Nodar Mgaloblishvili - Photo, biography, personal life, movies, cause of death



Nodar Mgaloblishvili said that in a good role there must be a human start. That is how he lived the lives of his heroes on the screen. For this, the audience and fans love him. After the release of the film "Formula of Love" directed by Mark Zakharov, he oversaw his popularity. From the actor episode and the second plan, it goes into a new status of the main character. Honest, noble and uncompromising - so he was remembered by colleagues on the theater and the shooting platform.

Childhood and youth

Nodar Alexandrovich Mgaloblishvili was born in Tbilisi in a poor family. The boy was born on July 15, 1931. Childhood was extremely difficult, even more difficult after the death of his father. The head of the family was lying down without consciousness for a long time and died. The sad event occurred in April 1950.

In the same year, the Nodar, who graduated from school and dreamed of entering the acting profession, decides to submit documents to the Georgian Polytechnic Institute, but does not undergo mathematics exams. His friend called to come together with him to the Tbilisi Theater Institute.

"He said:" Nodar, you want to become a singer, let's go to the acting school. I am on the directing, and you are on the acting. " Well, I learned something, read ... and accepted me, "says the actor in an interview.

The young man falls on the course of famous Georgian teachers Akakia Hooray and Akakia Vasadze. After the completion of the training of Nodar Mgaloblishvili adopted in 1954 to the Tbilisi Academic Theater named after Kote Martzhanishvili. In his youth, the young actor gives the roles of the Heroes of Lovers. Then the director notice other possibilities in it and trust him with characteristic heroes, in most of which are negative characters.

On the theater scene Mgaloblishvili plays Yago from the play of Shakespeare "Othello", the actor from the Gorky work "at the bottom", Oswald from "Ghost" Gerhritis Ibsen, Haki Agmenu in the play of the same name according to the Me Novella Leo Kiacheli and Teimuraz Hevystavi in ​​the "Obvale" of Mikhail Jawakhishvili. The actor admitted that the theater loves. There, according to him, there is freedom.

"The rehearsal period is the most interesting for the actor, because very close to life ... In the theater, know yourself and another person," said Nodar Alexandrovich.


The first role in Migaloblishvili received the first role in 1957 in the film "Last of Sabudar".

He removed a lot, but basically plays secondary characters. The actor executes the main role in 1984 when he was invited to the film Mark Zakharov "Formula of Love". His graph of Caliostro turned out so convincing that even the famous director Mark Anatolyevich responded about Nodar Alexandrovich as one of the most talented Georgians. The actor himself told that after the "golden" role to him, it was closed for the whole life "Caliosostro Count", and he reacted to him as an name.

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According to memories, the shooting of the legendary film was easy and playing. The artists rehearsed little, and there was almost no double. On the set, Mgaloblishvili broke his leg, and everyone thought that they would take on the role of the column of another artist, but Zakharov saw in Caliostro only Nodar Alexandrovich. The most difficult to have grimers who were constantly thinking how to hide the foot broken in the frame.

With the release of the film to the actor, popularity and money come. In addition, it opens up new opportunities in cinema - Nodar are invited to act on the main roles. He was then offered to move to Moscow, but Magallishvili remains in his homeland, in his beloved Heart of Georgia.

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Another characteristic role for Nodar Alexandrovich is the role of Baron in the Russian TV series "named Baron" directed by Dmitry Svetozarova. Mgaloblishvili played the cynical and rigid head of the Moscow Mafia. After this role, he began to compare it with Alem Pacino from the Saga "Great Father" and even found the external similarity of actors in the photos.

The film receives two awards "Teffi" in the nominations "best game television series" and "The best director", and the actor of Georgia's power is awarded the Order of the honor, from which Nodar Alexandrovich refuses.

"I detected everything from Order, so it was brought to the theater. I returned anyway. He said that the authorities took advantage of me, forcing me, "remembers the case of his own biography Georgian actor.
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Nodar Alexandrovich did not hide his disappointment from the events taking place in his homeland. In the mid-90s, he and family had to be afraid. The film acter was forced to sell car details on the market.

"Hiding from people under the cap so as not to know. I lived 2 years, "said Nodar Alexandrovich.

According to him, Russian cinema helped survive. After the release of a multi-siever film "By name Baron", Mgaloblishvili is invited to the role of bearded in the series "Special Forces" and "Special Forces-2". He plays a villain, whose prototype is bin Laden. Then followed roles in such serials as "Diversian" and "Favorsky".

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The artist speaks with an emphasis, so other actors are voiced. In the film "Formula of Love", he tells Armen Gigarhahanyan's voice, and Boris Smallkin voiced him in the series "named Baron".

In 2007, Nodar Alexandrovich participates in the mystical TV series "Secund to ...", after which it makes a decision no longer be removed. But in the same year he is offered a major role in the film "Confession of Don Juan" directed by Andrei Benkendorf instead of Armen Gigarhahanyan. The actor suddenly fell ill and could not come to shoot. From the opportunity to get a prominent role, Nodar Mgaloblishvili did not refuse and, as he later recognized, the role of Don Juan became in his filmography of one of the most significant.

Personal life

About the personal life of Nodar Alexandrovich is known that he is a widower. Actor remembers love and tenderness about his wife, calling himself a monochombus.

The couple met in 1955, when the Nodar was traveled in the concert brigade on rustic clubs with performances. Two girls approached the break, and the biggest of them offered to the young actor to meet. But the Nodar drew attention to a quiet girl and immediately thought about himself that she would be his wife.

Young people met all summer. But, according to Nodar, he never recognized her address in Tbilisi. I had to go to the avenue of Rustavel every day every day in the hope of seeing your favorite. The meeting occurred in September, and from that time the couple no longer parted. In July 1956, young people signed up, and a year later, the son was born in July. Magallishvili did not have more children in marriage.

The actor's wife worked as an economist. The meaning of his life was in the family of the Son and two granddaughters.


Recent years, the actor spent in Tbilisi. Nodar Alexandrovich died on March 26, 2019. According to the Georgian media, the cause of death has become a heavy and long-term disease.


  • 1958 - "Last of Sabudar"
  • 1964 - "Children of the Sea"
  • 1971 - "Quiet Abode"
  • 1973 - "Warm autumn sun"
  • 1977 - "Coast"
  • 1980 - "Ogareva, 6"
  • 1984 - "Formula of Love"
  • 1989 - "Kakala"
  • 1992 - "Moscow Beauties"
  • 1994 - "Sickle and Hammer"
  • 1996 - "Time"
  • 1998 - "Seventh Ring of Sordogun"
  • 2001 - "name of Baron"
  • 2002 - "Special Forces"
  • 2005 - "Favorsky"
  • 2007 - "Secund to ..."
  • 2010 - "Maxim Platov"
  • 2011 - "Retribution"

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