Sergey Batalov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Films, Alexey Batalov, Filmography, Wife 2021



Sergey Batalov - Russian actor and movie actor. In the 90s, Sergey Feliksovich was one of the most sought-after artists of the second plan, whose work was noted both viewers and critics.

Childhood and youth

The Honored Artist of Russia Sergei Feliksovich Batalov was born in April 1957 in the Urals. Parents of the future actor were not associated with the world of art - mother worked in kindergarten, and his father was an engineer. Childhood passed in the town of Irbit Sverdlovsk region, the population of which did not exceed 50 thousand people. But the city was famous for history and fair, which was considered the second after Nizhny Novgorod.

The boy brought up stepfather - the artist learned this family secret already in adulthood, but he could not get acquainted with the biological parent. At first, this was hidden by a new man's wife, and after he died. Sergey Felixovich has brothers on his father.

At 4, Sergey fell to the view to the local dramatic theater. They put the fairy tale "Konk-Gorbok and Firebird". The little viewer was so impressed that he secretly decided to become an actor.

Sergey Batalov in youth without mustache

After receiving the school certificate, the young man did not dare to enter theatrical, and went to the aviation technician who successfully graduated. But the aviator of Batalov did not. In high school, the student realized that he pulls him completely in the other side - on the stage, so the graduate aviator, together with friends, went to Gitis, where Sergey was credited with the first attempt.

The acting skills of Batalov studied on the course of an experienced mentor Vladimir Alekseevich Andreeva. Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov also taught, and with whom later young man had friendly relations. The famous master scene twice called the artist to himself in the troupe, but that every time due to employment in the cinema gave refusal.

Sergey immediately interested fellow students and teachers of their last name. The student asked about the relationship with the actor at that time Alexey Batalov. The guy answered the truth that there are no related links between him and Alexei. Being an already recognized artist, in 1997, Batalov became acquainted with a popular single-referring, who took a friendly colleague and admitted that he was following his career.


A few years after the end of Hitis, the young artist went on the scene of the theater on a small armor. Theatrical career developed safely. For the role of Ilina in the play "Five evenings" on the play Alexander Volodin, the actor received the National Award "Golden Mask". Then the audience was observed for his game on the stage of the "man" theater studio, where Batalov appeared in a non-standard for himself the role of the trageda hero of Kent in the play of Sergey Genovaci "King Lire".

The cinematic biography of the actor started in the late 1970s. Like most colleagues, he started with episodes. But soon the world's world was so interested in Sergey Felixovich that in the late 1990s the artist finally spread up with the theater. Real estate in cinema did not allow Batalov to be distracted by something else.

The debut on the screen happened in 1979 in the movie "Vataga" seven winds ". But in the key role of Batalov appeared in the 1990th, it was a "far-distant" melodrama. Then the image of such a rustled pre-fermented-respect with a wide smile was formed. Directors most often offered artist to play tragicomic heroes. In this role an actor and appears most often.

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Popularity to the led from the Urals came in the early 1990s, when the tape-tragifars "cloud-paradise" came to the screens, shot by Nikolai will get. The whole composition of this brilliant comedy was awarded a special prize at the Geneva Film Festival of Young Actors. Among the awarded artists - Andrei Zhigalov, Irina Rozanova, Alla Kukov and Vladimir Tolokonnikova - was also the battles.

After the loud success, the lack of role Sergey Feliksovich no longer felt. The actor starred in a number of wonderful paintings, among whom the musical comedy "Prisoners of Good luck" and entertainment tapes "Police and Thieves" and "under the Polar Star" occupy a special place. For the second film, Batalov was awarded the prize at the Film Festival "Constellation".

In the KinoMedy "Shirley-Mirley", Batalov was remembered by the audience "Militia" duet with Igor Ugolnikov. American audience tape was presented under the name "Well and Bardak!".

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In 2005, it was getting returned to the popular project "Cloud-Paradise" and removed the continuation, called "Kolya - Route Field." Sergey Felixes appeared here again in the form of Fedi, for which he got "Nika" as the best actor of the second plan. In the same year, Batalov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

The film driver of the artist is happy: Sergey Felixesich does not get stuck in one role, but receives the roles of various character - this is also historical characters, literary heroes, and military, and criminals.

