Dominic Cooper - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Dominic Cooper - English actor, first fame to whom the films "Mamma Mia!" And "Duchess", and the world's glory strengthened the "Double Devil", "Dracula" and "Varcraft".

Cooper was born in the eastern district of the capital of Great Britain, which was called Greenwich. Dominic's parents Relations for creativity did not have: Mom Julia Herone worked as a kindergarten educator, and Father Brian Cooper respected as a highly class specialist in the field of auction. But the actor had a famous great-grandfather on the motherboard, Edward Thomas Heron, who was a pioneer of English cinema and published his own weekly newspaper dedicated to this "most important art."

Full Dominic Cooper

Dominic Cooper studied at the Thomas Tallisa High School, and then went to study acting in the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, where another famous British actor Benedict Kambatchch also studied. The young man's career began with filming in commercials, including Cooper could be seen in the prohibited advertising of Durex condoms.

In parallel, Cooper tried to break into an artistic cinema, and on theatrical scene. In 2001, the actor managed to enter the troupe of the National British Theater in London, with whom the young man toured the world. The most famous play in which Dominic appeared, "lovers of history appeared. The setting was later fused, as well as recycled to the radio.


The creative biography of Dominica Cooper began in 2001 with an episode in a mystical thriller "From Hell" with Johnny Depp and Heather Graham in high roles. Soon the work of an identical nature was followed. Cooper earned ratings with episodic roles in British TV projects and in soap operations, the most rating of which was the series "Brothers in Arms".

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In 2003, shooting a musical comedy "I will be near," following this - the militant "Queen of Warriors". After the next role of the second plan, which the actor was awarded in the comedy Nile Jordan "Breakfast on Pluto", the career of the actor, finally moved from the place.

In 2006, Cooper took part in the play by the play "History lovers", and also starred in a romantic comedy "get to the top ten", which was awarded the award of the Guild Guild of Great Britain and was named the most promising ascendor.

Even more, Dominic paid attention after, together with Colin Furthers and Meryl Streep appeared in the musical "Mamma Mia!", And with Kira Knightley and Rail Fains in the biographic drama "Duchery". In 2009, the release of the melodrama "Education of the Sovereigns" was followed, in which Cooper appeared in a secondary acting. The British actor played in the film of Hero Danny, who was to embody Orlando Bloom on the screen, but for an unknown reason Orlando suspended the contract.

Two years later, the superhero adventure film "First Avenger" came out, in which Dominic Cooper appeared in the image of the inventor of Howard Stark.

At the same time, the New Zealand director Lee Tahamaori was in the British actor saw the main character of the dramatic militant "Double Devil". The action of the film unfolds in Iraq. Son Saddam Hussein dyus for cover needed double. The special services choose a young Latif boy, who forced to cooperate. To get freedom, Latifa himself has to go for killing. Interestingly, Dominic reincarnated immediately in two main characters, which became a new step for him on the way of growing acting skills.

The British actor is not afraid of experiments, but chooses knowingly winning projects. In 2012, Cooper starred from Kazakhstan-Russian director Timur Bekmambetova in a fantasy thriller "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter," where he portrayed a good vampire on the screen. Project producer became Tim Burton. Since the protagonist of the narrative is Abraham Lincoln (Benjamin Walker), the premiere was symbolic - on the aircraft carrier on the name of the US President. At the box office, the film collected an impressive amount - $ 112 million.

Recently, the actor executes either the most important roles or transfers important images in cash films. Thus, Cooper played the main characters in the Melodrame "Summer in February", in the Biographical Drama "Fleming" about the Creator of James Bond, in an outer television series "Preacher", in the Thriller "Stretton: First Task". Also Dominic Cooper increased its reservation in two paintings - mystical film "Dracula" and a fantastic picture "Varcraft".

In 2015, the actor participated in the filming of the drama "I miss you" about two friends from childhood friends, whose friendship is experiencing a strength test after one of the women learns about the oncological disease. The main characters played by Drew Barrymore and Tony Collett. Dominic Cooper appeared in the role of a satellite of one of them.

Personal life

In the romantic relationship of Dominica Cooper, everything was not so simple. The actor was already in a permanent relationship with the girl when I met an actress Amanda Seyfried, with which he played in the film "Mamma Mia!". The artists have twisted the novel, although both were not free. After some time, I even had information about the engagement of these actors, but the wedding did not take place.

Two years later, Cooper met an actress of Ethiopian origin Ruth Negg. Young people played together on the stage of the London National Theater. Dominic burst between the feelings towards Amanda and Love to Ruth. Periodically, the actor renewed the relationship with one girl, then on the other. But everything broke the distance: Amanda Savenhrid lived far away in another country. Cooper returned to the root of the Night and meets the girl so far.

Ruth Neggie and Dominic Cooper

A close friend of Dominic Cooper is the actor James Korden. Artists have rented one apartment for two for a long time until the latter has created a family. Dominic Cooper in everything tries to show his own personality. On the page in "Instagram" the actor places the original photos, sometimes a curious nature. Heroes of his posts are friends, he himself, but most often - random passers-by, whom Cooper has time to capture into the camera lens.

The British actor openly expresses a civil position. For example, in 2014, the actor did not hide a negative attitude towards the independence of Scotland and even signed a petition among the groups of famous public figures with a call to prohibit a referendum.

Dominic Cooper now

Dominic Cooper does not consider himself to the category of workaholics, the actor does not chase for glory and big money. Kupeur is enough 2-3 entertaining projects a year to maintain itself in shape. This was 2016, during which the artist participated in the filming of the second season of the "Agent Carter" series.

In the Serpenter's Master Series, Cooper fulfilled the main role of the clergyman Jesse Castera, inside which two creatures are getting around - an angel and demon. Fantastic beings played Ruth Negg and Joseph Gilgan, respectively. After positive reviews and high audience rating, the series was made to extend to the second season.

Now the last premiere of the actor is considered the drama "Escape", but for 2018 the show of the second part of the music film "Mamma Mia!" Is scheduled.


  • 2008 - "Duchess"
  • 2009 - "Free Fall"
  • 2010 - "Officer Tamara"
  • 2011 - "Double Devil"
  • 2012 - "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter"
  • 2013 - "Summer in February"
  • 2014 - "Reasonable Doubt"
  • 2014 - "Dracula"
  • 2016 - "Preacher"
  • 2016 - "Varcraft"
  • 2017 - "Escape"

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