Alex Messagitis - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Businessman 2021



Alex Messagitis is an Irish entrepreneur, the heir to the Imperia Smurfit Kappa Group, whose name for a long time was known only in a narrow circle. But civil marriage with the Russian instading and TV presenter Victoria Bonius attracted the attention of the public to the million, making it a hero of news feeds and secular pages.

Childhood and youth

Alexander (Alex) Meltfit - Son of the Irish Billionaire, Businessman Sir Michael Mefit. The boy was born under the sign of the Zodiac Gemini in May 1985 in Ireland, when his father was 49 years old. The death senior is the title of Baronet.

In addition to Alexander, three more brothers and two sisters have grown in the family. He has a mixed nationality: among the ancestors there were not only Irish, but also a natives of Britain. Already in childhood, the Mistrefit Jr. knew that in the future would deal with a family business.

Higher education Alex Memy received in the UK. The young man graduated from the prestigious university Regent's American College London. In addition to study, the young man was fond of equestrian sports and tennis, so today, with growth, 185 cm has a sports figure.

Personal life

In 2010, Alex Memy, staying in Moscow on entrepreneurial affairs (opened the famous Annibel's Coffee Coffee Shower), I got acquainted with the most popular Lioness Victoria Bonia in Russia, who became popular after participating in the shock television show "Dom-2". A romantic relationship began between a pair.

For some time, lovers hid the novel. During this time, the popular TV presenter had time to attribute a number of novels with various celebrities. Relations declassified Victoria itself, in the spring of 2016 by congratulating the death of happy birthday with the help of a joint photo in "Instagram". After that, the "cardboard prince" fans of the TV presenter began to consider Boni civil husband.

It is noteworthy that novels with such stars were already under the rich heir as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. But, according to Alex, he stopped his choice on Victoria, because the girl is smart.

According to rumors from social networks, the parents of Alex Mefitis did not object to when the youngest son led Russian beauty to his house on the azure coast. But when it comes to marrying, his father was opposed. It is rummaged, he thoroughly rummaged on the Internet and found a lot of scandalous information about Alexa's bride.

And this information he did not really like it. The Irish millionaire suggested that the daughter-in-law without noble origin and a penny in his pocket after a divorce with the heir of multimillion capital will be able to "bite off" a significant part of the state. The amount on the Membering Family Accounts in 2010 was at least $ 368 million. Therefore, the Father banned the Son an official marriage.

Victoria Bonya reacted immediately on this. The girl stated that he always lived on the principle that her fate would not leave her. And Alex fell in love with her independence. Moreover, the celebrity says that she is not a poor man. She has an apartment in the capital, and the girl is quite capable of providing himself. Therefore, a novel with a young handsome man is not a calculation, but love.

As for the parents of death, with them, according to the TV host, she had quite friendly relations, especially for Mom Alex.

Parents bought younger son's house next to your own and helped to equip. In March 2012, a couple had a girl who was named Angelina Leticia Memy. The baby received the citizenship of Monaco, since her father is a resident of the Principality. For seven years, Alex's personal life was associated with Victoria Boni. All this time, a couple lived in a civil marriage.

As for the official status of relations, it seems to be taken into account the opinion of senior death. Victoria responded to the annoying question "when the wedding." She said that their campaigns in the registry office seem to want everything except her and Alex. So lovers decided that the celebration would not be fundamentally.

In early 2017, it began to circulate rumors that Alex Messaty and Victoria Bonya broke up. TV presenter immediately refuted these gossip, but soon the photo appeared on the Internet, on which the millionaire kisses with the Russian model of Catherine Aleshkin. After such an indisputable evidence, the celebrity admitted that they were parted with Alex and did not live together for six months.

Fans of the TV presenter accused a man that it was he who hesitated in this parting. Ultimately, the firm tired of the endless stream of reproaches on social networks and also commented on this event. The millionaire stated that she still loves Victoria and their travel was the result of misunderstanding and quarrels. Nevertheless, the man confirmed that now they live separately, and also called on fans and journalists to respect privacy and dissolve gossip.

