Diana Pozharskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, Ivan Yankovsky, "Instagram", gave birth to a son 2021



Once at once with a student bench on the set, Diana Pozhaska worried that did not taste the charms of theatrical work. Familiar told that the scene should not be hurry - good roles are getting media personalities. The actress went to earn popularity. Now she has only a couple of weekends a month - it is not necessary to complain about the lack of proposals.

Childhood and youth

Diana was born on February 3, 1992 in the Volgograd region. The network meets information that according to nationality, the celebrity is a Jewish, but there is no evidence. Like confirmations or denial of many other facts of the biography of secretive Russians. Only Mom Svetlana remained from the parents. Father, whose name was Vladimir, died on the eve of the new year 2019.

From 5 years to the life of a fire firmly and for a long time, sports ballroom dances entered. In childhood, there were all: exhausting workouts, contests and competitions, a favorite subject - physical education in school. In Diana dance, he achieved a high result - passed the standards for the title of candidate in the master of sports, but in 19 years he was injured knee.

Choosing between journalism, PR and acting career, the Pozheska stopped at the last and went to enter the theatrical universities of the capital. Good luck smiled in Vgika. There she studied until the summer of 2016 in the workshop of the People's Artist Alexander Mikhailov.


In the last year of the university, Diana began to film - in the comedy TV series on the scenario Slepakov seeds "concerned, or love evil" she got an episode. The main roles of provinces seeking their place in Moscow played Maria Shalaev, Evgenia Kalnets and Olga Dibzuev.

Then the actress filmography was replenished with works in the Comedy "Eternal Vacation" with Konstantin Kryukov and Valeria Fedorovich, as well as in the adventure fantasy "Santa Claus. Battle of Mages, "in which Taisiya Vilkova and Fyodor Bondarchuk starred. The name Diana fell into the titles of the criminal tape "Vitya in the law", where Pavel Priluchnaya was shone in the foreground.

"Throwing out" in projects with the stars of Russian cinema, the artist got a central character in the mystical fantasy "Eclipse" ("Mystical Game"), where Alexander Petrov became a partner of Diana, the leading role in the rating series "Policeman from Rublevka".

The image of a simple village Girl Pozharya recreated in the 2016 Kinolent "Evil Joke". Heroine Katya Levashova, being a student of the city university, faces human meanness, is forced to start a new life and say goodbye to the dream to marry a beloved, who spent in the army. In the melodrama Diana starred together with Ilya Krakoko, Nina Nachazzha and Maria Fomina.

Participation in Sitkom "Eleon Hotel" has become for the creative biography of the actress by breakthrough. Together with a fire, Gregory Siavindov, Elena Xenofontov, Sergey Lavogin, and Milos Bikovich and Ekaterina Vilkova worked over the picture.

To correspond to the image, Diana, which is characterized by a slender physique (growth - 171 cm, the weight is 50 kg), they needed hand-to-hand tag lessons. In the film, a fragile beauty took over the fulfillment of most tricks, in rare cases, the Pozharsk replaced the cascader. "Hotel" Eleon "" so loved the audience that the creators decided to release another 2 seasons.

In the detective "Living" actress played the daughter of an unclean on the hand of a businessman. Alexander Robak became the on-screen father Diana. The main character of the picture in the execution of Kirill Kyaro is a journalist who suddenly reveals the criminal network, industriallying murders of rich people.

Another film in which the Pozheska was starred is a dismanting drama "on the edge" about women recruited by a terrorist organization. Diana starred in the role of a student who was disappointed in family values ​​and in one of the Middle Eastern countries. The parents in the face of Nikolai Fomenko and Evgenia Dmitrievy are taken to challenge the girl from captivity. Kirill Dutsevich also worked in the project.

The action of the spy belt "Embassy" was transferred to Europe and unfolds in the diplomatic representation of Russia, around the ambassador, which has become a victim of provocation. Pozharya played the ideological opponent of the character of Igor Livanov, an employee of the intelligence officer of Caledonia. The film crew was useful to help Milos Bikovich - thanks to the Actor, the Russians were allowed to shoot near the Palace of the President of Serbia, where it was forbidden to be forbidden.

