Sheilly Woodley - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Sheilly Woodley - American film actress, which has gained popularity thanks to the participation in the television series "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", as well as in the office paintings "descendants", "the stars" and "divergent".

Sheilin was born in the California town of Simi Valley in the family of school workers. Lonni's father Woodley held the position of Director of the Secondary School, and Mama Lori Vork-Woodley was there as a psychologist. Together with Shein, the younger brother Tanner Woodli, with whom the girl was friends. The guy also tried himself on the acting field, but starred only in two pictures.

Actress Sheilin Woodley

When Sheilo turned 15 years old, his parents divorced. Psychological stress aggravated physical ailments: just at the same time, the girl was diagnosed with scoliosis. To straighten the spine, the girl "stole" into a special medical corset. In addition, Woodley wore braces on the teeth.

And here in this form and in such moral condition, Sheilina had to go to an unfamiliar class, to the elder school. Nothing amazing that earlier quiet and duplicate girl sharply became a rebel. But this protest was not associated with alcohol, drugs or Hamsky behavior, as often happens in adolescents. Woodley became an agreed ambient protector and aggression and discontent poured on rallies and collections of activists.

Sheilly Woodley

After school, Shein planned to receive New York University to receive the specialty of the architect and the interior designer. But just at that time, the girl offered a role in the television project. And since Woodly appeared on the screen from five years, first as a model in commercials, then as an actress of secondary children's roles, he understood that she was waiting for her shooting platform, and agreed.

Nevertheless, the actress still claims that the cinema for it is only a hobby and a suitable way of self-expression. Sheilin says that as soon as it understands that turns shooting into a business, in making money, then there will immediately leave the cinema and will take something to others.


The creative biography of the actress began early. For the first time, Sheilly Woodley starred at the age of 8, while playing a little girl in the melodraman "Pope Replacement". Then the actress almost every year appeared in various TV shows, once even played the main character in the historic family picture "Felicity: the adventures of the American girl".

Until 2008, when Sheilin was invited to play Amy Yurgens in the youth series "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", the girl did not perceive the profession of the actress seriously. In this multi-sieuled film, Woodley played for five years and each year participated in the nominations of national and international filmmakers. For the entire cordarer of the film actress nominated 69 times, from them received 26 awards.

Sheein's next star work was the role of Alexandra King from comedy melodramas "Descendants". Then the romantic comedy "exciting time" was followed, the Thriller "White Bird in Family" and the psychological drama "to blame the stars." Woodley participated in the filming of Sicvel "New Spiderman", but all scenes with the character Mary Jane Watson were in the end were cut out, and the actress did not appear on the screen.

From the last work in the filmography Sheilin Woodley, several parts of the scientific fiction militant "Divergent" are distinguished, where the actress appeared in the lead role of Tris. Fantastic film Nila Burger was successful in the box office, the first part brought $ 288 million.

In 2014, the actress was starred in the comedy "to blame the stars," where the girl played, a sick cancer. In the classroom of support groups of patients with heroine Sheil Heizel met with a young man Ogastus (Essail Eldgort), with whom she had a relationship. Lovers tried to forget about the problems, going on a journey around the world.

In 2016, the dramatic thriller "Snowden" was released on the screens, who removed the director Oliver Stone. And again the main female role went to Sheilly Woodley. The image of the scandalous programmer recreated Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

Personal life

Sheilly Woodley is one of the record holders by the number of star novels attributed to it with partners in films. At various times, the fans have joined the names of the actress and Darin Kagasoff, with which she collaborated in the series "The Secret Life of the American Teenager", with Miles Teller from the "exciting time", with Encell Elagrt, the stars' blame partner.

After going to the screens of the thriller "White bird in a blizzard", the public has repeated a whole year that Sheilo is found with Shailo Fernandez, and after the "divirgen" - with Teo James.

The most curious thing is that with these young people, Woodly binds an exceptionally friendly location, and the novels with them actress categorically refutes. But with the rock musician, Nako, the girl met a long time for a long time. Sheilin admitted in an interview that the man changed her views on life. However, since the autumn of 2015, young people spent time together more and less often, and at the end of 2016, at the end of 2016, they announced parting to all.

Sheille prefers sports vacation - extreme sports, such as jumping with parachute or on a tarzanque. The actress's free time is dedicated to public activities: continues to fight for the environment, and also helps to promote homeopathic medicine.

In 2016, the actress participated in the action against the construction of the Dakota Access pipeline. The rally took place in Morton County in North Dakota, USA. Together with other participants, Demarche Woodley fell under arrest. The girl was put forward by an accusation of illegal entry into the private territory of the Corporation. All what happened at the site actress fixed on the social network Facebook Live.

Sheilly Woodley and Nako Bir

Shortly after the arrest, the protesters were released. Nevertheless, in early 2017, the actress had to appear before the court, where Sheilin was delivered by the verdict - guilty of violating public order. Actress appointed a conditional penalties - one year.

Sheilly Woodley now

The court proceedings did not prevent the development of cinematic career actresses. In 2017, Sheilin concluded a re-contract for participation in the second season of the HBO rating series "Big little lie", which also confirmed the participation of Zoe Kravitz and Laura Dern, Nicole Kidman and Reese Witherspoon. In addition, for Meryl Strip, the role of Mother of the Killed Maniac Perry Wright was discharged - Mary Louise.

Personal life of Hollywood beauty does not stand still. In the summer of 2017, a joint photo with a man whose face was hidden from the camera began to appear in "Instagram". But the ubiquitous reporters found out the identity of the new chief Chylin. They became the New Zealand rugbeau, participant in the club North Harbor and the Fiji team Ben Volavola. Young people met in New Zealand, where Sheilin Woodley was filmed in one of the movies. Already in the fall, the couple did not hide their relationship, regularly appearing in public places.

In early 2018, the first official trailer for kinocarthine "in the power of the elements" was laid out in the network, in which Sheilin Woodli performed a major role. Its partner became the British actor Sam Clafin, a famous public to work in the film "See you with you." Young couple, having become acquainted with Tahiti, goes to a romantic journey on the sea yacht. But the ship of lovers overtakes a powerful hurricane.

Now the actress is preparing to participate in the work on the dubbing of the fantastic animation film of the Australian director Luke Gurerevisius. The project is called Arkie. This tape will become for Shein Debut in the sphere of voicing.


  • 2005 - "Feliciti: An Adventure of American Girls"
  • 2008-2013 - "The Secret Life of the American Teenager"
  • 2011 - "Descendants"
  • 2013 - "exciting time"
  • 2014 - "White Bird in Family"
  • 2014 - "To blame the stars"
  • 2014 - "Divergent"
  • 2015 - "Divergent, Chapter 2: Insurgent"
  • 2016 - "Divergent, Chapter 3: Behind the Wall"
  • 2016 - "Snowden"
  • 2017 - "Big Little Lie"

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