifianakis is an American actor, producer and screenwriter, who is known for roles in the films of the comedy genre. World popularity acquired after the appearance in the Comedy "Bachelor Party in Vegas".

Zack born in October 1969 in a highly educated family. Harry Harry Halifianakis Father has a Greek origin, and Mary's Mother Cashn Francis Scotland of Irish origin. Zaka has an older brother Greg and the younger sister Merritt.

Relatives and parents tended to the boy the future of the civil service: Zack is a nephew of the former Congressman Nick Galifianakis, who in 1967-1973 represented the interests of North Carolina. Such a perspective of young man did not attract. Since childhood, Zack gladly mixed friends and relatives, loved fun. Board preferences and determined the future.

Halifianakis studied at the University of North Carolina, specialized in communications. But after the failure of the final exams, he moved to New York. Zack decided to try himself as an actor. It was not by chance - the mother of the young man coincided with the center of acting skills. But the young man never managed to get a finished vocational education.


Zack began a creative biography as a comedian who gave humor performances on Times Square. The improvised ideas that the parents of Zak considered the plebey, gave the first attention to the public and the opportunity to make a living. Later, the skill of improvisation was useful in writing his own scenarios and the development of comedy images.

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Soon the artist concluded a contract with the TV channel, where he began to lead a talk show. Galifianakis represented the audience of the stars of the underground, in the environment of which the actor career started. Being already famous and recognizable, Zack began the release of his own sketch show "Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis", where he held conversations with the outstanding personalities of modernity. Barack Obama was among the guests, Natalie Portman, Charlize Theron, Ben Stiller, Sean Penn, Bruce Willis.

The beginning of the kinocaris Zack Galifianakis had to be at the end of the 90s. The artist was taken for any job. Most often, Zack was invited to comedy on episodic roles. In the repertoire of the actor, in the early 2000s, they entered work in the film "Steedha", "Bubble Guy", "frostbitten".

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2002 brought the artist participation in the role of a second plan in the Tiller "Depth", who removed the director David Tui. The film describes the case that happened with the submarine allies during World War II. Zack appeared in the image of a radar Wolley. All major role artists, including Matthew Davis, Olivia Williams, passed courses in familiarization with the rules of behavior on a submarine.

A year later, in the filmography of the artist, the main role in the two-season science fiction series "Return from the Dead" about the student of the Medical Institute Tru (Elaise Dushku), which during a part-time in the morgue begins to hear the requests of dead people. Zack executed the role of a mentor and friend Tru.

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In the mid-2000s, over the course of several years, Zak plunged into operation on television. Among the projects of this time - the series "Tom goes to the mayor", "Miracle Allogen", "not television, but just a nightmare!". In the late 2000s, the artist lit up in the biographic drama of Sean Penn "in the wild conditions" and the comedy "Once in Vegas", where Cameron Diaz and Ashton Kutcher played a couple of love.

At one of the ideas in the genre of improvisation, the actor noted Todd Phillips, who invited Zaki to play in the film "Bachelor party in Vegas", where Bradleli Cooper, Ed Helms, Justin Barta, were already approved for the lead roles. The role of Alan Garner brought the fame to the actor and the MTV Movie Awards Award, which improved the position of Halifianakis in the world of cinema.

In the same year, the HBO channel started the comedy Sitka "Deadly Bored", where Zack appeared in the image of the artist comics, experiencing problems in personal life. After a number of episodic roles in the comedies "I would be in the sky", "sworn friends", the "rioty youth" The artist receives a key image in the film "Rittyk". Robert Downey Jr. is becoming a partner of Zack on the workstation.

Then there were shooting in the tapes "Mission Darwin", "protest of youth". Zac Galifianakis played the role of the first plan in the continuation of the popular franchise - in the films "Bachelor Party 2: from Vegas in Bangkok", "Bachelor Party: Part III".

The actor continues to be filmed in films and give humorous performances. In one interview, Zac said that he would have played a sane man instead of eccentric, but it would never happen. The role of cranks actor fulfills with pleasure, because they are extraordinary, but to play intelligent, perhaps it would not be so interesting.

Also Zack Galifianakis declares itself already as a producer and director. In his piggy bank, a number of serials, including the "Channel" Gori in hell, "" between two ferns with Galofianakis. "

Personal life

Life's companion Zac Galifianakis did not choose among the stars of show business. The artist's wife became Quinn Lungdberg, which works in the Growing Voices charitable foundation. In this case, the girl helps the actor himself. Quinn Junior Zack for 12 years: the age difference did not interfere with the creation of a family and be happy.

Lovers played a wedding in August 2012 on a farm in Vancouver. The marriage ceremony passed behind closed doors and lasted only 30 minutes. In September 2013, Quinn gave her son's husband. On one child, the spouses were not going to stop, so three years later the second kid appeared in the family - Rufus Emmanuel Lundberg.

Zach Galofianakis with his wife

The photo of the actor, walking through the streets with a baby in the wheelchair, appeared on the net. The artist itself is not a fan of communication through social networks, including through "Instagram". But on behalf of Zak, the official account operates in Twitter.

Halifianakis has a house in North Carolina, where the actor comes in his free time. There Zack dreams to retire and writing books after completing the acting career.

Zach Galifianakis now

Zac Galifianakis continues to surprise fans with eccentric images. In 2016, the actor appeared in the comedy militant "instigators" in the main role of a mountain-robber, which is calculated by police and bandits. In the film also played Kristen Wig and Owen Wilson. In the same year, comedy projects "Spies next door" and the series "Basquets" about the fate of the elderly person who dreams of becoming a professional clown. The script for the last film was written by Halifianakis himself.

An interesting experience was for the actor, the role of Gerrita in a costume "Tulip Fever", which also appeared ascending stars Alicia Vikander and Dane Dehan. The film came out on the screens in 2017, but received negative feedback critics.

Now the shooting of a fantasy film "Practice", in which Zack plays with Obrey Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon. Kinokarttina was created based on the American religious novel of the 60s. The book has still been considered unnecessary adaptation. The plot of the film was dedicated to the search for her daughter, which is sent to the secret breakdown of the time, where hopes to meet the parent.

In an unusual film rental, Halifianakis got the image of the hero named the happy medium. At the beginning of 2018, the film started with the third position of the national rating, but the creators still expect an increase in spectator interest.


  • 2001 - "Hearts"
  • 2002 - "Depth"
  • 2003-2005 - "Return from the dead"
  • 2007 - "In the wild"
  • 2008 - "Once in Vegas"
  • 2009-2011 - "Mortally bored"
  • 2009 - "Bachelor party in Vegas"
  • 2009 - "I would be in the sky"
  • 2010 - "backdown"
  • 2010 - "Dinner with assholes"
  • 2012 - "Dirty campaign for fair elections"
  • 2016 - "Spies next door"
  • 2016 - "Basquets"
  • 2017 - "Tulip Fever"

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