Josh Hartnett - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Wife, Tamsin Egerton, Filmography 2021



Joshua Daniel Hartnett, more famous for Josh Hartnett, is American film actor. Today, it is considered one of the most closed celebrities internationally. The artist appears only in those projects that are interesting for him.

Childhood and youth

Josh was born in the town of St. Paul, located in Minnesota. Although some sources indicate the place of the boy's appearance of San Francisco, the actor repeatedly denied this information. His ancestors were representatives of several European nationalities: Irish, Germans, Swedes and Norwegians.

Wendy Ann's parents and Daniel Hartnett belonged to Hippie's culture and led the appropriate lifestyle. Hartnett has two brothers and one sister. What is noteworthy, all children were called the letter J: Josh, Jessica, Joe and Jack. As a child, the boy survived the divorce of the parents. Mother left the family, and the guys stayed with the Father, who donkey in Minnesota and found the work by the Administrator of the residential quarter. Soon, Josh had a stepmother Molly, an artist by profession.

In adolescence, Hartnett was seriously fond of American football. The young man played for school and urban teams, dreamed of becoming a professional. He never dream about creative biography. But the path to the big sport Josh was blocked knee injury obtained in training. Then the capable guy drew attention to the creative profession.

After school, he became a student of the Faculty of Acting Mastery at the University of Pershemon, New York. However, a young man studied there is only a year, since it considered that it is not compatible with the modern system of theatrical education.

Hartnett moved to Los Angeles, the American capital of cinematography, and began to visit private courses, trying to break into cinema through many castings and listening. Josh found the work almost immediately, however, at first he had to be content with commercials and television shows.


After participating in advertising, Josh Hartnett began to gradually appear in artistic cinema. The actor could be seen in the rating serials and in full-length films, including in the main roles.

The artist fell into the youth fantastic horror "Faculty" director Robert Rodriguez. Here we were talking about the struggle of the group of high school students against aliens teachers. Josh on the screen reincarnated in a guess schoolboy Zak Tyler. The game of young dating was celebrated film critics and viewers. Pay attention to it and famous directors.

In 1999, Sofia Koppola invited Artist to the film "Virgin Suicians". The image of Tripa Fontein actor succeeded and added popularity. The next horror filmography of Hartnetta was the film "Halloween: 20 years later." In addition, he tried the strength in the comedy genre, playing the main character in Kinolent "English Curizer".

World famine Actor brought the role of Danny Walker in the dramatic picture of Perl-Harbor 2001. Hero Hartnetta is a military pilot fighting on the side of the Allied Army. He falls in love with Evelyn (Kate Beckinsale), Raifa's best friend's girl (Ben Affleck), and she corresponds to him. Romantic history turned out to be generously cooked by military patriotic pathos, which did not affect the love of the audience to the film: at the box office gathered $ 450 million.

Continuing military themes in his filmography, Hartnett starred in the Drama "Black Hawk" directed by Ridley Scott about an offensive operation in Somalia. This time, the events of the film touched upon the time interval of the early 1990s. The film won a number of prizes, including two Oscars.

Again to try yourself in the comedy role Actor was able to fulfill the main role in the film "40 days and 40 nights". Josh's hero, Matt, completely disappointed in the girls, is decided on a complete abstinence from communicating with them within 40 days. But just at this moment meets true love. His Museum is becoming a young Erika (Shengnin Sosamamon).

Talking in an interview about the work in this project, Josh mentioned the use of the principles of the Konstantin Stanislavsky system, which he used to work on the role. In continuation of the comedy theme, Hartnett starred in the movie "Hollywood cops", where Harrison Ford became his partner on the site.

Soon, the work was followed in an objant detective "obsession", where Josh embodied the image of the hero Matthew, confusing in his own feelings. His partner spoke Diana Kruger. These films raised the young actor in the rank of one of the most sought-after in Hollywood.

In 2002, the artist was named "One of the 50 most beautiful people" according to People magazine, and a year later, he was recognized as "the sexiest vegetarian in the world" in the ranking of Peta magazine. Despite this, many Hollywood stars fans believe that he has a bad taste for hairstyles.

From the following tapes, the attention of the public attracted a criminal thriller "Happy Number of Slava", where Hartnetta was lucky to shoot with Morgan Freamin Marthammate, Bruce Willis, Ben Kingsley and Lucy Lew. Josh reincarnated in a charming gangster, which fell into the epicenter of the disassembly. A talented acting ensemble game made a movie the favorite of the season.

