Owen Wilson - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, filmography, broken nose, brother hatch 2021



Owen Wilson is a famous American actor famous for comic roles. Wilson is not limited to acting amplua and has already shown himself with a talented director and screenwriter.

Childhood and youth

Owen was born in the fall of 1968 in Dallas (USA, Texas). The future of the boy was predetermined from birth. Father Robert worked in Teloughly, Mama Laura was engaged in photography. The family had 3 children, the Wilson Brothers Luke and Andrew in the future also chose the profession of the actor.

Owen grew in fidget, the parents sometimes did not have enough patience to endure the tricks of the Son. Studying schoolboy did not interest. The boy constantly fought, and on the eve of the final exams, the guy stole a book with decisions from the geometry teacher and distributed answers to classmates. Wilson's behavior was expelled from school, he moved to another educational institution, and after he entered the Military Academy, but nothing came out of this.

Fate led the young man in Texas University of Austin. There Owen met Wes Anderson. Young people became friends, their friendship continued at work.


In 1994, Wilson and Wes Anderson wrote a script of the short film "Bottles-Rockets" and removed it. Friends showed a picture of James Brooks, who appreciated the work of young people and gave $ 5 million to make a full-fledged movie from the short films. In 1996, the updated "bottle rocket" went to the screens, sowing only $ 1 million to return only $ 1 million.

The guys were not sad and went to Los Angeles, where they decided to seriously start a career in the cinema. Owen went to Hollywood. There, a young man involved in the comedies in secondary roles. For example, in the movie "Cableman" Jim Carrey beat a novice actor seat on the head.

The first steps on television and the cinema did not cause an excitement, but Owen quickly overgrown in the real star. Career promotion contributed to the meeting with the director Ben Stiller. Also, the actors began to invite the projects "Anaconda", "Ghost at home on a hill", "familiarity with parents." In addition, the artist appeared in the fantastic blockbuster "Armageddon".

In 2000, Wilson starred with Jackie Chan in the Shanghai Noon's comic film. The tape earned $ 99.3 million, covering a budget of $ 55 million, and a blond sports guy (height 179 cm, the weight of 70 kg) began to recognize the audience.

In 2001, the actor reincarnated in the man-model Hansla, a competitor of another handsome man with world name Derek (Bin Stiller) in the comedy "Exemplary Male". According to Stiller, he wrote this batch for Wilson and did not consider anyone another role. Since Owen was parallel with the militant "in the rear of the enemy" and was forced to briefly cut the wig on the set on the set. The ribbon was banned in Malaysia, and according to the version of the magazine Premiere, she became one of the 50 greatest comedies of all time.

The artist is known and as a screenwriter and producer. Success to him brought the film "Family of Tennbaum" (2001), over which Owen worked with Wesz Anderson. In the cast, Wilson called 2 of his brothers - Andrew and Luke. This project became the only one in the biography of Wilson, where they shone on the screen together. The tragicomedy scenario brought them a nomination for Oscar.

In 2004, the shooting of the comedic militant "Device Couple: Storsera and Hutch" director Todd Phillips, who called on the role of the unlucky cops of the Masters of the comic genre of Stiller and Wilson was completed. Hatch was to play initially Vince VoH, who eventually embodied the image of a drug broore, and Owen for the Khatchinson detective received $ 10 million.

In 2005, the actor played the main character in "Uninvited guests" - the film provided Wilson, among the best Hollywood comedians. Cash fees amounted to $ 285 million at a budget of $ 40 million. To plan the wedding in the ribbon, the present ree is invited to look at the screen on the screen. Rachel Makadams for the preparation for the role received a certificate in the field of sailing sports.

A year later, the artist appeared in the family fantastic comedy "Night in the Museum", where she appeared in front of the audience in the image of Jadidaya. The film was successful at the box office, and in 3 years the second part of the story came out. The American Museum of Natural History After the project's release, it was waiting for the Asshlag - the flow of visitors during the holiday season grew by 20%.

