Robert Zedekis - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Robert Zedekis is an American producer, a screenwriter, a film director, famous for the films "who substituted Rodger's rabbit", "Bikes from a crypt", "Forrest Gump".

Robert Zedekis was born in May 1952 in Illinois. Childhood and youth of the future director passed in the suburb of Chicago. Boy's parents belonged to the working class. The whole life of the family rotated around the only problem: how to make money and bring ends with ends.

Film director Robert Zeekis

Roberta, like that later with bitterness, shared in one interview, "not shone" to jump out of its class in some other world. There were no place in the house of Zemkis for literature and art. The Son was brought up in strict Roman Catholic traditions, whose supporters were the Father, a leaving from Lithuania, and Mom, who had Italian roots.

The only inhabited and source of inspiration for young land was television. The boy looked at the screen, as if it was a window in a different world.

Robert Zedekis

A real turning point in the life of Robert happened when his father's little film came into his hands. The guy with enthusiasm looked through her eyes to the world and removed everything that saw: family holidays, parents, homemade gatherings. Soon Robert Zedekis began to make small amateur films in which various special effects were combined.

Once the future film director saw the picture "Bonnie and Clyde" and realized that there was nothing to connect with anything other than cinema. The idea of ​​entering the cinematic school did not like the parents. But the son was firm. The young man entered the school of cinema worked at the University of South Carolina.


At the University, Robert Zemkis met the future writer Bob Gale. Later, this friendship resulted in close cooperation and joint writing of scenarios.

At the senior courses, Zemkis received a student academic premium for the educational picture "Field of Honor". This work, the young director showed Stephen Spielberg, who was amazed seen. He liked the creativity of a novice colleague that the master took Zedessis under the custody. Moreover, the famous Hollywood director took to produce the first projects of Robert. Thus, the first projects "back to the future" and "who substituted Rabbit Roder's rabbit" were released on the screens, the scenarios for which were written by Zemkis and Gale.

Surprisingly, the cooperation with the Matcher of World Cinema Cinema Spielberg did not bring Zedekis a special popularity, although Spielberg even attracted Zedessis to work on the scenario of his own project "Thousand nine hundred forty-first".

Robert Zedekis

In the 80s, Robert in films begin to appear popular Hollywood artists. In the Comedy "Used cars", the main roles were performed by Kurt Russell and Jack Warden, but the film "Roman with Stone" film was the greatest popularity during this period of life, to work on which the director was attracted in the mid-1980s Michael Douglas.

In the main roles of romantic melodrama, Douglas himself and Kathleen Turner starred. Contrary to pessimistic expectations, the project turned out to be more than successful. Finally, Zemkis has been talking like a film director. Working on this picture, Robert got acquainted with Alan Sylvestree, a composer who later wrote music to all the films of Zeekis.

After the first loud success, the painted director took the shooting of the adventure picture "Back to the Future", where Michael Jay Fox and Christopher Lloyd starred in the lead roles. This project had such a warm welcome that Zemkis took off two sequels, which came to the screens in 1989 and the 1990s. The picture received 4 "Oscars" and huge cash charges.

In the 1990s, Robert Zedekis is a unquestionous authority in the world of Hollywood cinema and a recognized star. From the projects of this period, it should be noted the comedy tape "Death to her face", where the main characters played Meryl Streep, Goldi Hawn and Bruce Willis, and Kinearma with the elements of the Comedy "Forrest Gump" with Tom Hanks in the lead role. The drama brought Zerkis 6 statuette "Oscar", one of which for the best director.

In 2000, the adventure drama "Expediency" was released on the screens, in which Tom Hanks again starred. This time, the star of Hollywood appeared on the screen in the image of the head of the major corporation, which hit the uninhabited island.

In the 2000s, the Master develops the revolutionary digital technique of shooting, putting tremendous funds in its development. In 1999, Zedekis has invested $ 5 million in the center of digital art, which is called his name, at South California University. Opening took place in 2001. The director is confident that the digital technology filming the future.

In the new century, Robert Zedekis removed a series of films using the innovative technique of computer animation, which was called "Capture Movement". The meaning is that the camera "captures" the actor's movements using them for animation characters. The debut film, in which Zemkis clearly demonstrated a new technique, became the "Polar Express". The film was brought to the Guinness Book of Records, as it was the first animated film in the world, created in the technique of copying people's movements.

The same techniques of Robert used in the fantastic militant of 2007 "Beowulf", where Ray Winston, Anthony Hopkins played the main roles, Angelina Jolie, John Malkovic, and later - in the "Christmas History", the filmization of the work of Charles Dickens.

The director himself responded to the plot as the most beloved travel history in time. In the film, we were talking about richly whining Ebenesere Scrud (Jim Kerry), who are the perfume of Christmas - past, present and future. For one night, the rich is changing the idea of ​​life and becomes another person.

In the last period of creative biography, the director again turned to work on dramatic paintings. In 2012, the film "Crew" was issued about the pilot, I managed to plant an airliner with a refused management system. The chief character of the film was played by Denzel Washington. The film received a number of nominations for prestigious premiums, including Oscar and Golden Globe.

Personal life

Once the Matcher of the Hollywood Film Academy admitted that Oscar received for another 20 years. This meant that for many years of becoming a personal life of Robert Zemkisis was moved to the background.

The first time the famous director married in the 1980s. The wife became Actress Mary Ellen Trainor, who gave birth to Zedekis of the only son of Alexander. But the couple did not live together. The young Robert had no money, no free time, no life. Everything selected the work, which Zemkis gave 100 percent.

Robert Zemkis with his wife

For the second time, Robert Zedekis married in 2001, when he turned 49. The wife of the master became the actress Leslie Harter, with which the director finally gained family happiness.

The director is so absorbed by the work that there is no time to communicate with fans through social networks. Occasionally in "Instagram" manifest photos of the posters of new works of Zeekis.

Robert Zedekis now

The latest works in the filmography of Zemekovis became the film Biography "Walk" about the life of the robe of the "Allies" about the fate of two scouts - Max Vatan and Marianne Boseshur (Brad Pitt and Marion Cotiyar), who decided to become her husband and his wife. Now the director works on the creation of the film "Women of Marlevine", whose premiere is expected in November 2018.


  • 1972 - "Elevator"
  • 1984 - "Roman with stone"
  • 1985 - "Back to the Future"
  • 1988 - "Who put the Rabbit Roger"
  • 1989 - "Bikes from a crypt"
  • 1992 - "Death to her face"
  • 1994 - "Forrest Gump"
  • 2000 - "Izgoy"
  • 2007 - Beowulf
  • 2009 - "Christmas History"
  • 2012 - "Crew"
  • 2015 - "Walk"
  • 2016 - "Allies"

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