Matt Lantter - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Matt Lantter is an American actor, whose face has become recognizable after the role in the political drama "Woman President", and also after the actor entered the main composition of the youth television series "90210: a new generation", Spin-off the famous series "Beverly Hills , 90210 "1990.

But much better fans know Matt Lanter in voting: 7 years Actor voiced the main role of Anakina Skywalker in the animated series "Star Wars: Clone Wars". The Lanter himself also recognizes this role of one of the iconic in his creative biography, and in the account in "Instagram" even calls himself a Jedi (mystical order in the film "Star Wars"), who is his serial hero.

Actor Matt Lanter.

American actor Matt Lantter was born on April 1, 1983 in the small town of Ohio.

When he turned 8 years old, his family moved to Atlanta. There the guy became interested in football and golf, but a true passion was baseball. Matt Lanter "hurt" this game that did not miss any local baseball club game. He honored to bring bits to team members - the right, for which fans are fighting.

Matt Lanter.

Love for sports helped Matt to survive the divorce of the parents. The guy was in good physical form, school teams on gymnastics and basketball invited him to themselves. After graduating from school, Matt thought about the further sport career, however, not as an athlete, but as a manager. He entered the University of Georgia and was going to get a degree in sports manager, but at some point I decided to drastically change my life. The cause of the cardinal change was the passion for Lanter Cinema.

He left the university and moved to Los Angeles. The factory guy quickly found part-time job in modeling agencies. Matt Lantter was one of the participants in the television competition "Men Hunt", whose jury had to choose the best man model. Matt did not reach tens, but received a good experience and start of acting career.


In parallel with the participation in the contest Matt Lanter starred in the show "Point Pleasans". There he was noticed by the producers of the series. The guy was offered several small roles in the projects "Heroes", "Anatomy of Passion", "Big Love".

Actor Matt Lanter.

Back in 2006, Lanter received the role of actor of voice acting in the full-length "Star Wars: Wars of Clone" Studio "Warner Bros." As a distributor, the premiere of the picture took place only in 2008. The plot of the animated series is based on the events of the famous film-depleted George Lucas and tells about the time interval between the second and the third episode of the famous Saga "Star Wars". The producer of the picture was made by George Lucas himself, and the plot of the cartoon entered the expanded kinning "Star Wars".

The film received negative feedback from critics, but at the same time collected an impressive cashier. Matt Lantter voiced the main role - the young Jedi Anakina Skywalker, chosen, whose strength is enough to solve the fate of the universe.

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The actor received this role in the same role in the eponymale series-continuation of the released animation film. Cartoon Network has been engaged broadcasting the animated series.

In 2008, Lanter was invited to shoot a comedy "Unreal Blockbuster". He gladly agreed to offer, but the project was failing. In the same year, Matt began to be filmed in the project "Beverly Hills 90210: a new generation." The series became another continuation shot in the famous film dealer, created in the series "Beverly Hills, 90210" 1990. He talks about the life of the prestigious area of ​​Los Angeles, and especially those inhabiting his teenagers, whose parents can provide their heirs anything.

The actor received the role of a problem teenager named Liam Kurt. The actor's hero becomes a love interest of the main antagonist and, according to a number of critics and fans of the series, part-time the main character of the show, who spoiled a representative of the Golden Youth representative Naomi Clark (Anna Lynn McCord).

The young man is drawn into the intrigue of Naomi's intrigue and her sisters, because of what Clark will even quarrel with the best friend. From the second season, the hero of Matt Lanter becomes more independent character and is one of the main characters of the show.

Matt participated in several seasons - until 2013 inclusive when the series was closed due to low ratings. Total, the actor starred in 98 episodes of this show.

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In 2009, the actor starred in the film "Creek in a hostel", but he also did not bring success. But the picture "Vampire Snap" collected at the box office, which was 4 times the budget of the film. "Vampire Skosos" - a parody of the popular Saga "Twilight", in which Lanter appeared as Edward Sallen, parodies on the original hero of the original Sagie. The comedian film also shows the love of a vampire and a human girl, but romantic and epic situations shows in a more cynical vein, and also ridicules the audience of the Twilight type films, inserting an episode with the advent of girls fan.

In 2011, Matt starred in the picture "Room for a room", which film critics consider one of its best works. The project has a difficult story: the premiere has repeatedly shifted to the deadlines, the reviews he caused ambiguous. Despite this, the audience perceived the film perfectly.

In 2012, Matt Lanter starred in the film "All People Lgut", and after two years received a major role in the fantastic picture "Under the Unfortunate Star" (in another Translation "Unfortunate"). The actor was playing aliens trying to get comfortable in the earthly world. The project started in February 2014, and in May of the same year it was closed due to low ratings.

But Matt Lanter immediately began new shooting - in the TV series "Club Women of Astronauts", which started in 2015.

Personal life

If Matt Lanter in the television career is not all fasting, then everything is fine in his personal life. In 2009, he met Angela Stacy, fell in love. She answered Matt reciprocity. The couple met more than three years, and in the summer of 2012, Matt made an angele offer. Soon they celebrated the wedding.

Angela Stacy and Matt Lanter

Today, the couple lives in Los Angeles. Matt and Angela children do not yet harde. They regularly appear in society together and, judging by the expressions of their persons, are happy together.

Wedding Matt Lanter and Angela Stacy

Lanter is engaged in charity - helps his friends arrange shares, fees from which they go to the rescue in need. The actor periodically visits sick children, and also donates the money of the Research Institute and other organizations developing a medicine from AIDS and help people with this disease.

Matt Lantter now

In 2016, the Actor entered the main structure of the Military Drama "Cruiser". The film is based on real events and talks about the team of a heavy cruiser "Indianapolis", which was torpedoing and drowning during World War II. The cruiser sank in 12 minutes, but four more days the crew of the ship survived the sea in anticipation of help. Matt Lantter received the role of the chief senior of Brian Smithuik. The role of Captain Creiser was fulfilled by Nicholas Cage. The film received extremely negative assessments of the audience.

Also in 2016, the actor received a major role in the fantastic TV series "out of time." Hero Lanter - Master Sergeant Whitet Logan from the combat detachment "Delta". Together with two scientists, Wayatt enters a special team, which is sent to the past to prevent the terrorist who has stolen the car time, destroy the United States.

At first it was stated that the series will close after the first season, but "out of time" received positive feedback films, after which it was extended for the second season, the premiere of which took place in March 2018.

In 2017, the actor appeared in a secondary role in the musical comedy "Perfect Voice 3, telling about the fate of the women's student musical group. In the third film, the participants graduated from college, they work on hated positions and with joy take the idea of ​​joint performance.


  • 2008-2015 - "Star Wars: Clone Wars"
  • 2009-2013 - "90210: new generation"
  • 2006 - "Big Love"
  • 2006 - "Female President"
  • 2007 - "Anatomy of Passion"
  • 2009 - "Creek in a hostel"
  • 2010 - "Vampire Cockup"
  • 2011 - "Room for a room"
  • 2011 - "Fan"
  • 2012 - "Extremely fructose adventure of annoying orange"
  • 2012-2017 - "Perfect Spiderman"
  • 2012 - "Scooby-Du: Mystical Corporation"
  • 2016 - "Possibilities are possible"
  • 2016-2018 - "Out of time"

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