Rachel Herd-Wood - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Rachel Claire Hörd-Wood-British actress and fashion model, famous for his childhood, thanks to the role of Wendy in Peter Pan's fairy tale. The popularity was also popular with the participation of Rachel "Perfumer: the story of one killer", "Dorian Gray" and "Invasion: Battle for Paradise."

Rachel was born in the southern part of London, in the Stretham district. Father of the girl Phillip Hörd-Wood wrote scenarios for performances and television films, and also went to the theater scene in the role of the actor. Mom, which is Sarah's name, was engaged in the economy and rated children - Rachel and the younger brother Patrick.

Actress Rachel Herd-Wood

In the capital of England, the future actress lived up to 8 years, after which the family moved to a country cottage built in the Victorian era, located in the county of Surrey. There girl went to school at the Rodbrow technological college. The beloved objects of the girl were literature, philosophy and history of arts.

At the age of 16 Rachel Hörd-Wood began to specialize in the natural sciences. Despite the fact that her shoulders had several roles in the cinema, who received recognition from the audience and marked by praise specialists, the girl dreamed of the profession of the sea biologist, as she wanted to study dolphins. However, by the time of receipt of the certificate of maturity, Rachel realized that she was not enough knowledge for a successful scientific career, so the Higher Education went to receive the University of London, where he entered the faculty of linguistics.

Rachel Herd-Wood

But in the end, the acting path Rachel Hörd-Wood did not let go: after the first course, the girl had to choose: or to continue his studies, or leave to Australia to shoot a large-scale project, where she was offered a major role. And Rachel decides to engage in cinema professionally, throws the university and has been regularly filmed in the cinema.


Rachel Hörd-Wood was only 12 years old when she was invited to Casting for the first time. As a result, the girl was interested in producers of the new filmmaking of the Family Fairy Tale "Peter Pan" and received the role of Wendy Darling, "Moms" of boys lavers. This work immediately brought young Rachel Fame, she was even nominated for the Saturn prestigious premium. The role of a boy who does not want to become an adult, performed Jeremy Sampweh. At the workplace, the young actors absorbed the basics of skill from communicating with Jason Isaaks, who starred in the role of captain of the hook, as well as with Olivia Williams and French Sanier Frenchwoman.

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In childhood, the actress managed to play a victim of evil forces named Bati in the Thriller "Ghost of the Red River" and the little imported Hellhwithon from the detective "Sherlock Holmes and the case of silk stocking."

At the age of 16, Rachel again bathes in the rays of Glory: the girl embodied the image of Laura Rishi in the psychological film of the director of Toma Tõkver "Perfumer: the story of one killer," the story of which the Roman Patrick Zyuskinda was taken as the basis of the plot. The main character of Jean-Baptiste Grenui (Ben Weeshow), obsessed with the desire to create a unique fragrance, which will reduce people crazy, is decided to kill 13 innocent girls in order to extract odor from them.

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Crimes reduce the inhabitants of the French town crazy. After killing the last girl, Laura Rishi, perfumers are catching, but before the penalty, Grenuy uses a drop of his spirits, which turns him in the eyes of the crowd to the Messiah. Surprisingly, in the third role in a row for his creative biography, Herd Wood portrayed the murder victim.

She continued to "die" in front of the audience Rachel and in the sensational thriller "Dorian Gray". This time, the Heroine of Sibylla Wayne, in which the actress reincarnated, becomes the first seduced by Dorian Gray (actor Ben Barnes) by the girl, which the young man immediately leaves. In despair, Sibylla rushes from the bridge to the river.

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Only in the fantasy militant "Solomon Kane" Rachel managed to get rid of such an amplua. But in this film, heroine Rachel Meredith Crowutorn did not escape the fate of the victim of dark forces, although this time and without a deadly outcome. Girl saved Solomon Kane (James Pierf), a knight, who spent a lot of time in the monastery and learned to resist the servants of the devil.

The film, which finally made a professional artist's professional actress, was the dismissant drama of the Australian production "Invasion: Battle for Paradise", released on screens in 2010. In the film, we were talking about a group of adolescents who spent the weekend in the campaign, and returned, found that all their relatives were killed, and the gang whale in the city.

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After that, Herd-Wood agreed only on top roles. The actress starred in a fantasy triller "Shelter", where the girl played by the name of May, who meets on his way of the young man James (Harry Tredewei), endowed with superpowers. In 2014, among the main heroes of the Melodrama "Road to Dampus", where Hanner Wright also starred. After a year, the actress adopted a proposal from the creators of the television project "Home foci", in which we were talking about the pre-war time, experienced by the inhabitants of the town in English County Cheshire.

In the same year, another feature project appeared in Rachel filmography - fantastic horror "Second Origin". After the global catastrophe in the world, only two people remain - the girl Alba and the young man Didak, who will learn to live again.

Personal life

Rachel Hörd-Wood is not from those actresses who fall into the lenses of the paparazzi and on the pages of the yellow press due to romantic prehensions. Information about personal life The girl is carefully hiding from the public. But it is fully open in matters of public life.

Actress Rachel Herd-Wood

Rachel has a lot of strength and money spend on charity. The actress supports a children's charitable center that helps the London Hospital "Great Ormond Street Hospital". In 2009, a poster with an autograph of the actress was put at the auction, and the girl herself announced that funds from the sale would go to this hospital. Until now, the lot of actresses are considered the most profitable in the history of this charity center.

At Christmas Rachel often leaves for the county of Surrey and together with other movie stars organizes magnificent fabulous ideas in the style of Carrollovka wonderland for incurablely sick children. In addition to the fact that children become spectators, they are also offered to participate in the show.

Rachel Herd-Wood

Judging by the publications of the photo on the official page of the actress in "Instagram", the girl is safely married to the actor Rosary Bain. A young man is famous for roles in the rating series "Castle", "artificial intelligence", "Big Kush". His participation is expected in the premiere of 2018 "Mission is impossible: consequences" with Tom Cruise in the lead role.

The wedding of actors took place in the fall of 2017. Now the network appears snapshots, where Rachel openly demonstrates rounded shapes: newlyweds will soon wait for replenishment.

Rachel Hörd-Wood now

The actress does not complain fans with frequent appearance on the screen. In 2016, the girl starred in the American TV series "Spark", a year later appeared in the "Click" thriller. For the near future, the comedy comedy is planned with the participation of Rachel Hörd-Wood called "The Revenger: An Unromantic Comedy", where Robert Casinsky and Samanta Barks will also appear.


  • 2003 - "Peter Peng"
  • 2005 - "Ghost of the Red River"
  • 2006 - "Perfume: the story of one killer"
  • 2009 - "Dorian Gray"
  • 2009 - "Solomon Kane"
  • 2010 - "Invasion: Battle for Paradise"
  • 2011 - "Shelter"
  • 2014 - "Road to Dampus"
  • 2015 - "Second Origin"
  • 2017 - "Click"

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