Sergey Orlov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Standap-comedian, Humorist, Stand-Up Club 2021



Russian Standap-comic comedian Sergey Orlov is often called Yuri Bykov from comedy. Having left the deaf province, he did not burn bridges and carried her with him to the Moscow stage.

Childhood and youth

The future comedian Sergey Orlov was born on June 23, 1993 in Yakutia, in the village of Deputy, and was named after the Father. Sergey Orlov - Senior lived a bright, but very short life: In 1996, he died at the age of 22, becoming a victim of the era of heroin chic. Senezh then was only 3 years old. Mom of the boy married again - for her school love. In this marriage, the younger sister of the future stand was born. Schi love Serezhu and raised as a native son.

In the deaf Yakut village in zero, young people had two ways - sport or prison. Orlov managed to choose a third road, which led him to popularity. He grew up a creative child - at school I was reading a rap under the pseudonym Trukach. The first insecure steps on the scene Sergey made on the stage of the local Palace of Metallurg culture. The music teacher became the first adult man in the life of Orlov, who reacted to the teenager on an equal footing. She became a spiritual mentor for Sergey, it was to her boy always walked for advice.

In high school classes, the guy was carried away by Standap and recorded the first solo concert. Performances on open microphones helped Orlov to catch comedy talent.

Humor and creativity

After moving to the capital of Yakutia, the future comedian tried himself in different fields of activity and eventually founded the "Northern Stand Up Club", where he continued to train before the public.

In 2018, a new stage began in the biography of Orlov: a humorist moved to Moscow. This decision was true, because the quarry comedian quickly went uphill. In the same year, he took part Standap-festival "Panchline", his solo concert was recognized as the best on the show. The talent of the humorist noticed, and soon he became a resident of Stand-Up Club # 1.

The emergence of Sergey Orlov on the transmission "Evening Urgant" in 2019 increased its popularity. In the summer of the same year, Sergey became a member of the show "22 comic" on the TNT4 channel.

Personal life

By the time of dating with the future wife, Sergey experienced all the bachelor life. The couple met on New Year's Eve: Anastasia worked as a snow maiden on corporate enterprises and was looking for Santa Claus. Two months later, the lovers began to live together, and then got married.

The girl did not hide that early became her mother. Padderitsa Olesia Future comedian loved as a native, and the girl began to call him dad. For general children, spouses are not thought yet, but they do not exclude that in the future will become parents again.

Sergey Orlov Now

Now the Heat of the Province is at the peak of popularity and is one of those who forms the Russian stand-scene. In the spring and summer of 2021, the Big Double Standap Orlova and Pavel Dedishcheva - Participant of Stand Up Show on TNT. In July, the comedian conquered the Odessa Standap-scene - the performance passed with anchlage.

Sergey Orlov and Pavel Deedishchev

On July 13, 2021, Sergey Orlov became the guest of the Transmission of "Durge", where he frankly spoke about a difficult child in a deaf village, the loss of his father, creative path and family life.

The Russian comedian is actively developing an instagram account, where it is divided with fans of the announcements of the upcoming speeches, lays out a photo and video with his wife and daughter.

Now Sergey Orlov is braces, which affects diction.


  • Show "Northern Stand Up Club"
  • Standap-festival "Panchline"
  • Stand-Up Club # 1
  • TV show "Evening Urgant"
  • Program "Vnty"

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