Eric Bana - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Actor, Wife, Children, Roles 2021



Eric Bana - Australian actor who became famous thanks to the bright and memorable roles in the cinema. During filming, the artist managed to open the public a multi-faceted talent - in the film Australian role in films of different genres. He masterfully depicts both the heroes of the distant past and superheroes from a fantastic future.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the actor started counting on August 9, 1968. Eric was born in Melbourne, but he was not grew in the most megalopolis, but in a cozy suburb of Tullamarine. Erica Ivan Banadinovich's father was an emigrant from Croatia and served as a leading logistics manager in the company for the production of agricultural machinery. Mom Eleanor had German roots, and her profession had a hairdresser's art. The family also brought up the eldero son.

As the ban recalled afterwards, he was often offended at school because of Eastern European origin, and the guy grew up with disgust to racism and the Nazism. By the way, Eric studied quite well, but more attention did not pay lessons, but jokes and tricks. The teenager perfectly managed to copy teachers and classmates than the guy and entertained friends.

After receiving the certificate of maturity, Eric Banadinovich did not go to the college, but got a job. In his youth, the star of Hollywood happened to change a lot of professions: he washed cars, he was handymen in the port, collected carts in the supermarket, poured beer in a pub. During the work of the bartender, the young man and came out for the first time on the scene. In the institution, a comedian competition was held, and the ban was trying himself in the genre of Standap for the sake of fun. After that, the young man joked from the scene for two years, speaking mainly in cheap bars and small hotels.


In one pub, Erica Banu noted the famous Australian showman Steve Vizard and offered to speak in the evening talk show. The young man gladly accepted the invitation and in 1993 he made his debut on television. Later, the leaders of the sketch show "Front view" drew attention to the promising humorist.

Eric Bana began to regularly appear in this program, and he often wrote jokes and scenarios of episodes. For three years, held on the project, Bana became known in the country, opened the author's transfer with the uncomplicated name "Eric" and even received the first Logie Award in the "Best Comic of the Year" category.


In 2000, the shooting of the biographical thriller "View from the inside" was started about the famous Australian criminal brandon Rida on the nicknamed butcher. Since it was impossible to create a similar picture without the participation of the maniac itself, the leadership appealed to him for consultations. And he stated that she would go to cooperation only under one condition: in the film, his comedian Eric Bana will play him, whose show he loved.

For the sake of similarity, the actor had to not only shave the naked, but also to gain 13 kg of excess weight. In addition, each shooting day started for a bath with a multi-hour makeup: tattoos were applied to the body of the artist, repeating the feces of the criminal. The picture was successful, and the Erica began to receive new proposals, including from Hollywood.

In the early 2000s, Eng was invited by the Banu on the main role in the fantastic fighter "Hulk", which was based on the story of Marvel comic. The main character is a scientist Bruce Banner - in stressful state turns into a green monster. Having learned that the author of the painting will be the director who removed the drama "Ice Wind", which he really liked, Eric immediately agreed. The project itself did not subsequently discouraged the enthusiastic reviews of film critics, but the Australian's game was rated high.

A year later, the adventure of the adventure of the "Troy" was followed, in which the actor had the role of Hector, the older brother of Paris performed by Orlando Bloom. With the last ban previously worked in the film "Black Hawk". Also in the cast included Brad Pitt, Diana Kruger and others. The shooting demanded from Australian new skills - in particular, before that, the artist never went to the horse. The efforts of the acting ensemble paid off in full - profits from cash charges amounted to $ 500 million at a budget of $ 170 million.

In 2005, Stephen Spielberg released the Drama "Munich". In the center of the plot - a story about the sensational terrorist act at the Munich Olympiad in 1972 and the repetition of the Israeli special services that followed him. In Ribe, the director sought to touch the moral questions about the admissible forms of eradicating evil in the historical retrospective of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

In the picture, Eric Bana appeared in the lead role. This time the actor played an officer "Mossad" Avner. Also, Daniel Craig, Jeffrey Rush and other Hollywood stars were involved on the set.

Eric Bana - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, Actor, Wife, Children, Roles 2021 19015_1

In Brad Pitt, a fantastic film "The Wife Traveler in Time", the artist embodied on the screen the image of the Henry Detchel librarian, which suffers from a rare genetic disease. His wife Claire played Rachel Makadams.

In 2014, the artist's filmography was replenished with an exciting film of horrors "Relieve us from the oval" director Scott Derrylicon. In the picture, Erica and Edgar Ramirez got the main roles. The project was based on the autobiographical book of the former Police Ralph Sarci "Beware of Nights", dedicated to the topic of exorcism. At this project followed no less bright.

2017 brought to the piggy bank of the Australian artist work in the film "Sword of King Arthur", where Bana played the king Uter Padrandon. The project began in 2014, when Warner Bros. Suggested by the Gaa Richie to remove a new ribbon based on the legends about King Arthur. It was planned that the above-mentioned picture will be the first part of the hexalogium films. Despite the star cast, the picture failed at the box office.

Personal life

While working on television, Eric Bana met with a journalist Rebecca Glison, the daughter of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of Australia Murray Glisona. They met for two years, and then Eric as a premium for victory in the competition "Bed", held by the Women's magazine "Cleo", received a tour of the US cities. And Bana invited the girl to make him a company.

In this trip, young people got close to even more. As a result, Eric made Rebecca's hand and heart offer. They got married in 1997 and happily live so far in their own home in Melbourne. Eric Bana satisfied with his personal life and is not going to change something in it.

Two children are raised in the family: Son Klaus and daughter Sofia. Another Eric is considered no less popular actor Hugh Jackman, with whom they have known for many years. Despite the fact that Eric Bana uses only the "Twitter", his photo appears in "Instagram" on the pans of fans.

Actor - Sports Fan. He from childhood is fond of Australian football and is sick for the local team of St. Kilda. It's funny that now the artist at the stadium is called the number one "fan" and even print his name on tickets. Also Bana is a fan of motor racing, and in the youthful age he himself participated in the rally. The driver "Targa Tasmania" actor keeps for almost 30 years, as it made the first race around the island of Tasmania, which lasted a week.

Eric Bana now

In 2021, the film "Tyne City" was released on the screens with a banana. In the story of the hero, Erica, police Aaron Falk investigates a strange murder, in which his childhood friend Luke is suspected. Waning out the facts, the character discovers the similarity between this crime and the long-standing event that happened in the town. In the acting ensemble, Bebe Betankur, Geneva O'Ryli and others, were also included.


  • 2000 - "View from the inside"
  • 2001 - "Black Hawk"
  • 2003 - "Hulk"
  • 2004 - Troy
  • 2007 - "Forgotten desires"
  • 2008 - "Even one of the kind of pain"
  • 2009 - "Star Path"
  • 2009 - "Traveler's wife in time"
  • 2016 - "And thunder"
  • 2016 - "Creeted fate"
  • 2017 - "King Arthur King Sword"
  • 2017 - "Forgiven"
  • 2018-2020 - "Dirty John"
  • 2021 - "City of Tines"

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