Brian Cranston - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Cranstonabian Cranston is American film actor, director and screenwriter. The world glory, the awards of the US film actors guild, "Emmy" and "Golden Globe" by Artist brought the tape "In all serious".

Full Brian Cranston

In honor of Brian Kranston on the "Alley of Glory" Hollywood, a registered star was laid.

Childhood and youth

Brian Kranston was born in March 1956 in the California city of San Fernando in the family of little-known actors. Father Joseph Cranston, in addition to the acting, also engaged in producing. Audrey Peggy Sell Mom was filmed in low-budgetary series. But success failed to achieve anyone of them.

As Brian admitted later, his father and mother were broken and incapable people who did not cope with the role of parents. As a result, young people divorced, and the family house for debts was laid and sold. 12-year-old Brian Kranston and the eldest brother had to live with a grandparents. Father disappeared from the life of children for 10 years.

Brian Cranston in his youth

Family problems imposed a mark on the character of the boy. In school, Brian walked a quiet outsider. To believe in his own forces, Cranston was able, just matured. When the young man turned 16, he fell into the Los Angeles Police Department. Brian has serious success in criminology. At the same time, the guy tried the power as an actor of an amateur play. And when the question arose who to become a police or artist, Cranston chose the last. And, as time has shown, was not mistaken.


After graduating from High School, Brian Cranston studied at one time from Los Angeles Colleges. At the same time, the young man visited acting seminars and castings. To make money on life, Cranston had to seek a part-time job. For a while, the young man even worked as a loader.

A year later, Cranston threw college and went to New York. Here luck smiled at him. A smiling guy, judging by the photo in his youth, attracted the attention of the creators of commercials, as First Brian was filmed in them. Then Cranston began to trust episodes in soap operations and low-budget melodramas. But Brian, remembering the sad experience of the Father, in vainly waiting for the stellar role, was taken for everything that was offered.

Brian Cranston in youth

As it turned out, the selected path was correct. After several years of filming in inconspicuous projects, the young actor was offered a major role in the rating melodrama "Infinite Love". The hero named Douglas Donovan noted and highly appreciated the audience and critics. So began the star cinematic biography of Brian Cranston.

Popularity came to Cranston in the late 1990s. During these years, bestsellers "Malibu rescuers", "Flash", "Law of Los Angeles", "Steep Walker: Justice of the Texas" and "Dear, I reduced children!" These projects were recognized in America and in Europe.

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At the same time, Brian Cranston managed to avoid binding to one amplua. The artist managed the images of the heroes of fantastic, comedy and plenty films. Still an actor shone in melodramas and militants.

Cranston's great fame brought the role of Hal in the popular series Malcolm in the center of attention. This project was broadcast from the beginning of 2000 to 2006. In 2005, it begins to broadcast on television, the comedy series "How I met your mother", which became rating and brought the executors of major roles, including Brianan Cranston, additional bonuses of audience sympathies.

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The drama "in all serious" is considered the most significant in the filmography of the Hollywood Star. After reading the script of the film, Brian realized that this was the role that every actor would wait for many years. For the sake of work in Drama, Cranston refused to participate in the popular American show. And came up right again. Brian's hero - a teacher of Chemistry Walter White - brought three awards to the actor: "Emmy", "Golden Globe" and US film actors guild.

Colleagues on the set of Cranston were Aaron Paul, Anna Gann, Dean Norris and others.

After the end of the work in the project, Brian fought himself on the finger of Tattoo with the Logo "BRBA" to leave the memory of the series, which brought him success. The artist shared that the star did not advise to make a tattoo, because no one would notice the inscription, but Cranston stated that it was for him: the man sees the tattoo, who causes his smile.

Aaron Paul also made a commemorative inscription on the body: now on the inside of the forearm of the young star, the words "No Half Measures" are banging, which means "no partner". Such words said the hero Mike Ermanutwut Hero of Cranston in the 3 season.

Brian Cranston in the film

Among the projects of this time in the repertoire of Brian, a thriller "Lincoln for a lawyer", the drama "Dechange Teacher", the criminal film "Drive". Roting steel paintings with Bryan "Recall All" and "Argo Operation".

In 2015, Master Hollywood appears among the key characters of the Tommbo biographic drama on the life of the American filmcenerary, which was accused of sympathy for the communist regime and imprisoned.

For work in the painting of Brian nominated for the Oscar, "Golden Globe", BAFTA, but not a single statuette man did not receive.

In the film industry Brian Cranston is known as a successful actor, and as a director and producer of a number of successful projects. The director's repertoire indicates the work of the "Last Chance", "Office", "Great Day" and "American Family". In some Brian played the main images.