At the same time, Josh lit up in the episode of the "City of Sin", fulfilled the main role in the melodrame about the oddities of human relations "crazy about love." Together with Scarlett Johansson starred in the "Black Orchid" retrame.

Subsequently, Hartnett took part in several dozens of projects. At the same time, the actor is considered one of the record holders of American cinema, which refuses roles if he does not like the script or shooting time does not coincide with personal plans. So it is safe to say that for Josh Cinema is far from just the possibility of earning.

Among the following significant works, the psychological drama "I come with the rain" is allocated, mystical television series "Terrible fairy tales" with Eva Greene in the lead role, and the science fiction picture "Out of time."

Hartnett could not refuse a colleague on the workshop, and now also the director part-time James Franco and accepted the invitation to play one character in the Drama "Long House". The acting ensemble in the film got a starry. Josh Hutcherson, Zoe Levin, Ashton Kutcher, Courtney Love.

Personal life

The first strong feeling overtook Josh still in youth. Together with Ellen Fenster, he lived for several years. The couple planned to settle in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Hartnett acquired a cottage for $ 2.5 million. Later, the lovers broke up.

The celebrity had a lot of star novels. The actor personally confirmed the relationship with Scarlett Johansson, with Penelop Cruz and Amanda Seyfried, singer Rihanna, Misa Barton models and Sophie. And the fans and the press "gifted" Josh still dozen chooster. And this is not surprising: a high actor with a sports figure (Hartnett growth - 190 cm, weight - 85 kg) always attracted the attention of the opposite sex.

In 2013, the artist began to meet with a colleague Tamsin Egerton, known on the films "With love, Rosie" and "how to marry billionaire." From this point on, his personal life was no longer subject to change. After some time, the couple decided to live in an actual marriage, and at the end of November 2015, Hartnett for the first time became his father: the civilian spouse gave him a daughter.

In early August 2017, Josh again became a father - a wife gave birth to a second child. Paul and the name of the heir to the spouses kept in a strict secret. In the first month, reporters managed to capture several photos of parents with two children's wheelchairs on a walk in a city park.

Josh Hartnett manifests an active life position. He even left the acting career to support the beginnings of Global Cool, promoting the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. Also, the artist, together with colleagues, the mind of Turman, Gina Davis and the photo model Chanel Iman attracted public attention to drought problems in East Africa.

In 2012, Josh in the native state of Minnesota, on his own initiative, traveled to colleges and universities in order to persuade the younger generation to participate in the upcoming presidential elections and give the voice to the candidate Barak Obama.

Now Hartnett and Egerton live in the UK. In early 2021, the actor said that his civilian spouse gave him a third child. Family life couples folded happily, about it fans learn from the fan pages of the artist in "Instagram".

Josh Hartnett now

In an interview with The Guardian Josh reported, why Hollywood left. According to the actor, the studio began to perceive it as an artist who agrees to any role. But he himself was not satisfied to constantly play the same type of heroes. He stopped being filmed in large projects, trying to replace them with small but interesting works. As a result, relationships with film companies were spoiled.

Nevertheless, Hartnett does not miss the opportunity to appear in a bright project. One of them in 2020 was the series "Lost Paradise". The premiere of mystical thriller took place on the MORE.TV platform in early May.

At the beginning of 2021, the show of the next masterpiece of Guy Richie - the thriller "Human anger" was scheduled. The film became a remake of the 2004 painting "Collector". In addition to Josh, Jason Steate and Scott Ostiv played in the highlights.


  • 1998 - "Halloween: 20 years later"
  • 2001 - Pearl Harbor
  • 2001 - "Black Hawk"
  • 2002 - "40 days and 40 nights"
  • 2003 - "Hollywood cops"
  • 2005 - "crazy about love"
  • 2006 - "Happy Slava Number"
  • 2006 - "Black Orchid"
  • 2014-2016 - "Terrible fairy tales"
  • 2015 - "Out of time"
  • 2017 - "At the depth of 6 feet"
  • 2017 - "Mountains and Stones"
  • 2019 - "Imaginary Reality"
  • 2019 - "Heritage Gadyuk"
  • 2020 - "Lost Paradise"
  • 2020 - "Goal number one"
  • 2021 - "Human Anger"

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