After such a statement, Alex's subscribers remained in complete confidence that the feelings between a couple are still present and this is just a temporary disorder in relationships. But after this, Victoria registered on the dating site, and Alex had a relationship with a 19-year-old model Elizabeth Gnatenko, he was later noticed several times in the society of Russians Milen Bessonova.

Another choices of Alex became the British model Kimberly Garner, with which the Irish millionaire appeared on the Red Walkway in Cannes. After several joint photo shoots, the beauty disappeared from the life of the entrepreneur. At one time, Memy met Taylor Howard. The model has repeatedly made it clear to its subscribers that it is with her a man wants to build relationships.

Despite such a number of girls surrounded by death, the audience suspected him in an alternative orientation. Milliona was attributed to the connection with the former spouse of actresses Merry Primelli. Men often appeared on joint photos, which was the reason for this assumption. The businessman himself refused to comment.

In the fall of 2017, Alex and Victoria along with his daughter went to rest in Ireland. This caused the resumption of the hopes of fans. Former spouses posted identical photos on the personal pages in "Instagram". On these frames, death and bonia look like a real family.

Nevertheless, the TV presenter noted that this is not the reunification of the pair. The woman called the separation final, but explained that they were with Alex remained friends, close people and parents of a shared child.

Even after parting, most of the time former spouses lived in Monaco, although at first Bonia was going to move over the ocean. In Los Angeles, she had career prospects. But at the insistence of death, she decided not to leave Europe and one time lived in London.

Catholic Christmas - 2017, the most family holiday, the former spouses met the apart. Victoria Bonya flew away to celebrate a holiday in the Maldives. And Alex decided to find himself a companion for one night for one night, which was reported directly in "Instagram", calling for those who are interested in writing to the Direct.

At the same time, it was not an obstacle for a man that a possible candidate could already have a relationship. In the invitation to spend the night, the millionaire writes: the main thing is that the girl does not tell about it with his second half. Subscribers were surprised by such a method of dating, and also began to be interested in a man, why he broke up with Gnathenko.

2018 The former husband Boni met the bachelor. The new status was answered and "Instagram" a millionaire filled with pictures from a trip to the mountains, where Alex rode skiing and photographed with friends.

Soon the personal life of the man began to improve. His new girl became the Swedish model Natalie Sincavist. Alex even presented the parent to parents who approved the choice of the youngest son. They rummed a pair of early wedding, but Natalie never became the wife of the entrepreneur.


In the family of a billionaire, the professional biography of Alex was predetermined. The young man went in the footsteps of his father and the older brother Tony. Alexander is the owner of the hotel chain owned by the Mentrophe clan worldwide. He has a business in Russia, Cannes, Saint-Tropez and Monaco.

It is noteworthy that the father of Alex Michael Mefit is called the cardboard king. The man has acquired its condition at the production of cardboard and is the president of Smurfit Kappa Group, which is considered by the European leader in manufacturing packaging from corrugated cardboard. Over time, the paper empire has grown up to the factory network worldwide, and the owner has become multimillionaire. The company's official website states that Smurfit Kappa Group works in 35 countries and has 370 enterprises.

Alex Messagitis now

In 2020, Victoria Bonya told subscribers about the ailment, which for two years had suffered from her former spouse. Millionaire bit the tick, after which Lyme disease developed. None of the doctors could supply the entrepreneur diagnosis: Alex constantly felt ailment, heavily lost weight. Later, the businessman himself determined the cause of this state. Thanks to a special diet and treatment, he went on amendment.

The poor health of the man became the reason that Bonya allowed the daughter to be in Monaco for a long time: the girl was worried about his father, his recovery was the biggest desire of the child. Hope Angelina was justified. Now Alex feels much better.

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