In the piggy bank of Cranston, the prestigious awards "Golden Globe", "Emmy", "satellite" and "Saturn", and the filmography has about 200 titles. Brian is famous and as an actor of visualing. The voice of the star's star says the heroes of the cult cartoon "Madagascar-3" and no less popular animated tapes "Kung Fu Panda 3", "Batman: year first", "Simpsons".

In one interview, Brian admitted that money although they have considerable importance, but the fees were never determining when choosing roles. The main criterion has always been the proposed image and a desire to embody it on the screen.

Cranston's performance can even envy young colleagues. Despite the honorable age, the artist remains in excellent professional form and is still participating in 4-5 film projects per year. Among the latest prime ministers, the spectators have gained the criminal drama "scam under cover", where Brian Cranston reincarnated in the federal agent, introduced into a gang of drug carrier Pablo Escobar.

Another significant work of the year was the main role in the drama "to blame the raccoon". Brian's hero is a successful lawyer - one day decides on imprisonment to see what will change in the world with the disappearance of a man.

Tracing the role of a militant dad, which begins a campaign on disqualification of a guy of his daughter, Cranston managed to comedy "Why is he?". The younger generation of heroes in this story was represented by James Franco and Zoe Doych. The theme of the film was to taste Brian, it was about what to reflect during the study of the image, because the actor himself is a happy father of young beauties.

Brian Cranston and James Franco in the film

A year later, the artist appeared in a secondary role in the fantastic militant "Mighty Rangers", in the episode of the British scientific and fiction series "Electric dreams Philip K. Dick". In the Kinearm "Mount-Creator" Brothers James Franco and Dave Franco on the back of the life of the Hollywood Stars of Cranston played himself.

Personal life

The first marriage of the actor with the scriptwriter Mickey Middleton lasted 5 years. But the relationship was finally spoiled in 1982, and the couple divorced.

Bryan Cranston's personal life has improved after exploring the filming of the film "Air Wolf" with a colleague Robin Dirden. In 1993, her husband and wife had a girl who had a happy spouse called Taylor.

In his free time, Cranston visits baseball matches. Brian - the old fan of teams "Philadelphia Phillies" and "Los Angeles Dodgers". High and Static Actor (height 179 cm, weight 76 kg) is so passionate about this sport that the main hobby of a man is considered to collect baseball memorabilia. Kranstonda, one of his birthdays noted at the Los Angeles Dodgers stadium.

Brian Cranston with his wife and daughter

Despite age, Brian is an active user of social networks. Artist has officially verified accounts in "Instagram" and "Twitter". There are tens of thousands of fans with a favorite star.

Brian Cranston now

In September 2017, the audience saw the artist in the leading role in the Drama "Non-Plated". This film is the remake of the French tape "1 + 1", the key roles in which Omar Si and Francois Craise. And if the original audience and critics were perceived perfectly, then the new version was cold.

Cranston played a paralyzed rich in Philip, and the role of a black assistant with a criminal past went to Kevin Hart. Moreover, in the background, the charming Nicole Kidman, obtained the image of the Ivonne.

Brian Cranston in the film

As a result, critics concluded that it was nice to look at such a male duo: both actors were in their place. But why relocate and so good picture - it is not clear.

Then Cranston appeared in the main expectation in the tape "The Last Watch Flag". Colleagues Men on the set performed actors Steve Karel and Lawrence Fishborn.

At August 2018, the cartoon "Island of Dogs" is scheduled for August, where Brian voiced the central character.

In 2018, Brian Cranston will be seen in the film

Today, two projects are located at once in the production stage with the participation of Brian Cranston - "Avan, the only and unique" and "Jackpot".

According to rumors, the image of the main characters will try on the famous artist in the fantasy tape "London Fog" and the militant "Unknown: Luck Drake".


  • 1998 - "Dear, I reduced children"
  • 2000-2006 - Malcolm in the Center for Attention
  • 2006 - "Little Miss Happiness"
  • 2006-2007 - "How I Met Your Mother"
  • 2008-2013 - "In all serious"
  • 2011 - "Dechange Teacher"
  • 2011 - "Drive"
  • 2012 - "Remember everything"
  • 2012 - "Operation" Argo "
  • 2015 - "Tommbo"
  • 2016 - "Scam under cover"
  • 2016 - "Why is he?"
  • 2017 - "Mighty Rangers"
  • 2017 - "Electric Dreams Philip K. Dick"
  • 2017 - "Mount-Creator"
  • 2017 - "Unreasonable"
  • 2017 - "The Last Skim Flag"

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