Tatyana Kazychitsz - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, sister Anna Kazychits, "Instagram" 2021



Tatiana Kazychitsz - Russian actress, the star of television serials, won fame after filming in the melodraman "Katino happiness".

Childhood and youth

Tatyana was born on January 25, 1986 (Zodiac sign of the Aquarius) in one of the northernmost cities in the world, Norilsk. The famous actor Yuri Kazychitz and the spouse of the artist, who worked as a physician, was the parents of the girl. The family also brought up the eldest daughter Anna Kazyuchits, who became an equally famous actress.

In Norilsk Tanya lived for a long time: Soon, the Father was offered to move to Minsk, where before the actor starred in the village drama "Polesskaya Chronicle", which brought the artist glory. In childhood, the actress lost his father: Yuri Nikolayevich died from the liver cancer when the youngest daughter was only 7 years old.

Tatiana grew by a quiet, calm and balanced child. The girl adored to care for animals, constantly helped homeless cats and dogs, for which he received the nickname "Greenpeace". The second large passion of Tanya was music. She studied at the music school, then in the Minsk State Music College named after M. I. Glinka. Kazychitsa planned to build a career in the field of sounds, gamps and chords, and not at all in the cinema or theater.

True, in the high school class, the schoolgirl participated in the TV show "People's Artist", where she reached the semifinal, but did not say that he plans to go in the footsteps of the Father and the Elder Sisters. After receiving a diploma of Minsk College Tatiana, I left Moscow to enroll in a conservatory. But instead became a student of the Higher Theater School named after Boris Schukin. By the way, Yuri and Anna Kazyuchitz studied there before.

For familiar Tatiana, this act has become a shock. But it must be said that subsequent years have proven: Kazychitsa has taken the right decision. The young actress immediately after the university was adopted at the First Studio of the Evgeny Vakhtangov Theater, where they played a number of interesting roles on the scene.


The debut of Kazyuchits in the movie took place in 2008, and during the calendar year, the actress managed to play an episodic role in the musical "Queen of Ice", and embody the main characters in the melodramas "Favorite daughter Pope Carlo" and "One Night of Love". The heroine of the artist in both TV shows are the name Katya, but these are completely different personalities.

Ekaterina Urusova from "One Night of Love" is the young Princess, which, despite the position of the family, was unhappy for a long time due to unrequited love. "One night of love" is a costume historical melodrama, Princess Urusova - a contemporary of the famous prince Volkonsky.

Katya from the "beloved daughter Pope Carlo" is a modern and wayward feature, which is going to marry the will of the will of the Father, the owner of the transport company. An angry parent plans to substitute his daughter's groom and blame into a crime than forces the girl to fight for his own happiness.

The popularity of Kazychitz brought the female series "Katino Happiness", telling about the fate of the young graduate of the Medical Institute. And here the actress was again called Catherine on television. New Katya is the best student on the stream, so it is invited to work in a prestigious clinic. But this tempting invitation does not bring Happiness to the girl: an important client dies on the operating table, and the anesthesiologist is accused of death.

Another starry work of Tatiana is the adolescent Mercenary film "The Last Accord", which is a continuation of the megapopular tape "Ranetki", in which the artist embodies the image of Nina Larina. Also in 2012, the premiere of the Melodrama "Terrible Beauty" took place, where the actress went to the main role of Elizabeth Passko.

In 2013, Kazyukitz played nicknames in a thriller "Survive after". The series shows post-apocalyptic Moscow, empty due to the experimental virus breathed. In the center of the plot - a group of people locked in the bunker. By coincidence, they remained alive and unimpressed, although it was originally and planned to conduct an experiment. Now in an isolated from the outside world, a zombie walks, which are opposed by rare groups of survivors.

Tatiana got the role of an opponent of the Top Corporation - an organization that launched a dangerous experiment. Alexander Galibin, Galina Zvyagintseva, Ivan Makarevich also starred in the picture.

The series found his viewer and received a continuation of the 2nd and 3rd seasons. In them, the heroine of Tatiana advanced to the fore and joined the main heroes of the picture. In addition to the scenes of survival and combating zombie, the series also shows the attempts of heroes to understand the corporation plan and find out the main objectives of the experiment, which, as it turned out, continued in the captured mutant city.

In 2014, the actress appeared in the main roles immediately in 5 films: "Happy chance", "Raffle", "minus one", "Woman in trouble", "Bars and Lyalka".

In the 4-serial melodrame "minus one" Tatiana and her screen husband, Ivan Stebunov played a couple, which in a quarrel decided to disperse. But free life and even new romantic relationships did not provide them with the most expected happiness, and therefore the former spouses intend to restore the family that they were so thoughtlessly destroyed.