Among the significant projects of the second half of the 2000s in the repertoire of Batalov - the military drama "Lord officers: save the emperor," which allowed the actor to work with such stars as Oleg Fomin, Alexander Bukharov, Marat Basharov. But neither the acting, nor the solid budget of 70 million rubles saved the ribbon from the failure at the box office - the film collected less than 34 million rubles in cinemas.

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In the Batalov filmography, a lot of roles in rating TV shows, such as Stroybatya, Voronina, "Two Father and Two Sons", "Question of Special Importance. Operation "Typhoon" "," House with lilies ".

In 2017, Sergey Feliksovich appeared in the form of a farmer in the comedy TV series "Old women in the runs" with Elena Safonova, Tatiana Orlova and Marina Yakovleva starring. The story of the adventures of active pensioner so liked the audience that the project was stretched for 3 seasons.

In the comedy "team" B "" The actor got the main role of Colonel Victor Hotin. The film show started in February 2018 on the CTC TV channel. Having received from uncle, General Brusnitsyna (Mikhail Efremov), an unusual task - to prepare a team for flight to the moon, Misha Volkov (Vladimir Yaglych) took him not as a joke and gathered a group of desperate pilots. On the shooting, the artists visited the center of the training of astronauts, so that Spacelers, training simulators for flights to flights and even space ships in the series are real.

In December 2020, the artist participated in the New Year's interactive show "Five Wonders of Santa Claus". Batalov got the role of Santa Claus, and Nonna Grishaeva embodied the Snow Queen.

Personal life

The appearance of the artist is deceptive. On the set, this on-screen kinder is instantly turns into the most assembled and focused on man.

Sergey Felixovich's personal life is a family that consists of Zoe's wife, theater's investigator on Taganka, and his beloved daughter - Beauty Kati. Catherine did not follow the feet of parents - her life is not connected with the world of the theater and cinema. The girl received financial and economic education and works in the banking sector.

The daughter of Batalov prefers to hold out in the distance from the camera reporters, but in 2015, Catherine, together with his father, appeared at the Nika award ceremony, where she began to confidently positive for the photo, which later appeared in glossy magazines.

In his free time, the actor loves to ride a horse. And although for the first time Sergey Feliksovich sat on the horse in 45, now he is perfectly held in the saddle.

Batalov - an avid visitor of flea markets, where he is looking for porcelain figurines and souvenir toads for the collection. The actor learned to bargain, being in a tourist trip to Syria. In the souvenir shop, Sergey Feliksovich got a thing for whose for half a day he was trading with the seller. First, together with the merchant, the artist drank a cup of coffee, then after a long dispute, the batalian managed to throw the price of the goods 100 times.

Sergey Batalov now

The actor continues to confirm the success, regularly appearing in projects of famous directors.

In 2021, the artist filmography replenished the Casanova's costume serial, where Sergey Feliksovich embodied the image of the secret adviser Catherine Great. For the sake of this project, he ripped the mustache, which wearing 31 years old. Batalov did not put the task in accuracy to recreate the appearance of the political figure of Stepan Sheshkovsky, but in the 18th century the mustache was the prerogative of the most exclusively military. During filming in Alexander-Nevskaya Lavra, the artist visited Sheshkovsky's grave and, as he himself admitted, felt the blessing for the role.


  • 1979 - "A few days from the life of I. I. Oblomov"
  • 1983 - "Unexpectedly Negadno"
  • 1991 - "Cloud-Paradise"
  • 1993 - "Prisoners of good luck"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 1997 - I want to go to jail "
  • 2001 - "Under the Polar Star"
  • 2003 - "Bayazet"
  • 2005 - "Kolya - River Field"
  • 2008 - "Lord officers: save the emperor"
  • 2009 - "Jurles"
  • 2010 - "Stroybatya"
  • 2014 - "Christmas trees 1914"
  • 2017 - "Time of First"
  • 2017 - "Team" B ""
  • 2018 - "Initigans"
  • 2019 - "Big Artist"
  • 2021 - "Kazanova in Russia"
  • 2021 - "Heavenly Team"

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