Lara Katsova - biography, photo, personal life, news, "home cooking", recipes 2021



Star Lara Katrova, free chef from Odessa, asked in 2014. This year, Lara became the TV presenter of his own culinary show "Home cooking" and woke up by the famous for the whole country. Independent culinary surveyed viewers with the famous Odessa cuisine, which, according to rumors and jokes, only a glimpse, but everyone knew in the post-Soviet expanses. The "home kitchen" immediately won the love of viewers of both original recipes and the mentality, which the TV presenter showed while she was preparing, and the famous Odessa humor culinary.

In addition to the filming of the author's TV show on the "Home" channel, Lara Katzova operates the chef of the company "Odessa cuisine Mom Roli", gives dinners in famous Moscow restaurants, and also goes on tour in the cities of Russia, where he performs at the gastronomic copyright shows and is preparing in popular establishments of these cities. Today, the press calls Laru Katsu gastronomic celebrity.

TV presenter Lara Katzowa

Lara is a rooted bed. The cook was born on May 17, presumably 1968 (accurate information is difficult to find). The history of the birth of this bright woman is the same unusual as Lara itself. While Katrova was born in Odessa, Chelyabinsk was recorded in the metric. The fact is that immediately after the birth of the youngest daughter, Abram Katsov, a test pilot and Odessans, was sent to test a new aircraft in Chelyabinsk. When they found out that he had just been born a child, they advised slightly to smell and write down that Lara was born in this northern city. Thus, the family would have able to get housing in Chelyabinsk.

The 5-day Laru Katsov was immediately sent by the aircraft from the "Pearls by the Sea" in the "the most severe" city.

Lara Katzowa

There, the girl graduated from school with a biological-chemical bias and received a higher education. True, not that girl wanted. Lara Katzova planned to become an ophthalmologist. At the heart of this dream lay the desire to cure the beloved grandmother Esphyrus Markovna, which quickly lost sight. But in the Chelyabinsk Medical Institute, Katsov did not accept. But they took to the Polytechnic, where the girl chose the faculty of "Chemistry and physics of metals". So Lara Katzova became an engineer-technologist. True, the diploma of Katzova was not useful.

Cooking and creativity

The creative biography of Lara Katzova is also closely connected with the beloved Jewish grandmother Marko Trachtman, on the holidays to whose native Odessa Lara Katzow flew every summer. Grandmother taught granddaughter with delicious recipes and wisels of Jewish-Odessa home kitchen. How repeated the culinary in its own programs repeated, Markovna's Esphyrus did such Forsak that the whole city came to try this treat. Mom Lara also prepared excellently.

TV presenter Lara Katzowa

After graduating from the university in Chelyabinsk Katzowa went to earn money in Moscow. The future famous cook was in a hurry to earn money for grandmother's operation. So Lara fell into the Russian show business. Lara accidentally met Angelica Varum. The singer took Katsov to the concert administrator. Then Lara "Pleashed" on a similar job to Irina Allegrova. Next worked for Valeria.

The fracture in the life of Katzova occurred when moms did not become behind the grandmother's departure. Lara did not come to himself after such a blow. This break was enough for the show-business to "forget" about Odessith.

Lara Katzowa

After some time, Lara Katsov managed to get a job in his hometown. Lara Katzova became the executive director of the Odessa festival "Big Difference".

Once Lara Katzova moved the mother's things and found the book of recipes in them. And then also scattered entries and tips with the secrets of cooking moms and grandmothers. Katzova began to prepare on them and was carried away, which acquired the glory of one of the best chefs of his native Odessa. The amateur culinary began to invite to Moscow, where Katzov was preparing for various restaurants and cafes home for various restaurants.

Lara Katsova and her book

For the second time, Moscow turned out to be hospitable. Odessans took the concert director at the TV show "ProjectorPerisHilton", where Katzov solved the organizational issues of telecast. But much more Laru Katsov attracted a kitchen, where the woman felt like a fish in the water.

In 2014, when Katrova turned 47 years old, popularity has come to a woman. In the spring of this year, Lara Katzowas became a member of the Culinary Competition "Recipe for Million" on the CTC channel, where with dignity competed with professional chefs. This is a project of the TV presenter Dmitry Nazarova, whom the audience know according to the famous culinary sitcom "kitchen".

And then the free chef has already received its own gear. Lara was called on the TV channel "home" and entrusted to lead the TV show "Home kitchen".

On only famous guests - stars of show business, popular athletes, actors and politicians come to the transmission to Katskaya today. The group "on-on" with Bari Alibasov, Nadezhda Granovskaya, Sergey Zverev, Shura and Sati Casanova - who just was not on the "home kitchen" of Lara.

Together with them, Lara Katzova is preparing an incredibly delicious homemade dishes on the recipes of the beloved grandmother Esphyr and their own. But these preparations would not be as attractive to the viewers, if with them in the "duet" did not go the famous Odessa humor of the TV presenter.

The popularity of their own transfer to Culinary explains that today people are already tired of Japanese, oriental and other exotic cuisines. And in the TV broadcasting of Lara Katzan, only homemade, cozy recipes, ingredients for which can be found in the nearest store. In addition, culinary dishes can be repeated almost in any kitchen and almost everything to cook hands without using complex kitchen devices.

As Lara Katzov said in a single interview, respecting himself Odessa does not use a blender in the cooking of native dishes. The cook noted that for the preparation of a kitlet, of course, a meat grinder is needed, but Forshmak, eggplant caviar and various salads are prepared only manually.

Lara Katsova - biography, photo, personal life, news,

The main home atmosphere of the transfer is also supported by the main rule of "home cooking": guests can not leave the kitchen until they eat everything cooked.

It is worth noting that Lara Katzov's recipes is divided not only in video format. Also culinary secrets of the cook regularly appear in the journal "Deli".

TV presenter Lara Katzowa

It is divided by its own culinary masterpieces of Katzov and on the page in "Instagram". This glamor site also could not affect the corporate identity of the cook. Free culinary card is not afraid to post photos of simple "non-flashing", but all the favorite dishes like sandwiches with sprats. Nevertheless, even such a dish that any hostess can cook, in the performance of Lara will be distinguished by professional feeding, experiments with ingredients and other interesting trifles.

Personal life

Open and able to joke the artist does not like to talk about what does not concern her work. Personal life of Katzova Lara is quite closed from prying eyes. In one of the televisers slipped that the TV presenter is married and she has a family. But on this all information ends.

Lara Katzova now

Today, Katsova is often invited to various popular TV shows, which is not surprising. After all, now Lara is a real television. Spectators gladly watched the favorite artist and in the humorous entertainment show "Deadly evening", "Laughter without rules".

Lara Katzowa

Gastronomic career Lara Katrova is progressing. In addition to the non-losing popularity of the TV show, the culinary is engaged in other projects. As a cook and promised, Lara issued a book-collection of the recipes for his legendary grandmother, Markovna's esfyrus, which Katzova mentioned in his culinary transmission. The book was published in the AST publishing house and was called in honor of the transmission that brought Lara's popularity, "home cooking".

In addition, Lara Katzow continued to prepare and outside the television screen, the woman became the brand-chief of the Moscow restaurant of Odessa cuisine called "Barcas".


  • 2014 - "Million Recipe"
  • 2014 - "Home Cooking"

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