Stanley Kubrick - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Stanley Kubrick is a famous American director, screenwriter, producer and one of the most influential filmmakers of the XX century. The features of his films are specific large plans, unusual pan, extraordinary consumption of classical music.

The creative biography of the director includes 16 finished paintings, most of which received the status of cult. It is noteworthy that in each film, except for Spartak, Stanley Kubrick spoke immediately in several horseship, combining the work of the director, producer, the scenario, and sometimes the operator.

Director Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick was born in New York in the summer of 1928. His ancestors are Jews from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The father of Jacob Kubrick was from Eastern Galicia, he was a surgeon doctor by profession. Mother called Gertrud Primer, she comes from Bukovina, was a housewife. Stanley grew up in the Bronx. Kubricks were not religious, despite the fact that Gertrud and Jacob got married in Jewish customs. Father taught his sons to play chess when he was twelve years old, and from that time Stanley became almost obsessed with this game.

As a student of senior classes, he became interested in music and even dreamed of becoming a jazz musician. Mother and Father provided him freedom, so Stanley always did what he was interested.

Stanley Kubrick in youth

From 1941 to 1945, the future cinematographer studied in high school. William Howard Taffeta. In school, he studied not very well, so after graduation, he failed to go to the college. He says that he was not interested in school at school. In 1946, Kubrick began to visit the evening classes at a local college, but soon threw them and began searching for work. In 1946, Look magazine took it to work by the photographer, soon he became a regular photographer magazine. Thanks to this work, Stanley circled the whole country. Travels awakened in him for knowledge. Also, the young man worked, playing chess in different clubs Manhattan.


Career in cinematography Stanley Kubrick began in 1951. At first he removed his savings. His first film was a documentary short film "Day Fight" about the boxer Walter Cartier. The work was successful, and Kubrick began to shoot a few more documentaries. The next paintings were the "Flying Padre" and "Sea Rider".

Stanley Kubrick on the set

In 1953, he released the first artistic film "Fear and Desire." This film has become the least known work of the director, and Kubrick himself called the picture of clumsy and amateur.

In 1955, the film "Kiss Killer" came to the screens, which critics were appreciated positively.

However, success came to Kubrick after the release of the Drama "Fame Trails" (1957) with Kirk Douglas in the lead role. The film telling about the events of the First World War became scandalous, he was even forbidden to show in France.

In 1960, Kirk Douglas actor, who was the executive producer of film spartak, invited Stanley to the place of a dismissed director, hoping that the young would be more obedient. But Kubrick immediately replaced the actress, acting a major role, and removed the film as he himself wanted. Rent a tape received 4 Oscar awards.

The next one became a melodrama "Lolita" (1962) in the same name of the Nabokov's scandalous novel. Kinokartina was a nominee of seven awards.

Stanley Kubrick loved to shoot the shields on scandalous and controversial literature. The next film of the director became the Black Anti-Militarist Comedy "Dr. Strajnzhlav, or how I stopped being afraid and loved the bomb" based on the "Red Threat" Peter George. The film clearly ridiculed US military programs.

The world glory was waiting for Stanley Kubrick after the "Space Odyssea 2001", which received an Oscar Award as a film with the best special effects. According to the present sensational, the picture of the "Clockwork Orange" (1971), filmed on the novel of Anthony Berdjes called the same name. The film was banned in the UK due to the fact that there was a lot of sex and violence.

In 1975, Kubrick removed the drama "Barry Lyndon". A film about the Irish guy who killed the officer of the English army was repeatedly nominated for Oscar. In 1980, the following successful picture was published - "radiance". In it, the main role was performed by actor Jack Nicholson. In 1997, Kubrick began working on the drama "with widespread eyes", where the actors Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman played, who were married at that time. This film is his last work.

Through three days before his death, the director admitted that she took another film, about working on which he did not tell anyone. This interview appeared in free access only in 2015, as Patrick Murray, who held a conversation with Kubrik, signed an agreement on non-disclosure of the conversation for 15 years.

The reason for such secrecy was the video itself, which, according to the director, removed Kubrick. The director argued that the landing of American astronauts to the moon has sends, which means that the famous video is falsification. Kubrick admitted that he took off the first steps "on the moon" in the studio and that it embodied this "fraud against humanity" with the support of government and NASA.

Nevertheless, the conviction is that the American landing on the moon was not, still considered a conspiracy theory and ridiculed by society, the words Kubrika or the one who instead could be recorded on the video, changed little.

Personal life

Stanley Kubrick was married three times. He met her first wife when he worked in the Look magazine. In 1948, young people got married, but their marriage did not exist for a long time.

The second wife of the director became American ballerina and actress Ruth Sobet. They met on the set of the film "Kiss of the Killer," where Ruth played the role of the dancer. But he soon divorced with her.

Stanley Kubrick and Christina Kharlan

With his third wife, the German singer Kristina Kharlan, Kubrick met during filming the film "Fame trails": Christina sang in this film. The couple got married in 1958. At that time, Harlan had a daughter. Soon, the spouses were born two more daughters, who called Vivian and Anna. In 2009, Anna died of cancer. And Vivian was fascinated by Scientology, having ceased to communicate with his family.

Stanley Kubrick did not like to talk about his personal life, so there were more rumors and myths about him than truth.


March 7, 1999, four days after the installation of the film "With widespread eyes was completed," the director died in a dream. The cause of death was a heart attack. Talented director buried in Hartfordshire (England).

Kubrick remained unrealized projects. For thirty years, he collected the materials in order to make a film about Napoleon Bonaparte, after his death there was a big library, which numbers 18 thousand volumes of Napoleon. In 2001, the director Stephen Spielberg took off the fantastic drama "Artificial Mind," thereby embodying Stanley's long-standing dream: the first frames of the film removed the Kubrick himself.

Stanley Kubrick had an incredible effect on cinema and culture as a whole. A number of techniques that first began to use the director entered the classic of cinema and became part of the educational program in specialized universities. And the scenes from the cult paintings Kubrick regularly become the basis for references and ommages in modern cinema.

Tomb Stanley Kubrick

But in the area far from professional cinema region, the director is not forgotten and after two decades after death. Until now, fan groups on the work of the director and accounts in "Instagram" are functioning on the Internet, and accounts from Kubrick's iconic films.

And in 2018, a group of biologists called a new type of wood frogs opened on the territory of Amazonian lowland, in honor of the director - D. Kubicki.


  • 1951 - "Fight Day"
  • 1951 - "Flying Padre"
  • 1953 - "Sea Rider"
  • 1953 - "Fear and lust"
  • 1955 - "Kiss Killer"
  • 1956 - "Murder"
  • 1957 - "Glory Trails"
  • 1960 - "Spartak"
  • 1962 - "Lolita"
  • 1964 - "Dr. Strajnzhlav, or how I stopped being afraid and loved the bomb"
  • 1968 - "Space Odyssey 2001"
  • 1971 - "Clockwork Orange"
  • 1975 - Barry Lyndon
  • 1980 - "Shine"
  • 1987 - "All-metal shell"
  • 1999 - "With widespread eyes"

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