Viola Davis - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Filmography, TV Series, Main Roles 2021



Viola Davis is an American actress of theater and cinema, the owner of a number of prestigious acting awards, including Oscar. Viola is also known as the theater artist, which has achieved considerable success in the Broadway productions. Now the American continues to delight fans with new bright roles.

Childhood and youth

Viola was born on August 11, 1965 in the American town of Saint Mattius. She was the fifth of the six children of Dan Davis's horse trainer and Maj Ellis maid. The baby was not and the year when the family moved to Rhode Island. The financial situation left much to be desired: the children had to desire clothes behind the elders, and toys were rare pleasure.

The guys themselves came up with entertainment, most often played small scenes with fictional heroes. Subsequently, this hobby Davis has developed already in the school dramatic studio. Talented student even paid a scholarship.

Having finished college in 1988, Viola wondered about higher education. The academic years at the university were fruitful - in 2002, the girl was awarded the honorable degree of a doctor of fine arts. The actress has honed his acting skills in New York, in the prestigious Juliar School. It was there that Davis received a valuable experience who helped her develop skill in the future.


In the biography of Viola, the first successes of acting craft are associated with theatrical scene. In 2001, the artist was awarded the Tony and Drama Dem Premiums for the role in the play "King Hadley II". Three years later, the Broadway Statement of Intimate Apparel again brought the actress victory on the theater award "Drama Desk". In 2010, Viola Davis received the second statuette "Tony" for participating in the play "Fence".


The first steps of the American in the movie began in 1996 from Daniel J. Sullivan's "Essence of Fire", where the actress played a nurse. Viola was shot in numerous TV projects, there were no serious offers from the directors. Exception became Stephen Godberg. He invited the performer to play in the thriller "out of sight."

The 2002 project "Solaris" brought actress long-awaited success. The director made a shielding of the Roman Stanislav Lem with some adjustments: instead of one of the male astronauts, the audience saw a woman who played Viola. This change was perfectly described later by the established role of the artist: Davis most often appeared as strong, volitional heroines, holding posts and positions previously considered exclusively male.

The actress did not refuse small roles. So, in the filmography of the Americans, "Gemini Towers", "Paranoia" and others appeared. The dramatic talent of the Viola revealed to the fullest in the Doubt Drama. Interestingly, Davis appeared in the tape only in an 8-minute episode, but this scene became one of the brightest in the project.

The partner artist in it became Meryl Streep, which brilliantly born into the image of the director of the Catholic Church School. For a short time, the performers presented the spectators of the heroine, having different views on the moral principles, questions of homosexuality and other significant topics. Work in the film directed by John Patrick Shengley became a fateful for the actress.

Filmists gave her work a high assessment, and in 2009, Viola for the first time in his career became a nominee at once into two prizes - Oscar and Golden Globe - as the best actress of the second plan. And although in both cases the victory went to her colleagues, but it was a weighty breakthrough Davis in Hollywood.

Each next role brought an American even greater recognition, but what triumph and glory actress understood in 2011. Then the film "Delivery" was released on the screens, where Viola appeared in the lead role - the dark-skinned maid Eubilin Clark. Her heroine, serving in the White House, tried to fight racial prejudices that existed in America of the 1960s. This work was close to Davis itself, because, while still a schoolgirl, the actress faced with similar stereotypes and discrimination.

The picture received enthusiastic critics reviews, and American itself was nominated for the Oscar Prize in the category "Best Women's Role." True, I won the cherished statuette in this nomination Maryl Streep for the image of Margaret Thatcher's embodied on the screen in the Rente Lady tape. But the "servant" became Oscarous: a colleague Viola on the project, Octavia Spencer, recognized as the best executor of the feminine role of the second plan.

For work in the detective series "How to avoid punishment for the murder" Davis received Emmy in 2015. This event became a sign, because for the first time in the history of cinema the winner in the nomination "The best female role in the dramatic series" was the black actress. A colleague Viola on the creative workshop, Famke Jansen, was nominated in the category "Best invitation actress in a dramatic series."

Viola embodied on the screen the image of a lawyer and professor at the University Middleton Annaliz Kingting, reading lectures on forensic. When a murderer appears in the campus, students quickly have to learn how to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

In 2016, a fantastic fighter with elements of the Comedy of David Air "Squirths Divide" with the participation of Davis came to the screens. The project actresses got the role of Amanda Waller, an intelligence agent with steel will and an iron heart. The film did not bring the American prestigious awards, and the fighter himself was even nominated for the anti-racm "Golden Raspberry", but nevertheless paid off at the box office, received a number of positive reviews of viewers, and also entered the extended universe DC, Fandom on the basis of the famous publishing comic.

In 2016, the artist played Rose Maksson in the Drama "Fences", based on the plot of the plays of August Wilson (Pulitzer Prize). The script wrote the playwright itself, having time to adapt the work under the film format before death. The film tells about the fate of the African American family from the working class in the 50s of the last century in the United States. The main male role in the film was performed by Denzel Washington, who also acted as director's director.

A year later, Davis awarded "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" in the nomination "The best female role of the second plan". And the painting "Fences" itself entered the list of the ten best films of 2016 according to the American Institute of Cinema.

Later, American again appeared on the screen in the lead roles - in the detective drama "Widow" and Bayopic "Ma Raina: Mother Blues" about the legendary singer of the 20s of the XX century. In 2019, Viola was in the center of attention of the press: in an interview with the actress criticized the idea of ​​the nomination of Julia Roberts on the role of dark-skinned activist Harriet Tabman. Earlier, the artists managed to play in the melodrama "Eat, pray, love."

It became scandalous and statement Davis about the difference in fees in actresses with different color of the skin. Viola noted that in the press it is often called "Black Maryl Strip" - for experience and talent. However, the merits of the performer were not paid, according to her, as well as other sign "white" performers. Such a message the public perceived ambiguously.

Personal life

Personal life of the artist has developed happily. Davis knit herself to marriage in 37 years. The chief of the American was the actor and producer Julius Tennon. The wedding was played on June 23, 2003. Husband older than Viola for 11 years: at the time of marriage he already had two children from the previous marriage.

Since 2011, the couple raises the adoptive daughter of Jensesis Tennon. In 2016, Viola Davis was in the top 50 most influential mothers (according to Working Mother's magazine). Not the last role in this was played by the official "instagram" actress, where Davis regularly laid out the photo with the girl.

Viola Davis now

In 2021, the artist continued to be filmed in the cinema, in particular in the new series of the superhero militant "Suicide detachment: a mission of a wavelet", the director of whom this time was James Gunn. The creator of the picture stressed that the project did not become a continuation of the first film. The painting was based on the 80s comics from the authors of John Osrantra and Kim Jale, while the picture of 2016 was shot on new comics of the new 52 series.


  • 2001 - Providence
  • 2001 - "Kate and Leo"
  • 2003 - "Taxi driver"
  • 2005 - "Rewinding or Umci"
  • 2007 - "Paranoia"
  • 2009 - "law-abiding citizen"
  • 2010 - "This is a very funny story."
  • 2011 - "SERVICE"
  • 2013 - "Captrans"
  • 2013 - "The game of Ender"
  • 2011 - "terribly loudly closely close"
  • 2014-2018 - "How to avoid punishment for killing"
  • 2015 - "Cyber"
  • 2016 - "Suicide Society"
  • 2016 - "Fences"
  • 2018 - "Widow"
  • 2020 - "Ma Rii: Mother Blues"
  • 2021 - "Suicide detachment: Mission Skill"

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