Josh Duhamel - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Josh Duhamel is an American actor who has previously worked as a professional fashion model. Movie lovers are known for roles in the popular paintings "Las Vegas", "Once in Rome", "Quiet Harbor", "Life as it is."

Joshua was born in North Dakota in Mineot. The father of the future actor was the advertising agent Larry Duhamel, and Mom Bonnie L. Kemper at the time of his son was working as a teacher in elementary school, and later retrained in a private massage therapist. Josh was the firstborn in the family, and then three of his younger sisters appeared - Ashley, Mackenzie and Cassidy.

When Duhamel was a teenager, the parents divorced. The young man and sisters remained at the care of the mother, but soon graduated from school and left for the student town of the University of State. Josh studied at all acting skills at all, and natural science, and he showed serious success in mastering complex objects of biology and chemistry. Also, the guy played in the protective line of the university national football team.

Finish university Josh Dukenly then failed. For six months before receiving the rank of bachelor, already starting to specialize in dentistry, the young man had to leave the University for financial reasons. Much later, in 2005, the actor will finish the interrupted study and will receive a scientific degree. But while Joshua leaves in Los Angeles and accidentally finds himself in the model business.

Josh Duhamel

An attractive young man participated in photo shoots for advertising prospectuses, Josh photo appeared on glossy magazines. Duhamel was filmed in the music video clips of the Show business stars, including the singers of Christina Aguilers and Donna Summer.


As in the model business, Josh Duhamel got into the cinema too by chance: the photo of the young man in the journal noted the director's assistant and invited to the casting. The first work of the novice actor was the soap opera "All my children", after which Dumel was approved on the main role in the detective television series "Las Vegas". In 2004, Josh received a major role in the comedy "date with the star" about a young saleswoman, which, according to the results of the draw, received a ticket to Hollywood for the evening meeting with a favorite actor. Together with Duamel, the main characters presented to the audience Kate Bosworth and Tofer Grace.

Career gradually gained momentum, the actor appeared in the mystical drama "Portrait of Dorian Gray", where he played in the episode. In Horror "Touristas" embodied the image of the main character. The fantastic action of Transformers, in which he depicted Captain William Lennox was brought even greater glory. Then Josh got into the cast of the melodrama "Once in Rome," where Beth (Kristen Bell) reporter appeared in the role of in love with a young girl named Nick.

Another belt about love is "romance", where we were talking about the outlined wedding of two lovers. But in the process of holding a solemn ceremony, it is found that the plans for the groom is building and bridesmaid. The main roles were distributed between Katie Holmes, Josh Duamel and Anna Pekuine. The initial film show was carried out within the framework of the Sandens Festival.

The next star role in the Josh filmography came to the social comedy "Life as it is", the original story of which attracted more of the audience to the ribbon. The film was shown the situation of the sudden death of young parents, which in the will indicated the guardians of their child two friends. Young people from the very beginning dating could not find a common language, but here it was necessary to live in the same house, and even raising the kiss. And again in the main roles - Josh Duhamel and Catherine Khaigl already loved by the public.

Soon, the artist paired with Bruce Willis became the main star of the criminal militant "Wedge Wedge". In addition, it is worth noting Josh's partnership with Julian Haf in the melodrame "Quiet Harbor". Successful for the artist was his appearance in the Christmas history of the director Harry Marshall "Old New Year", where the star cast was close in. John Bon Jovi, Robert de Niro, Zak Efron, Ashton Kutcher, Sarah Jessica Parker and even Michelle Pfaiffer. In the dramatic role, Josh tried himself in the film about the incurable sick pianist "you are not you."

In recent years, the creative biography of Josh Duhamel returned to the detective genre, as well as to the thrilleram. With the participation of the actor on the screens, the humorous series about the investigators of "Battle Creek", the psychological dismantive tape "Lost in the Sun" about the life of criminals, as well as the fantastic Miscellaneous film "11.22.63" on the novel Stephen King.

Personal life

In the youth, the personal life of a young man was not distinguished by stability. Josh Duhamel met with a fashion model Christ Pierce, and then with the actresses of Nikki Cox and Heidi Muller. And in 2004, the fate of the actor concluded with the singer of Stacy Ann Ferguson, the soloist of The Black Eyed Peas group, which is known under the scenic pseudonym of Fergie. Young people began to meet, after three years they announced the engagement, but with the official marriage ceremony pulled long enough.

Only on January 10, 2009, Josh Duhamel led Stacy Ferguson to the crown in the Roman Catholic Church. Beautiful wedding played in Malibu, on grape fields. Moreover, the celebration was carried out in a closed style: neither photographers nor journalists were not allowed there. Four years later, happy spouses became parents: they had a son Exle Jack. Chet Duhamels were famous for piousness and regular visits to the Catholic Church.

In September 2017, Fergie and Dumel announced parting.

In his free time, Josh prefers to deal with team sports - basketball and football, but can go on the golf course. Also, the actor was realized as a businessman. In the native town of Mineot Josh opened the restaurant "10 North Main", which specializes in Dichi dishes.

Josh Duhamel now

Now the Hollywood actor is in the flourishing of professional form. Josh regularly becomes a participant in interesting projects that help the artist expand the role of the role. But most often the actor appears on the screen in images of professions, requiring collections and courage. First of all, these are captains, police, military.

2017 brought a key image from a fantastic militant "Transformers to the piggy bank" Transformers: the last knight. " In this franchise, the artist is not participating for the first time.

Fresh premiere of 2018 was the launch of the show of the comedy "from Los Angeles in Vegas", where Josh fulfilled the role of a second plan. The hero Captain Kyle regularly sits in the cockpit of the pilot of the airbus, making flights from one city to another, and many interesting meetings and events occur on board.

In February 2018, the broadcast of the detective series "Unpriced business" started, in which we were talking about the murder of two stars of rap-party during the war, performers hip-hop western and eastern United States. The main hero of the criminal ribbon - the detective of Greg Cading played Josh Duhamel.

In March, the first showing of the youth drama was held with the elements of the comedy "with love, Simon" about a high school student who had experienced the first sense of love for a classmate. Together with Jennifer Garner Josh Duhamel embodied the image of Simon's parents (Nick Robinson).

A dense work schedule does not prevent Josh Duhamel to peel into the near future and prepare for shooting in new projects - "bodily games" and "What did he get?". It is assumed that the first of these paintings will produce and direct Josh Duhamel himself. This is the second production experience of the artist. The first was the movie 2013 release "picturesque route.


  • 1999-2011 - "All my children"
  • 2004 - "Date with the star"
  • 2004 - "Portrait of Dorian Gray"
  • 2006 - "Touristas"
  • 2007 - "Transformers"
  • 2010 - "Romance"
  • 2010 - "Once in Rome"
  • 2010 - "Life as it is"
  • 2011 - "Old New Year"
  • 2012 - "Wedge Wedge"
  • 2013 - "Quiet Harbor"
  • 2014 - "You are not you"
  • 2015 - "Battle Creek"
  • 2016 - "11.22.63"
  • 2018 - "Unpainted Business"
  • 2018 - "With Love, Simon"

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