Sophico Shevardnadze - biography, personal life, photos, news, journalist, TV presenter, projects, "Instagram" 2021



Sophico Shevardnadze is the Russian journalist of Georgian origin. She gained fame as a TV presenter of the author's Sophieco program on the channel RUSSIA Today, and then became the face of the transfer of "about love" on the first channel.

Childhood and youth

A future journalist was born in the Georgian capital, and his childhood and his youth spent in Paris, Boston and New York. Mom Girls, Nino Gramovna, engaged in raising children - Sophico, 2 her sisters Mariam and rinsed, as well as Brother Lasha. The father of the future journalist Paata Eduardovich was a lawyer, but the biggest celebrity in the family - Grandfather Eduard Shevardnadze, the former president of Georgia.

When Sophico lived in France, she was fond of ballet and 4 years of life gave the study of classical choreography. Then at the insistence of parents began to learn the game on the piano. Despite the fact that Shevardnadze's music was somewhat cooled than to the ballet, it achieved success in mastering this keyboard tool and even studied at the Paris Conservatory.

Then the girl moved to the United States and graduated from the direction of the director at the University of Boston. However, according to this specialty, I did not work Sophic, received another higher education, this time at the University of New York, where he reached the degree of bachelor's degree in the specialty "Journalism". Shevardnadze began working in this direction in America, later moved to Moscow, where it settled on an ongoing basis. The journalist has Georgian, and Russian citizenship.

Journalism and television

In the youth, Sophico Paatovna worked as the Secretary-Referred Referred References in the political party of his grandfather Eduard Shevardnadze. After receiving the directing education, I tried to engage in the producing of the TV broadcast of the American ABC channel. And when the girl decided to get comfortable in journalism, he received the work of a personal correspondent in New York Georgian version of the TV program "Namment".

In 2005, the journalist first flew to Moscow and, according to her, they fell in love with the Russian capital. She understood that he wanted to live only here. Therefore, a young woman settled on the TV channel RUSSIA TODAY, where news programs led. But when the war began in South Ossetia, Shevardnadze did not see the moral ability to impartially discuss incoming information and went to another program, "Interview".

Subsequently, the TV presenter developed the author's project of information and analytical transmission Sophieco, and also for 9 years the leading radio station "Echo of Moscow", where the listeners communicated with it to current political topics in such a show as "with their own eyes" and "Cover-1".

Interestingly, for Sophico Patovna is characterized by a rather rigid manner of communication on the air. It often defines the guests of the studio strange, unexpected and even provocative issues that have a goal to identify contradictions and possible hypocrisy in the judgments of the opponent.

But while the TV host always adheres to an elegant and even noble role, starting with neat haircuts and styling and ending with classic dresses and costumes. Colleagues are even periodically called Shevardnadze "Georgian Prince."

In the summer of 2016, a new program "about love" was announced, which from the fall began to go out on the first channel and was devoted to the relationship of men and women. For Sophico Patovna, this turned out to be a new experience, because before she argued before the cameras on other topics. The famous St. Petersburg Musician and Showman, the leader of the Leningrad Group, became the co-host Georgian journalist in the first releases, the leader of the Leningrad Group.

The transfer used a long-established format: guests of the studio are becoming average citizens with real and often unconished life, which are ready to tell about their own problems in personal life. On the show came unhappy families with "sawing" wives and husbands-loafers, lonely middle-aged people and other characters, ready to complain about personal life to the whole country.

Critics noted the delicacy of TV presenters, both Shevardnadze, and a cord that did not provoke conflicts and tried to reduce scandals for reconciliation.

Already in November of the same year, the popular musician replaced no less famous Rosa Xiabitov, television from the project "Let's get married!". Xiabitova and up to this point was present in each release of the show "About love" from the very launch of the project, but did not go to the fore: I acted only as an expert consultant on interpersonal relationships.

There was no explanation in the issue, but later Sophico Paatovna was reassured by promoting journalists, explaining that the new TV presenter is a temporary measure, as the musician went on tour. The authors of the TV show said they subsequently plan to alternate issues with cord and Xiabitite in the role of copping Shevardnadze.

But the press was not satisfied with this explanation, because touring and shooting are usually planned in advance so that the artists have managed everywhere. Journalists hold the theory that the loss of the famous musician from the air is connected with low transmission ratings.

Direct confirmation did not receive these rumors, but there was no regular change of TV presenters. Already in December 2016, the transfer ceased to exist, despite the fact that in the last releases, the characters of the show became not ordinary people, and various stars who, according to the plans of the project authors, should have attracted the attention of the viewers.

Colleagues journalists ambiguously perceived such a stage in the creative biography of Shevardnadze. Some unfortunately expressed that, perhaps, among Russian women, a professional political journalist found a place only in the show about family quarrels.

