Akira Kurosava - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Akira Kurosawa is a cult Japanese film director who is called the most influential director in the history of cinema. Akira Kurosawa became a classic of both cinema of Japan and world cinema, and outside the native country, the Movie master received even greater recognition than in his native country. Paradoxically, the most powerful impact of the developments of the director had for Westerns specific to the United States genre.

The famous Movie Master shot 30 paintings for 57 years of work, the premieres of two films at once were held in the most fruitful years for the year.

Film director Akira Kurosava

One of the most influential world directories Akira Kurosava was born in March 1910 in Tokyo. Akira rose from 8 children's school director Isama Kurosava. The name of the famous director on the Father's line had samurai origin. The influence on the education of the son had a father. He depried to children love for literature and opened the world of cinema. Isama tried that the descendants well knew both Japanese and other cultures of the world.

Akira Kurosava showed various talents in childhood. Akira perfectly painted, one of the successful paintings of the future director was even accepted on the prestigious exhibition "Nika-Ten". At that time, Karosava junior was 18 years old. The success of the artistic endeavor pushed the 18-year-old young man for admission to an art college. But the attempt was unsuccessful. Upset Kurosava was looking for a long time. When a young man turned 26 years old, Kurabawa got an assistant director who worked in a prestigious film studio.


Creative biography Akira Kurosava developed slowly. Kosarosawa looked after the work of famous Japanese directors and more and more understood that he would like to be in their place. But Karosava began activities in the cinema not as a director, but as a screenwriter.

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The debut picture of Akira Kurosava was called "Horse". Success did not have this picture, but allowed the novice director to "fill his hand." The film "Legend of the Great Judo Master" (or "Judo Genius"), released 2 years later, turned out to be more successful. At the young masters, criticism was noted. The picture of the martial arts showing the history of judo at the end of the 19th century, received and audience. After a couple of years, the director even took the continuation of this film.

Each next film Akira turned out to be more successful than the previous one. After the end of the war, in 1948, Kurasava presented the audience a dramatic picture "Drunk Angel". The main character is a doctor who is trying to save gangster from severe illness, Toshiro Mifun played. At that time, myifun was a little-known actor. It can be said that Kurosava opened this star to the audience. Subsequently, myifune starred in 15 tapes of the famous director and became the brightest star of cinema internally.

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Glory collapsed at Akira Kosvava in 1950. This year the first masterpiece of the director was released on the screens - the picture "Rammen". This is an adaption for which a really good source material was selected is the story of Ryunca Akutagaba, the living (at that time) the classic of Japanese literature, "in more often." At the same time, the other story of the Writer "Gate Rammon" in the film scenario is not used, but the picture shows atmospheric parallels with this product.

The film was shot in the popular Japanese film "Dzidaygaki" genre - a film about samurai time of feudal Japan. But with this genre and stylist, the director was able to make a picture of international and possible to the perception of the audience and outside the native country of the director.

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This project brought Kosarova to the first prestigious award - "Golden Lion" at the Venice Cinema Festival. The film turned out to be popular in the western market and brought huge cash charges.

The influence of the father was manifested in the work of Akira Kurosava in the 1950s. As a child, the director, the descendant of Samurai Isama Kurosava instilled his love for the masterpieces of world literature, part of which had Russian origin. In 1951, the film "Idiot" was released on the screens on the novel of the Russian genius of Fyodor Dostoevsky. True, the director changed the storyline and moved the action of the painting on Hokkaido.

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In 1952, Kurasava again appeals to the Russian classics and removes the philosophical drama called "Live", based on the story of the death of Ivan Ilich, Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy. The film is also transferred to Japan and focuses on the Tokyo bureaucrat.

The twinge of Russian classics was displayed on another masterpiece of Kurosava. In 1957, the director shot the film "At the bottom". The picture was based on the same product of Maxim Gorky. True, Akira Kurosava in his own author's "reading" made a multiple ironic film.

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In 1954, an unsurpassed masterpiece "Seven Samurai" was released. Like "Ramnemon", this film shows the plot of samurai and refers to the genre of "Dzidaygaki", but in the new picture Master Cinema advanced along the way of the merger of Eastern and Western cinema. The main achievement of Akira Kurosava, which turned the film "Seven Samurai" in the legend, was the erase of the boundaries of the use of developers of Western and Eastern cinematic traditions, as well as the interweaving of elements and archetypes typical of high and pop culture.

The 70s were extremely complex in the life of a brilliant director. Oddly enough, at home Kurosawa could not boast of popularity. Akira was worn on her hands in the West, but in Japan, he began a crisis with financing films that brought the glory of both the director and the native country of Kurosawa. For this reason, the director barely did not commit suicide.

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One of the masterpieces of Kurosava saw the light thanks to the Russian film studio "Mosfilm", on the basis of which the director allowed to remove the picture. The picture was called "Dersu Uzala" and became the first work of the creator not in Japanese. The film was awarded the main award of the International Festival in Moscow and received 2 figurines "Oscar".

From the latest films of the masters who received world recognition, projects "Kagulyya: Shadow of the Warrior" and "RAS" stand out. These are two samurai epic. Under the final of the creative life of Kurosawa, two famous dramas was removed - "August Rhapsody" and "Not yet". The last picture saw the light in 1993. These films were nominated for Oscar.

Personal life

With the future wife, the great director met on the filming of the film "The most beautiful." Yoy Yaguchi worked as an actress. The picture was filmed at the factory and on the plan of the director told about women who worked at this factory. To enter the actress, the creator of the film settled women in the factory. After some time, the artists rebelled and sent to Akiro as a negotiator of Yoy Yagichi. Conversation actress and director smoothly flows into the novel.

Akira Kurosava and Yoy Yagichi

The personal life of Akira Kurosava and his second half of though was happily. In love and without scandals and shocks, the couple lived until the death of Kurosava. Two children appeared in this union: the son of Hisao, later became the producer, and the daughter of Kazuko, who chose his professional modeling.


In 1995, when Kurosava shot his last picture, he received a serious injury of his back, as a result of which he found himself in a wheelchair. He dreamed of die at his workplace - on the set. But life ordered differently. 88-year-old Akiro Kurosava died due to a stroke in the hospital. The death of doctors stated on September 6, 1998.

The grave of Akira Kurosava

In 1999, to honor the memory of the Great Director, Takasi Koizumi removed the film "After the rain" of Franco-Japanese production according to the script of Kurosava himself. Since this film came up as a tribute to the memory, Takasi Koizumi occurred to the fact that the film creation was related to the Movie Master. The composer "After the rain" became Masar Sato, who had worked on the paintings of Kurosava. In addition, one of the roles received the son of Toshiro Myifune, who gained popularity just because of the roles in the paintings of the master, the actor Hamaguchi Miffue.


  • 1950 - "Rammon"
  • 1952 - "Live"
  • 1954 - "Seven Samurai"
  • 1955 - "I live in fear"
  • 1957 - "Throne in the blood"
  • 1957 - "At the bottom"
  • 1958 - "Three Rounds in the Hidden Fortress"
  • 1960 - "bad sleep well"
  • 1961 - "Bodyguard"
  • 1962 - "Brave Samurai"
  • 1965 - "Red Beard"
  • 1970 - "Under the knock of the tram wheels"
  • 1980 - "Shadow of the Warrior"
  • 1985 - "RAS"
  • 1991 - "August Rhapsodia"

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