Carolina Sevastyanova - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Gymnast 2021



Carolina Sevastyanova is a Russian gymnast, a member of the Russian national gymnastics team in Group Multi-around. In 2010, she became the winner of the youth of the Junior Olympic Games in Singapore, and in 2012 he was leading in an adult Olympiad. It is one of the most beautiful Russian athletes.

Childhood and youth

Carolina was born in April 1995 in Kiev. At that moment, parents were on a business trip in the Ukrainian capital. And a month later, Sevastyanov returned to Moscow, which is home to gymnasts. Citizenship among the athletes Russian. Mother and father are indigenous Muscovites, so we can confidently say that by nationality it is Russian.

Relationships with rhythmic gymnastics At the future Olympic champion initially developed difficult. As a child, the mother led the baby to the section, but the girl was sent home. The reason for the failure was too "large" complex.

However, apparently, the fate itself chose Carolina to occupy rhythmic gymnastics, because in kindergarten, for some reason young coach Ekaterina Sirotina selected it and selected it. Subsequently, she worked with Sevastyanova to nine years, until he went to the decret.

In Sport, young gymnast returned at 12, and this time for a long time.

Personal life

Successful beauty that has reached at a young height of heights was surrounded by male attention. It was more "dense" after the emergence of its candid pictures in the male gloss "Maxim". It is not surprising that the choice of publication fell in Sevastyanov. I contributed to this slim figure (height 174 cm, weight 61 kg), and especially noted the incredible length of the feet of Carolina.

Consent to shooting the celebrity did not give immediately. He said that the opinions of Mother and Irina Wiener, which he considers the second mom, and was filmed after their consent.

In the frame of Carolina Sevastyanova appeared in a swimsuit. The girl claims that he would not agree on more frank personnel, for example, for the "playboo". The bathing suit selected for a photo session only partially covered the perfect gymnast body. Elegant bends, tightened skin and the absence of any flaws pushed fans to think that plastic surgery were present in her life.

Carolina Sevastyanova before and after plastic

In fact, to maintain itself in shape, Carolina adheres to diets. In an interview, she admitted: after the completion of the career, during which she had to deny himself, the athlete decided that he would now eat everything and would never go to the gym. Six months later, when I realized that it was starting to gain extra weight, I decided to stop. Of course, now its nutrition is not the same as in the years of active workouts. Sevastyanova tries to abandon harmful and fatty products that do not bring the body benefit.

Personal life Carolina is the topic of frequent discussions in the media. The girl attribute numerous novels with athletes and show business stars. They spoke about relations with football player Artur Yusupov, and Sevastyanova even confirmed this fact.

A separate attention was attracted by the romance of a former athlete with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. Paparazzi managed to capture it in hockey player arms.

There were even condemnations to the celebrity, allegedly, it was the reason for the breaking of a man's relationship with the former beloved Maria Kirilenko. But Sevastyanova gave a separate interview, which claims that during the acquaintance of Ovechkin was already free.

The reason for such rumors a gymnast called that much later than the parting Maria Kirilenko decided to tell about termination of the engagement with Alexander, and officially, through the tennis federation. It happened when Sevastyanova with Ovechkin, already consistent with the relationship, together with the company, flew to rest, which created the wrong association.

The novel lasted for a short time. Subsequently, in an interview, the former athlete refused to respond, seriously belonged to relations with a hockey player and planned to build a family with him.

Soon there was news about the new novel Sevastyanova with Romanberg novel. But Carolina itself argues that he is her long-time friend, and is indignant by the fact that the press is attributed to relationships with each man with whom the former gymnast appears in the public.

From 2016, Sevastyanov began to notice in the company of a kind of guy. His calls him Alexander Mazanov, which is specifically engaged in the boyfriend gymnasts, is unknown. It seems that he prefers not to fall into the rays of the glory of the chosen. There are rumors that Mazanov is engaged in business, in the opening of which a wealthy family helped.