Thriller 2018 "Lapsee" shot a former husband of actress Artem Aksenenko, so Diana at first did not want to work there, having remembered that the spouses were hard on the same platform together. But the director did not see anyone else in the role of an immortal resident of the Karelian depths, putting his eyes on the metropolitan virus doctor. And the Pozharov agreed.

In 2019, the producer of the film "Heat" performed a popular singer Emin Agalarov, co-founder of the Music Festival of the Music Festival. Therefore, in the picture, in addition to the actors, the stars of the Russian and Azerbaijani pop are involved. In social networks, the artist called the shooting in the ribbon the most fun in his life.

In the comedy, the action of which unfolds in Baku, Diana played a stopping singer Dasha Glotzov, who won the "voice" show and escaped from the speech. On the urban streets, the heroine is waiting for many adventures. The actress in the frame sings itself, besides, the celebrity has already worked with Emina previously - starred in the video for the song "Incredible".

Tape "Our Children" - the next joint project of the Pozharsk and Aksenko. Diana played a governess whose daughter with the son of the owner, director of the confectionery factory, decide to change places with brother and sister from the orphanage.

Personal life

Personal life Actress is closely connected with creative paths. During the filming of the film "Eclipse", the actress became close to Artem Aksenko director who created the films "Fog" and "Champions: faster. Higher. Stronger". The chosen one was older than Pozharsk for 9 years, but the age difference did not interfere with lovers.

Diana argued that the spouse supported her on the acting field and himself draws inspiration from mutual communication. It would seem that the woman did not hide the status from journalists and lived in a happy marriage, but collaborated photos with her husband in the "Instagram" placed rarely. Children at the former spouses did not appear.

Perhaps the paparazzi would not know about the divorce of the stars if at the end of 2020 Artem did not become a frequent character of the posts of another celebrity - Anastasia Mikulchina. Unlike Pozharov, the new wife Aksenko is not afraid of sharing happiness with subscribers.

Diana secrets every day gave rise to new rumors. In February 2021, information appeared in the media that the actress is pregnant from Ivan Yankovsky. Colleague comes from a well-known and wealthy family. He is the son of Philip Yankovsky and Oksana Folders, the grandson of Oleg Yankovsky. Previously, the pen shark talked about the secret novel of the pair, even reported to visiting the fire synagogue in order to draw influential mother-in-law.

Diana tried to ignore persistent tabloids and not to give an interview, but still did not stand the attack from the press and fans. In early March, the artist posted a romantic photo with Ivan, but he silently silent about the piquant. Pozharskaya asked subscribers to treat with understanding and respect the "personal space" of young stars.

On June 26, 2021, Diana gave birth to the Son, who was named Oleg, in honor of the grandfather Ivan.

Diana has a close relationship with the mother, formed in childhood. The actress even took the relative of the shooting in Serbia. The magician often posts on the Svetlana Pictures Pictures page. Works are performed in gentle watercolor colors.

Diana Pozgail now

Before the start of Quarantine in the spring of 2020, director Konstantin Statsky managed to complete the Russian-Serb project "Hotel Belgrade". Diana got the main role, and Bikovich became a partner on the set. In fact, the film is a continuation of the famous series about Eleconom. According to the results of the first weekend, the ribbon was published.

In July, the shooting of the sports drama "World Champion" began shooting, where the Pozharskaya plays one of the main roles. The picture is devoted to the chess duel between Anatoly Karpov and Victor Corrud.


  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"
  • 2016 - "Eternal Vacation"
  • 2016 - "Vitya in Law"
  • 2016 - "It was only a joke"
  • 2016 - "Mystical Game"
  • 2016 - "Eleon Hotel"
  • 2017 - "Kitchen. Last fight"
  • 2017 - "Fors Major"
  • 2018 - "Embassy"
  • 2018 - "Grand"
  • 2019 - "Lapsy"
  • 2019 - "Heat"
  • 2019 - "Our Children"
  • 2020 - "Hotel" Belgrade ""
  • 2021 - "World Champion"

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