Ivan Rudakov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Full Ivan Rudakov increasingly appears on the Russian screen. Spectators Actor sign on the popular TV series "Gypsy with exit" and "Yasmin".

Ivan Rudakov - Native Moskvich. The actor was born in October 1978 in the acting family of Alexey Rudakov and Helena Nikolaeva. Accordingly, the children's and youth years of Ivana passed "under the sign of the cinema." Houses - conversations of parents about shooting and new roles. Yes, and film studios with kinopavillons from ornamental years have become a boy in the usual and everyday business. Here Vanya felt at home.

Full Ivan Rudakov

After receiving the school certificate, Ivan Rudakov became a student of Vgika. He came from the first attempt and was enrolled on the course of a talented artist and the teacher of Vsevolod Nikolayevich Shilovsky, who opened not one dozen young talents.

In addition to the cinema, Ivana was interested in music, which remains one of his strongest hobbies today. In the student years, Rudakov even formed an underground rock band called "Seven". Ivan and today is a soloist.


The cinematic biography of Ivan Rudakov started in 2005, when the actor was 27 years old. The actor debuted with a rather major and remembered role in the dramatic musical tape "Pops", playing the rock singer and sex symbol of Vlad Boytzov. It was not difficult to reincarnate in this hero Ivan, because Ivan understood what scene and rock music.

Ivan Rudakov

Two years later, the film actor career continued with the film "Vanechka", on the filming of which Ivan Rudakov had to make efforts to reincarnate in the priest. Elena Velikanova, Andrei Panin, Maxim Galkin, Evdokia Germann, Sergey Batalov, Sergey Batalov, became the actor's colleagues.

And in 2008, the artist appeared in the Drama "Girl" and the TV series "Gypsy with exit". The last project received especially high ratings. Rudakov got a key role - Tsygan Shandor. This work brought a great popularity and spectator love with young artist. And the army of fans doubled, the hero of actor Shandor turned out to be so magnetically-attractive.

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After that, Career Ivan Rudakov began to develop rapidly. In the 4-serial melodrama "Loving" he played a key role again.

Projects "Vera are popular. Hope. Love "," The only man "," twenty years without love "and" I will never forget you. " It is noteworthy that in all the named tapes Rudakov managed to be virtuosically reincarnated in different heroes, among which they met both negative and positive.

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The growing skill of the actor was noticed by Russian directors. Keywords with a truly large number of screen time in Ivan Rudakova filmography is becoming more and more. Among the most vivid and memorable projects of recent years, in which the key characters played Rudakov, the audience distinguish the tapes "Look for Mama" and "Yasmin."

In the first actor, he fulfilled the role of Paul, a friend of the main hero of Igor (Alexander Ratnikov). On the wedding day, Igor got into an awkward situation: a man passed the envelope with a baby and a note that the fiance was the father of this child. After that, the wedding was Torn, and the man was not married, but with the child in his arms, and the father's test confirmed the relationship.

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The second picture is a multi-metering melodrama with more than half-length series, which shows life in the fictional Stanbulsky district, and the fates of people who came from Russia in search of happiness and money of people are intertwined with the secrets and riddles of the city, in which various locals are drawn: from the killed prostitute named Yasmin To the most influential citizens of the city.

The actor received a major role in 2015. Ivan Rudakov performed the main role of the Alexa Pilotnikov guitarist in the four-sister melodrama "Aleshkin Love." This is a retro film, the action of which occurs in the early 90s of the last century. The main characters are musicians, participants of VIA "pilots," won deafening popularity in the early 80s, but then gradually lost and glory, and friendship between musicians.

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Return in ten years is happening hard: the country has changed, and the musicians themselves. The participants of the group will have to overcome the accumulated mutual claims and complexes, update the format of music and speeches, adjust the new reality and re-conquer the musical scene.

The film received mixed reviews reviews. While alone admired the good semi-suck plot, others noted that there is no spirit of the right time in the picture, the declared 90s look unreliable and, moreover, even in the details there are anachronism.

Personal life

With a former wife, a talented actress by Laura Keosayan, Ivan Rudakov met on the set of Roma with exit melodrama. Laura played the main heroine, the hands and hearts of which was sought by the hero of Ivan.

Love at first glance did not arise. The feeling came when young people during filming in Kaluga looked at each other attentive. After returning to Moscow, the pair signed. At first, their family life was happy. On the set of the series "Sklifosovsky" Laura has learned about his pregnancy. Like the heroine of that tape, she had a girl who was a happy parents called Seraphim.

Ivan Rudakov and Laura Keosayan with her daughter

But the feelings passed, and the couple did not want to live on the inertia. Rudakov and Keosayan diverged, but managed to save friendly relations.

Today, Ivan Rudakova's personal life seems to be established. The artist has a favorite girl, but he does not call the name yet.

In his free time, the actor is engaged in music and beloved diving.

Ivan Rudakov now

In 2016, the fans of the talent of Ivan Rudakov will see a favorite artist in a psychological detective "Consultant". In this series, the artist got the role of the investigator of the city prosecutor's office of Artem Golikov.

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The film takes place in the brutal 1990s, and the plot is spinning around the resonant business about the serial maniac, which the operatives were allegedly able to catch. The public amazes the theory of a professional psychologist about the psychological portrait of criminals and the scandalous statement that investigators are kept in the conclusion of innocent, since the psychological portraits of the detainee and the alleged killer do not coincide. After it turns out that the brutal killings did not stop, skeptical operatives are forced to cooperate with a psychologist as a consultant.

Also, 2016 brought the actor and appearance in an international project. Ivan Rudakov played the role of Ramon Cortez in a drama based on the biographies of the famous dancer, Mata Hari, whose filming was engaged in the Russian and Portuguese film crews. The film tells about the life of Mati Hari, the legendary dancer, who from the lowest rose to the level of the European elite and turned out to be in the most influential houses than, according to rumors, and took advantage of the first world war.

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The main roles in the painting were performed by Portuguese, French, Israeli and even Hollywood actors. The premiere of the picture was held on October 16, 2016 at the International Film Festival in Cannes, and in the global rental, the biographical drama was released only in 2017.

In 2017, the actor fulfilled the secondary role of Frolov in the military dramatic picture of the Commissar. The film tells about the confrontation of the new commissioner of the Russian city liberated during the war, which returned from the front of the policeman and natives of this city of Galina Semenova and a gang, a terrorizing city, which includes the agreed son of Galina himself.

Full Ivan Rudakov

In 2018, Ivan Rudakov appeared in the Mystical Drama "Rubezh" in the episodic role of the Soviet soldier. The film was based on the plot of movements in time, but in the concept of "Rube" this is an existential quest that the main character must pass to get the ability to love.

Also during this period, the actor began shooting in a detective melodrama "Lancet", which covers the work of the special division of the hospital engaged in internal investigations, and in the Drama "Passion" about a sudden love novel between two non-free people.


  • 2004 - "Pop"
  • 2007 - "Vanya"
  • 2008 - "Gypsy with exit"
  • 2010 - "Vera. Hope. Love"
  • 2012 - "Look for Mom"
  • 2013 - "Yasmin"
  • 2013 - "Kitchen"
  • 2015 - "Aleshkin Love"
  • 2017 - "Commissioner"

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