Judging by the pictures of a couple in social networks, they love to travel a lot on hot countries and ski resorts. Questions of reporters, when Alexander will become her husband, Carolina leaves unanswered. As long as everyone is called his fiance of a former gymnast.

Rhythmic gymnastics

In the sports career, Sevastyanova was very lucky: Irina Wiener itself drew on time, Irina Wiener, already then appointed by the coach of the Russian national gymnastics national team. Pupils Wiener were Irina Chashchina and Alina Kabaeva. So the sports biography of Carolina began. The girl immediately realized that, together with the mentor, fate gave her an incredible chance to achieve success in sports and life.

Sevastyanova trained at 12 o'clock a day and persistently endured those deprivation and even the torment for which athletes doomed. The girl dreamed of the European Championship, and it happened. Young gymnast took the team to the national team, and she became a participant in the competition in group all-around. And in 2010, the second was followed on the youth Olympiad in Singapore Sevastyanov became a champion.

15-year-old Carolina, who gave the childhood sports, understood: it's not all what she dreamed of. By paying such a high price, you need to go to the end, more precisely, to the top of the vertex.

Two years later, in 2012, Sevastyanov reached sports Olympus, and in the literal sense of the word - won gold at the Olympics in London in the group all-around.

After returning to his homeland, she visited the Alexander Hall of the Kremlin Palace, where Vladimir Putin, after a flame speech, handed medals and other awards winners.

Then Carolina experienced the happiness that a person feels when his most ambitious dream come true. The most disadvantaged vertex turned out to be conquered, above which was not. On this champion decided to put a point in a sports biography. From professional gymnastics, the girl left with the assigned title of the Honored Master of Sports.

Leaving the sport, Carolina was not lost. The celebrity entered two universities - St. Petersburg University of P. F. Lesgaft and the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting. The first is needed to work by the coach, the second is another dream champion. Sevastyanova likes working on television, and she would like to try himself as a TV host.

At the same time, she began to earn money on a fitness blog on Yutubeub and participating in demonstration performances and master classes.

In 2015, the former gymnast became the official face of the bookmaker "League of Rates".

In February 2018, Sevastyanova, as a "League of Rate", held a flash mob, the purpose of which was the support of the moral spirit of Russian athletes in the Winter Olympics after unpleasant scandals and prohibition of speeches under the flag of the country. The action took place on the Platform "Instagram".

Carolina Sevastyanova now

Although Carolina has long moved away from the world of sports, her personality does not cease to interest others. Follow her life subscribers prefer through "Instagram", where a former athlete regularly posts new photos and goes into live ether, which answers the questions of fans.

Such communication with the public does not always end for Sevastyanova positively. For example, at the end of April 2020, after having losing a quarantine in Moscow, she marked in a live ether. Among other things, she was asked why Carolina unfriendly responds to Russia, for which the celebrity negatively responded about Russian mentality, but noted that nothing against his native country had. This caused a flurry of indignation of subscribers who began to "demand" for her specials in the capital of Great Britain.

Some are confident that now she lives in London, in reality the ex-gymnast settled in Monaco, and to rest in the largest city of the United Kingdom.

Again, the statement of celebrity hotly discussed at the end of July, when Sevastyanov shared his thoughts about men with follovers, emphasizing that real representatives of strong sex should not be social networks or profile should be closed from outsiders. Everything else it does not consider the norm.


  • 2010 - Gold Medal of Youth Olympic Games in Singapore (Group Championship in Rhythmic Gymnastics)
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the Winter Olympic Games in London (Rhythmic Gymnastics, Group Multipuria)
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the European Championship in Nizhny Novgorod (rhythmic gymnastics, group all-around)
  • 2012 - Gold Medal of the European Championship in Nizhny Novgorod (rhythmic gymnastics, five goals)
  • 2012 - the Order of Friendship for a great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, high sports achievements at the Games of the XXX Olympiad in the city of London (United Kingdom)
  • 2012 - the title of Honored Master of Sports of Russia

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