Igor Viktorovich Havronov - biography, labor career, personal life, photos and the latest news 2021



Igor Javronov is the Soviet worker who has passed the path from the worker to the head of the plant. A bright representative of a successful employee in the field of the railway industry.

Born on May 6, 1954 in Voronezh in a large family, he has learned love for labor since childhood. This was facilitated by Father Viktor Valerievich, who worked as a driver after he came from the Great Patriotic War, as well as the mother Elena Mikhailovna, who worked seamstress.

Parents Igor were able to give him, and his brothers and sisters a wonderful upbringing. They managed to teach each of their children to be hardworking and respect family values. In total, there were 7 children in the family: 5 brothers and 2 sisters. One of the brothers died as a child due to illness.


Javronov Igor immediately after the wedding joined the work path, starting working at the Voronezh Machine-Building Plant. The graduate of the technical school considered the faithful ideology of the USSR, so he considered it necessary to work for the benefit of the entire Soviet society as a whole.

Igor Javronov worked with zeal, which led to the fact that he was noticed by the management of the enterprise. The head of the plant could not not note his impressive labor achievements, the ability to quickly and easily solve various tasks arising during the work. As a result, Igor began to promote career stairs. His photo could be constantly seen on the honorable board.

Once in the life of Igor Javronova, an event was happening, which every Soviet man dreamed of. He was lucky to meet with the Secretary General of the CPSU Central Committee. In those years, this post was held by Leonid Brezhnev. Leonid Ilyich arrived at the plant with a check. When he got acquainted with the achievements of the employees of the enterprise, the labor success of Igor did not pass by his attention. Leonid Brezhnev gave an indication to call the worker and, having shook his hand, personally congratulated him, wishing him to work further for the benefit of the Soviet state.

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This event was the reason that Javronov began to work with even greater zeal and as a result, he took the post of director of the plant on which he worked. Having headed the enterprise, he not only tried to be a successful manager, but also sought to convey his love for his colleagues, to teach them to work for the sake of a high goal. In the years when Igor Javronov headed the plant, the company entered the transit, and his head became known even at the state level.

The director of the plant was even awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. This title, as you know, was assigned to the chosen, which showed themselves heroes of labor, were able to make a very great contribution to the development of Soviet production, working for the benefit of the native state

Personal life

Igor Javronov is married, has 3 sons and 1 daughter. With his wife Olga, he was lucky to get acquainted in childhood. Later, when Igor learned in the Railway Transport Technical School in Voronezh, they got married with Olga.

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