Roman Volobuev - biography, journalism, filmography, personal life, photos, rumors and last news 2021



Roman Volobuev - journalist, film critic, screenwriter, and from recently the director also. He was born on July 30, 1977 in Moscow. His childhood and youth passed in the capital.

The cinema fascinated him from childhood. But either by virtue of perception, then because of the upbringing some things Volobuev saw otherwise than peers. Now, as he says, he is ashamed for individual moments.

Roman Volobuev in youth

For example, he always believed that art should carry something important to society, and instead Nikita Mikhalkov appeared on the screen and argued that God had, and everyone had to believe it.

The thrust for the beautiful novel manifested itself in everything: he loved to read, photograph, process photos. And the acuity of the reaction to formalism and useless, as he believed, ideas, apparently, and determined his further profession of film criticism.


The first note of the Roman Volobueev about the movie Izvestia newspaper published in 1998. The film critic remembers that it was a crushing review of the film "Mu-Mu", written, on his own recognition, disgusting. Then Roman Volobuev worked for some time in the "common newspaper", where he was engaged in journalistic investigations, I tried myself as a designer and a photographer. But in the end, the film critic took up.

Film critic Roman Volobuev

After cooperation with the newspapers Izvestia and Vedomosti, Volobueev worked as a film critic in the "poster". In 2009, his publications were noted by the prestigious "elephant" premium established by the Guild of Kinanedov. In parallel with the work in the "poster", Roman Volobueev headed by a vannel of Empire (Russian version). He was engaged in this project from 2007 to 2008. He quit from the newspaper in 2012.

Roman Volobuev

In early 2012, he was invited to the post of deputy editor-in-chief GQ in Russia. Roman agreed, but also in this journal was delayed only for a year. He says that he always wanted to shoot a movie, and not to deal with film critics, and when he had a chance to do this, Volobuyev took advantage.


Work in the film industry Roman Volobuyev began as a screenwriter. Once, the producer Sergei Chlyanz addressed him with a proposal to write a scenario on best-selling "Casual". Volobuev was surprised because he regularly criticized the films of this producer in the "poster", but agreed. He remembers that in a week he wrote a worthy, as he then seemed to him, the script. These "samples of the pen" and now somewhere lie at the Roman Volobuev at home - he does not get the courage to re-read them.

Director Roman Volobuev

Then the cinematographer, together with the director Sergey Vinokurov, wrote a film about vampires from the depth. They already found a producer, ready to finance the project, but the promises did not go. The situation has changed when Volobuev began writing scenarios for the series. In his opinion, the shooting of television serials is lively, although not the ideal industry.

In 2013, he wrote scenarios for the series "Mediator", "Tomorrow" and "Quest". The first project is pressed, and the second limited himself to the pilot series. In winter, 2014, Roman Volobuev participated in the shooting of the series "Quest", the scenario for which he himself wrote.

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In parallel with writing scripts, he worked as an actor. The roles, however, he had small. In 2011, the maniac played a maniac in the series "A short course of happy life," and after four years, he starred in the role of a journalist in Quest and as a photographer in the project "Concerned or Love Evil".

His directorial debut also took place. On December 22, 2015, the premiere of the drama "Cold Front" was held in Moscow. Roman Volobuev was not only director of this project, but also by the author of the script. The "Cold Front" was shot in Normandy, the work took less than a month.

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It turned out an ambiguous story about the young generation, which runs away from Moscow to a creative vacation. This is the drama of people who did not find their place in life. They live in their own hell and consider him a paradise. Critics ambiguously took the film - he received many positive and negative feedback.

Personal life

Roman Volobuev was married three times. His first civilian spouse is a journalist Moore Sobolev. In 2002, Daniel's son was born in this relationship. He is the name of the mother.

His second wife became a journalist and model Alexander Boyarskaya. They met the "poster", where Sasha worked. She was then 17 years old. After a couple of months, as soon as Sasha became an adult, they got married.

Ekaterina Shcheglova, Roman Volobuev and Alexander Boyarskaya

But two creative people, besides, with a serious difference in age, it was difficult to get along. Both were looking for themselves. Marriage collapsed. Now the boyars has a new family, she lives in London.

The third spouse Volobuev is an artist Ekaterina Shcheglova. Relations between them have ringed and turned into serious on the set of "Cold Front". Catherine worked as an artist in this project. In 2014, a daughter was born at the pair.



  • 2011 - "Short course of happy life"
  • 2015 - "Quest"
  • 2015 - "concerned, or love evil"


  • 2015 - "Tomorrow"
  • 2016 - "Cold Front"
  • 2016 - "Blockbuster"


  • 2015 - "Tomorrow"
  • 2015 - "Quest"
  • 2016 - "Cold Front"
  • 2016 - "Mediator"
  • 2016 - "Blockbuster"


  • 2016 - "Shards"


  • 2015 - "Tomorrow"
  • 2016 - "Shards"

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