John Cusak - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



John Paul Kusak is an American film actor who has become world famous in 1997, after the screens came out the film "Killer from Gross-Point", for which the artist himself wrote a script. John also became a star of paintings "Time Machine in Jacuzzi", "Intuition" and "Love for dogs is obligatory."

John was born in the state of Illinois in the family of Mathematics Mathematics Ann Floor, Kalolyan and actor Richard Cusaca. The boy became one of five children in the family: John has Brother Bill, as well as sisters Ann, Joan and Suzy. All five children went in the footsteps of the Father and became actors.

Actor John Cusak

The first contact with the scene Cusaca occurred when he was three years old. In the children's setting "Cinderella", where the whole family played, the boy trusted the role of a dog. Instead of High School, John visited theatrical and only in high school began to study in the city educational institution of the city of Evston. The teachers noted the acting talent of the boy and even trusted the John role in "adults" performances, but the teenager himself dreamed of a career of baseball player, and the theater and cinema did not even perceive the theater.

Nevertheless, at the age of 12, John Cusak is arranged for a local radio station and is working for several years a speaker, and also reads advertising. It was unlikely that it was unlikely to fully combine serious sports workouts with work on the radio and in the theater, although the young man tried. There is a certain inconsistency of childhood perception by actor. Teachers described John as a fun boy, complete enthusiasm and cheerfulness. And Kusak himself says that in adolescence he hated the school, despised the power and government, and also felt an outcast in society.

John Cuseac in youth

After school, John Paul Kusak entered the New York University, but he studied only one course, as I realized that he was already sick of classes. " A young man throws a university and goes to conquer Hollywood.


John Cusaca was 17 years old when he first starred in the cinema - in the youth melodraman "Class", and over the following years the actor starred in more than 80 paintings. Already at the initial stage, Kusaku began to trust the main roles, for example, in the adventure tape "Journey Natty Gan", the comedy "one crazy summer" and the criminal melodrama "bullets over Broadway".

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The main breakthrough in the professional biography of Cusaca occurred in 1997. At first, John took part in the creation of a high-tech thriller "Aircraft", then starred in the criminal drama "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil", and then performed a long-time dream - I made attention to my own scenario of the black comedy "Killer from Gross-Point School." When this film came out on the screens, critics and fans of the cinema spoke about John.

After that, Cubian's career instantly flew up. If you simply list movies in which the actor played the main characters, it will be necessary not one notebook. From popular paintings you can allocate the romantic tape "Intuition", a light melodrama "Love for dogs is obligatory", Family drama "Martian Child" and the ironic comedy "Time Machine in Jacuzzi."

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In 2003, a detective thriller "Identification" was released on the screens to the screens, in which we were talking about a group of tourists, forced to hide in the nearest motel from a pouring rain. But the hotel did not save the company from Manyak actions.

An interesting role was offered to the actor in the Raven thriller: Kusak played the author of this classical poem Edgar Allan by. From the last works of Cusaca, the high ratings received an infrade drama "Motel", where John embodied the image of Killer Jack, which performs a task in the shipment of cargo. Suddenly it turns out that criminals, police and agents of the FBI are hunting for a bag. In addition to Cuseaca, Dominic Persell and Robert de Niro played in the film.

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In the late 2000s, Kusak could not refuse the offer to play in the film-catastrophe of 2012 director Roland Emmerich, where he played the main hero of Jackson, one of the few saved during the planetary scale catastrophe. The project was Cassov, collecting $ 788 million in the world. Among the works included in the artist filmography, there are also roles in the film "Digital Radio Station", "Newspaper", "Butler", "Adult World".

Personal life

Actor John Cusaca fans call one of the most attractive men. The same opinions are adhered to celebrities. Personal life actor leaks violently. At different times, John had star novels with Actresses Minnie Driver, Niv Campbell, Jody Lin O'Kef, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Brooke Burns, director Alexander Kerry, as well as with the photo model Alison Eastwood, the daughter of Clint Isovda. Joint photos with famous beauties regularly fell on the pages of glossy publications. But none of the girls was able to repel the heart of Cusaca to truly and become an artist's wife.

John Cusak

John often became an object for attacks the fan. So in 2008, the girl named Emily Letterman arranged a real hunt for the Hollywood star, but the police stopped the girl in time and forced to compulsory observation of the psychiatrist.

John Cusack lives an active life. The actor has a huge number of hobbies. The artist has learned to professionally control the helicopter, in his free time he rides on a snowboard, and also for 20 years he has been engaged in kickboxing, which has reached a black belt.

John Cusack in Moscow

In addition, the actor amateur sports teams from Chicago. John visits the matches of the Chicago Bearz football club and the Hockey Team "Chicago Blackhox", but Baseball remained the most beloved sports from childhood. The actor is equally sick for "Chicago Cabs" and "Chicago White Sox", despite the fact that the fans of these clubs are considered rivals and even enseerate among themselves.

It is worth noting another hobby of John Cusaca - the actor is a follower of the teachings of Maharishi Mahres Yoga, which is called "Transcendental Meditation". Having received a new role, the actor uses the meditation to use it to understand the psychology, character and depths of the character of the character.

John Cuseak now

John Kusak remains in demand by the actor and producer. In 2016, the Apocalypse Thriller "Mobile", the producer and the executor of the leading role of which became John Kusak, was released on the screens. The main character of the "Mobile Phone" of Klay falls among the few survivors after the start of mass murders. Klaye goes to search for his wife and son.

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As the basis of the plot was taken by the novel "King of Horrors" Stephen King. This is not the first participation of John in the screenings of the books of this writer - Cusak has already performed the role of Mike Enslin in a thriller according to the story "1408".

In 2017, the artist starred in the criminal drama Arsenal, where Brother Hero John Cusaca played Nicholas Cage. John appeared and in the criminal film "I'll take your money," where I appeared in the role of a businessman Miller, going to search for lost money, which he stole from the client before. Cusaku managed to embody the image of an ordinary person, which because of passion for wealth turns into a criminal, and then a killer.

Another project of the year, dedicated to the topic of salvation of the planet - Thriller "Singularity", in which the hero of John Cusaca struggles against the Kronos computer system aimed at the destruction of humanity.

Now the detective is preparing a detective "distorted" about a married couple, which after the death of a child moves to a high-rise building equipped with an improved security system. After moving the spouse begins to notice the inhabitants of the house in behavior. The main characters of Ricci and John Cusack will play the main characters. Thriller will be released in several formats, including in virtual reality format.


  • 1997 - "Air Prison"
  • 1997 - "Killer from Gross-Point School"
  • 1999 - "Be John Malkovich"
  • 2001 - "Intuition"
  • 2003 - "Identification"
  • 2005 - "Love for dogs is obligatory"
  • 2008 - "Playing a large"
  • 2010 - "Time Machine in Jacuzzi"
  • 2015 - "Love and Mercy"
  • 2016 - "Mobile"
  • 2017 - Arsenal

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