In November 2017, Sophico Patovna appeared in another transmission of the first channel - Babius Bunct. Here she returned from the analysis of the behavior of drinkers to the favorite political and news topics. But "Babi Bun" is primarily an entertainment transfer. Therefore, Olga Buzov, Tatyana Vasilyeva, Julia Baranovskaya and Elena Abitayev, became the co-host Shevardnadze.

Together, these 5 women with different lives and different social views, according to the authors of the TV show, showed the TV viewers of the "Women's Look" to current events. Within the framework of the project, the TV hosts discussed both bright political events and scandals with the participation of stars, while they tried to tell the news, and analyze the event, explaining why this happens. The show was broadcast for several months and by the end of the year it was closed.

In 2018, the journalist collaborated with a lecture "Direct Speech" and released a cycle of Public Talk lectures "Just about complex things." Within the framework of the project, Dmitry Roshkin was one of the interlocutors Sophico Patovna (the abbot of the chief of St. Nicholas Mirlijsky in Novy Vagankov).

Personal life

Shevardnadze, despite the Caucasian origin, does not belong to the number of women for whom marriage is a priority goal in life. She had several novels, including actor Alexey Chadov, but the TV presenter had never entered the official relationship.

At 21, Sophico Patovna gave consent to go under the crown. The chief of the journalist was the young Georgian director, but a few weeks before the wedding, Shevardnadze understood that he was not ready to live with this man until the end of his days, and dissolved the engagement.

About his personal life TV presenter told in detail in 2014 in an interview with Julia Little in the program "Alone with all". She admitted that it is difficult for her to find a suitable pair, having such perfect men in front of her eyes as her father and grandfather. So no husband, no children at Shevardnadze, are not yet.

Today, the celebrity about love preferences does not apply, but assures that marry will go only when it is confident that this marriage will be the first and only. Profiles in "Instagram" and "Facebook" journalists also do not shed light to private life Sophico Patovna, it is rather professional than personal pages.

Shevardnadze is a very active person. A parachute sport became one of her hobby, there are already 27 independent jumps in the account of PATIOVNA. In addition, in 2010, the journalist learned to dance ballroom and modern dances. This helped the popular show "Dancing with the Stars", as well as a professional dancer Denis Casper. Another Ivan Oganesyan became another partner on parquet of Georgian beauty.

To maintain the figure, the journalist prefers not to torment himself a diet, but he is engaged in sports and drives two times a year in a wellness clinic in the south of Spain to get rid of accumulated kilograms. This allows you to maintain a figure - with a height of 169 cm, Shevardnadze weight is 57 kg. So Sophico Patovna gladly lays out photos in luxurious outfits, and even a photo in a swimsuit can be found on the network.

In March 2021, the media reported that Shevardnadze gave birth to a son, whom Andrei called. About pregnancy TV presenter casually mentioned a month before that in one of the rooms Clubhouse. There is no information about the father of the child.

Sophico Shevardnadze now

Now the journalist continues to work as an interviewer for the gear radio "Echo Moscow", as well as for other projects. Among persons who have taken an interview, are Alexander Sokurov, Gigineishvili, and PR.

Also, a journalist can be seen in the program cycle "Just about difficult with Sophico Shevardnadze." To discuss modern problems in music, the guests of the project visited Maxim Fadeev and Sergey Shnurov. The business issues Shevardnadze discussed with Artur Janibekyan, Dmitry Volkov, and modern culture - with Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Irina Gorbacheva, faith of the Polozakova, Guzel Yakhina, Timur Bekmambetov. Garik Martirosyan, Alexander Gudkov, Alexander Nelotobin, became guests of programs dedicated to Yumor.

Meetings with Andrei Kurparatov, Tatiana Chernigov and Metropolitan Tikhon (Shevkunov) were devoted to coronavirus. The clergyman called the Pandemic of the Third World War. Shevardnadze herself paid a lot of attention to this topic and, gathering the opinions of contemporaries, released a book about a pandemic "Future today: as a pandemic changed the world."

In December 2020, the TV journalist in the framework of the project took an interview with Paul Will, who spoke about the path from the "glamorous scum" to the perfect family man.

All interviews of the project "Just about complex" are posted on the same name of the Yutiub-Channel and in Yandex.Ether.


  • 2004 - "Jedny"
  • 2005 - Sophieco.
  • 2005 - "Interview" on the channel RUSSIA TODAY
  • 2006-2015 - "With our own eyes"
  • 2006-2015 - "Cover-1"
  • 2016 - "About love"
  • 2017 - "Babi Bun"
  • 2018 - "Just about complex things"

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