In 2008, the film tragicomedy "Marley and I" started, where the actor starred in a creative duet with Jennifer Aniston, and 22 different dogs played the role of Labrador Marley. In this tape, the real parents of Owen appeared - they embodied his screen mom and dad. John Grogen, the author of the laid the story of the book, appeared on the screen as the owner of the Cocker Spaniel in the classroom of training.

The most cash film Woody Allen, which earned more than $ 150 million, became the comedy melodrama "midnight in Paris" (2011) about travel travel. In the ribbon as a guide, Charla Bruni was starred, which was at the time of the first lady of France. The project received 20 nominations and awards, including 4 nominations for Oscar.

"Oil Adventures in London" (2017) became a unique project, which was advertised as "The first in the history shot of a live movie." The comedy was removed using one camera and in online mode was broadcast to the cinemas to display. The scene of the director's debut Woody Harrelson was formed by real events that happened to him in the English capital.

In the same year, the animation film "Tacchus-3" was rented. $ 175 million was spent on the production of tapes, but success in the rental - $ 384 million - more than covered costs. Tom Malozzi, whose voice spoke Bryak, died in 2014, so the phrases for the sounding took from the record of the Weekly Radio show of Malozzi brothers. The project is devoted to the memory of the scenario Daniel Gerson, who died of brain cancer while working on the cartoon.

Personal life

The artist does not like to talk about the details of his personal life. In the youth of the actor tied a romantic relationship with Kate Hudson. The gap with the beloved pushed Owen on a crazy step: on August 26, 2007, he opened his veins and discharged drugs. Fortunately, Wilson managed to save. The couple resumed the relationship after a while, but soon announced the final termination of the novel.

After the time of the next passion, Wilson became Jade Dwell. In January 2011, they had a son who was named Robert Ford.

For the second time, the actor became a father in January 2014. Owen's second son gave coach Caroline Lindquist. Initially, the lovers appeared before the lens of the camera reporters, but then the photo pair disappeared from the media. These relationships also did not work out, soon young parents parted.

The next friend Owen became Varuni Wongswaires - they met for 5 years, but in 2018 shortly after the pregnancy of Varuni Pair broke up. In October, the actor was born the third child - the photo of the newborn Lila Arania Mother posted on her page in "Instagram".

To make sure of paternity, the artist demanded a DNA examination. According to media reports, now Owen provides financial assistance to the former friend, but does not participate in the life of the baby - Wongswajes is carrying out the sole custody of her daughter. Wilson pays for the maintenance of a child for $ 25,000 annually, also a girl was added to the Father's Medical Insurance from the Guild of Actors.

Owen Wilson now

In 2021, Kinokartina "French Bulletin entered the program of the main competition of the Cannes International Film Festival. Annex to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San "" In addition to Wilson, 7 Oscar laureates included: Benicio Del Toro, Francis McDormand, Tilda Suinton, etc. The budget of the German-American project is $ 25 million

In the same year, the filmography of the artist was replenished with a fantastic drama "Bliss" with Salma Hayek and the series "Loki" with Tom Hiddleston.


  • 1996 - "Bottle Rocket"
  • 1998 - "Armageddon"
  • 2000 - "Shanghai Noon"
  • 2001 - "Exemplary Male"
  • 2001 - "Family of Tennbaum"
  • 2004 - "Demole couple: Starsky and Hutch"
  • 2006 - "He, I and his friends"
  • 2008 - "Marley and I"
  • 2014 - "Congenital Pulk"
  • 2015 - "No exit"
  • 2016 - "Schedules"
  • 2017 - "Who is our dad, dude?"
  • 2017 - "Miracle"
  • 2021 - "French Bulletin. Appendix to the newspaper "Liberty. Kansas Ivning San" "
  • 2021 - "Bliss"
  • 2021 - "Loki"

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