In the criminal melodrama "Woman in trouble" Kazyuchitsa embodied the image of Anna Vasilkova. The heroine moves to a new removable apartment, which is starting with her problems and adventures.

The story of Anna and the crime occurring around the girl received disclosure in a rather unusual format. Kazychitsy played in 4 in fact independent mini-series, each of whom has its own detective story, but all of them are connected by the main characters.

Vasilkova, along with his beloved person and friends, is constantly investigating intricate business: that sudden murders, in which they are unfairly accused of close heroines, then mysterious disappearances.

In the good half of the paintings in his creative biography, the actress plays the central characters. And although they are all belong to different genres, the role of Kazyukitz most often consistently: the actress appears in the image of a cute, kind woman who is looking for his way and its place in life.

In 2017, Tatiana received the main role of Judge Antonina Tumanova in the criminal melodrama "Frequent recognition." This is a 4-serial picture of the moral choice and the problems of justice. In the center of the plot, a crime that makes a person who has power and connections. The criminal bribes the chauffeur to take blame for this murder on himself, and a man looking for money for the treatment of a sick daughter agrees.

The heroine of Kazychits in this confusing business is a young judge who makes an accusatory sentence with a knowingly innocent person to save his own career.

Also, the actress received a major female role in the Major Sokolov Major's crime drama. The game without rules, "the continuation of the popularity of the television series about the adventures of Major's own security management.

In 2018, the actress appeared in secondary roles in Salsa melodrama and "Norave".

In Salsa, the plot tells about the love of the head of the Department of the Bank and Professional Salssero. The film is filled with an atmosphere of the incendiary Latin American dance and romantic and passionate notes of dance music.

In 2019, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with the detective "Pravda", a criminal melodrama "Roman with the past" and a detective "Trail of Fox on Stones".

Personal life

Tatiana officially married, so that neither her husbands nor her children. The actresses had dizzying novels, but they did not go into truly serious relationships. Now Kazyuchitsa lives in Moscow, and in the apartment with her a funny dog ​​of breed Mexican naked nicknamed flip.

Do not forget Tatyana and about children's hobby music. In many series with the participation of Kazychits, songs sound in its performance. Also, the girl records compositions not only for soundtracks. In total, there are more than 20 lumps on the score of the singer, which sound like modern romances or ballads for accompaniment of acoustic guitar.

Kazyuchits has its own page in "Instagram" with several tens of thousands of subscribers, where Tatiana lays out photos from filming and recreation. The actress has an excellent figure (height 166 cm) and does not hide it from Follovover, laying out selfie in a swimsuit.

Tatyana Kazychits now

In 2020, the audience was able to see the actress in the melodraman "to have time to fix everything" and the Outskaya Drama "Alien Fresh".

The plot of "Alien Freak" tells about the principal operative of Valeria Shatrov, which, because of the conflict, with the prosecutor transferred to a new service place. Valery on the very first day delayed the criminal who stole thieves. The operative refused to give the shadow owner of the city of thief for reprisals. By the end of the day, witnesses are dead, the money was disappeared, and the tents became suspected of embezzlement. The hero will have to prove his innocence, but for this it is still important to stay alive. In the cast included Kazyukitz, Dmitry Ulyanov, Sergey Veksler, Malhaz Abladay.

Also, the actress took part in the filming of the Firefly tapes, "Error", "Queen of Roads" and "Lost", they got the main roles. The premiere of the latter took place in February 2021.

In the "Queen of Roads", Tatiana plays a trucker's wife, who has to get behind the wheel of the truck, while the husband recovers after the accident. Glory must pay debts and feed the family, and therefore it will have to cope with all the difficulties of the undetense profession. Alexander Nikitin, Dmitry Ratasky, Arthur Logai became the colleagues of Kazyuchitsy on the set.


  • 2008 - "One Night of Love"
  • 2010 - "Katino happiness"
  • 2011 - "Last Accord"
  • 2012 - "Terrible Beauty"
  • 2013-2016 - "Survive after"
  • 2014 - "Sea. The mountains. Ceramzit "
  • 2014 - "Minus one"
  • 2014 - "Happy Chance"
  • 2014-2017- "Woman in trouble"
  • 2015 - "Adult daughters"
  • 2014 - "Happy Chance"
  • 2017 - "Major Sokolov. Game without rules "
  • 2017 - "Frequent recognition"
  • 2018 - "Norave"
  • 2019 - "True"
  • 2019 - "Roman with Past"
  • 2019 - "Trail Fox on Stones"
  • 2020 - "Put everything to fix"
  • 2020 - "Alien flock"

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