Mario Casas - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, TV shows, "attraction", main roles 2021



Mario Casas - Spanish film acter, which is preferably removed in his native country, although he has experience in cooperation and with foreign (European and American) companies. Today, he is one of the most sought-after artists of Spain, projects with his participation invariably cause interest among the public.

Childhood and youth

Casas was born in the Spanish city of La Coruna in the family of a builder and housewife. His parents, except the older Mario, four more children. Sister Sheila makes a career in jurisprudence. Christian and Oscar went in the footsteps of her older brother and became actors too. The youngest brother Daniel because of the age has not yet decided on a future profession.

Initially, Mario and did not think about cinema. When Casas was small, he was attracted by the heroic professions of the fire and police officer. And at the age of 7, the boy said that he would become a football player, even went to the sports section of the Chief Club of the city of "Deportivo". But after moving the family to the suburb of Barcelona, ​​the young man stopped football classes.

Casas received an art education at school. In the senior classes, young people were invited to be filmed in commercials, and he acquired the first experience with the camera. Seeing new perspectives for itself, I moved to Madrid at the age of 18 and entered the acting school of Christina Roes. The photo of a young artist fell on a film studio, after which he began to film in big cinema.


In the youth of Mario starred only in television series. For the game of the actor with a model appearance (height of 180 cm, the weight of 79 kg) the audience was observed in the projects of "personal motives", "Paco and his people" and many others. Most of them walked solely in Spain and outside of this country are unknown.

The first work that fell abroad was the melodrama of Antonio Banderas "Summer Rain", where the actor played one of the four teenage friends. For a loud project followed the main role in the youth drama "Sex, parties and lies". The film was affected by the theme of adheating youth, in no way wishing to part with a carefree life.

After a number of short protrusion in 2010, a breakthrough in the creative biography of Casasa happened. At first, the film "Three meters above the sky" was released, for which Mario was awarded a row of film. In Spain, the rating of the film was high, so it was decided to release the 2nd part called "Three meters above the sky: I want you."

Then followed the shooting of the scandalous tragicomedy of the undergraduate director Paco Cabezsa "Neon flesh". The picture received a resonance due to social topics and an amazing discrepancy in the opinion of film critics: "Neon flesh" was called both a miserable and masterpiece.

Mario attracted attention to these works, so nothing surprising that he was approved on a major role in the large-scale post-apocalyptic series "Ark".

In parallel, the actor managed to play in one of the most cash spanish films of recent years - the comedy horror movie "Witches from Sugramurdi." The story was touched upon the topic of the Spanish myth about the existence of the cities of the Basque Witch, in one of which the heroes of the paintings are hit - the robbers of the bank saved from the police.

In 2012, the artist was in the lead role in the group-7 police thriller, where he played a young police officer first encountered with injustice in the system of internal organs. The picture caused Furore among the film critics and was nominated in 16 categories of Kopremia "Goya".

At the same time, the actor's filmography has expanded to another work - a major role in the comedy mulodrame "Mul" about the relationship of a young couple, which unfold against the background of the civil war.

The artist almost always receives the main roles in the cash projects, among which the Criminal Thorler Thorler, the Detective "Invisible Guest", the horror film "Wild History", drama "in Wolf Shkura". The star claims that Horror is his most beloved genre, which proves the list of his works.

In 2019, the premiere of a new project was held with the participation of Mario - the series "Attraction". In the film, he fulfilled the main role, imaging the audience in the role of the Hero-lover. Among the performers appeared the younger brother of Casas Oscar. He played a guy suffering from autism.

Before the start of the show, the actor visited Russia and struck the fan of a new way with a beard. Casas gave a deployed interview to the leading Regina Todorenko. He spoke about the features of the filming. In the film from Mario a lot of frank scenes, but the artist managed to overcome discomfort and starred without flocks. According to him, some frames were so hot that later the director cut them out when installing.

Another premiere of 2019 with the participation of Casas is a dramatic thriller "Farewell", in which the artist played one of the central characters. His hero Juan Santos lost her daughter and, together with the police inspector, he tries to find her murderers to revenge.

Personal life

Casas in an interview stated that it was quite ripe to create a family and dreams that he would have at least three children. But for the actor, it is important that the spouse is not just a sensitive and gentle woman, and such that can accept the unusual traditions of the residents of Galicia, because the man honors all generic customs.

Sava often happens to novels on the set. So, while working on one of the first TV series "Dream without fear", the actor began to meet with the ascending star Eric Sans, then his attention switched to Amaya Salamanca.

Then Mario fell in love with Maria Valverde, a partner in the painting "Three meters above the sky" and Mul melodrame. Lovers met for 2014, but the relationship did not lead to anything.

Later there were conversations that mario had change in personal life. He consisted in close relations with Clara Lago, a new actress in the 2nd part of the melodrama "Three meters above the sky. I want you".

During filming in the film "Palm trees in the snow" Casas spun a novel with a partner - actress of Ukrainian-Ethiopian origin of Berta Vasquez. Young people met 2 years old, but the wedding did not take place. In 2016, they broke the relationship without commenting on the causes of separation.

Probably, Mario once again switched attention to a new girl - Spanish model Daliana Arequion, who starred in the Christmas advertising campaign of the fashion brand Springfield. However, officially this novel was not confirmed.

In March 2018, the place of the official girl of the Spanish heart was taken by the Zarez Blanca, with whom the artist met on the set of the film "Ark". Lovers did not appear together in public and did not give interviews. According to rumors, the relationship stopped in the fall of 2019, according to other data, Casas and Suarez just hide relationships from the annoying media and still together. Also, rumors are associated Mario with Deboor Francois, his partner on the film "Practigant". When communicating with journalists, Casas avoids the topic of personal life.

Mario actively uses social networks, especially "instagram" to promote its projects. In the account, the celebrity lays out photos devoted to the working moments and upcoming shooting. Sometimes posts appear there relate to the actor's personal life.

Mario Casas now

Now Mario continues to confidently move to the top of the Cinematic Olympus of Spain. In 2020, fans could see the artist in the main roles in the tapes "Practigant" and "cross the hell."

In the erotic thriller "cross the hell", the actor embodied the image of a regular guy Dani, who decided to go around the world. Meeting with a pretty day before the trip promises to make his life even brighter. But reality turns into a nightmare. Elizabeth Larna, Hoaquin Cárza, Fernando Valdivieliso, became Mario's colleagues along the shooting platform.

In the "trainee", the artist played a former emergency worker, after an accident tied to a wheelchair. The young man begins to jealous his beloved (Deborah Francois) and becomes thoughts about her infidelity, turning a family life into hell.


  • 2006 - "Summer Rain"
  • 2010 - "Three meters above the sky"
  • 2011 - "Neon flesh"
  • 2011-2013 - "Ark"
  • 2012 - "Three meters above the sky: I want you"
  • 2012 - "Group 7"
  • 2013 - "Witches from Sugramurdi"
  • 2013 - "Ismael"
  • 2015 - "Palm trees in the snow"
  • 2016 - "Invisible Guest"
  • 2017 - "Wild History"
  • 2019 - "Attraction"
  • 2019 - "Goodbye"
  • 2020 - "Occupant"
  • 2020 - "Punify the hell"
  • 2020 - "PRIVANT"

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