Dmitry Karpachev - biography, photo, personal life, news, transmissions 2021



Dmitry Karpachev is a Ukrainian psychologist and TV presenter. Dmitry leads a popular show with a social slope: "Dear, we kill children", "Lie Detector", "Pregnant in 16", "Mother's Daughters", Realistic Show "Save our Family." Some of these gears aimed at showing the lives of real average people, distinctive, invented on Ukrainian TV formats, who nevertheless have won the love of viewers and outside the country.

Because of this popularity of the gear, Dmitry Karpachev's face is familiar to both Russian and Belarusian audience. The psychologist leads most of the shows that became famous and went beyond the country, therefore the joke is a joke that Dmitry Karpachev is the only TV host on Ukrainian TV.

Psychologist and TV presenter Dmitry Karpachev

Dmitry Karpacheva is called one of the most "classified" TV presenters. Only what lies on the surface is known about the psychologist. Details of the work of Carpauchev on television are unknown.

Even the date of birth of Karpacheva is unknown. There is only a year - 1978th ​​- and month December. Dmitry was born in Kirovograd. About childhood and youth does not tell anything. Who by profession the parents of Karpachev, which classes and hobbies had a TV presenter in the early years, the story also silences.

Dmitry Karpachev

After graduating from school, Karpachev stayed in his hometown, where he entered the university. Chose the Faculty of Marketing. After receiving a diploma, Dmitry decided not to put a point in education. Karpachev entered the Higher Sociology School, which was established at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. During these years, Karpachev finally formed a vision of the future profession. Dmitry realized that he was most interested in psychology.

Therefore, the young man sits down again at the student bench. This time - the Institute of Management and Economics. Chooses a narrow specialization - psychology and coaching.

Psychology and television

Television career and creative biography Dmitry Karpachev started in 2009. Before that, Dmitry worked by a psychologist-consultant in his hometown and led trainings. Apparently, these classes did not bring high and stable earnings. Therefore, when in 2009 Karpachev received a proposal from the project "Schuster Live Studio" project, the young psychologist immediately agreed. Dmitry was invited to work as a moderator psychologist.

Psychologist and TV presenter Dmitry Karpachev

As receiving the first experience on television, this position for Dmitry Karpachev was useful. This work paved the path to those heights that soon the young man began to take one after another.

From the "First National Channel" Dmitry moved to a more dynamic "STB". It turned out to be the right step, because the "STB" of Karpachev acquired fame and popularity in the audience. Dmitry and today remains on this channel.

The debut project on Stb turned out to be the "Rules of Life". Here, the psychologist turned into a TV presenter. The lack of special education did not become an obstacle for career growth. Charming, intelligent, slightly ironic TV presenter immediately liked the audience. The management of the channel, seeing the growing ratings of the popularity of Karpachev, offered Dmitry new project - Social Realistic Show "Dear, we kill children."

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For such causing and even frightening title, a project about difficult children and adolescents is hidden, whose behavior introduces parents into a stupor. Transmission heroes can often be called small monsters: these children are spoiled, rude, capricious, are not formed and unnecessary self-confident. But the goal of the show is to show that these are just children, and suffering from parental inattention or misunderstanding, often from socially disadvantaged families.

TV presenter clearly shows what will happen if the parents do not cease to handle the children as they did before. In addition, a psychologist involves a family in experiments who force parents to reconsider the view about raising children.

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This show made an adaptation of the popular British transfer "Honey, We're Killing the Kids".

The success of the transmission on Ukrainian television has demonstrated that the Personnel Policy "STB" against Dmitry is correct. Karpachev is constantly offering new and new projects that the TV presenter can easily be turned into rating and beloved by thousands of spectators.

"Lie detector", "pregnant in 16", "daughters", reality show "Save our family" - these programs are Ukrainian television viewers with great interest. Dmitry Karpachev managed to master the film crew, hold the public in the voltage and masterfully "to avoid" on the desired topic. At the same time, the presenter does not read pre-prepared texts and easily improvises.

Dmitry Karpachev in the show "Mother's Daughters"

These TV shows are often called a real phenomenon. Scandalous shows in which unfavorable families are mainly becoming the main characters, they became deafeningly popular both among Ukrainian television viewers and in the audience other countries of the post-Soviet space. Critics are inclined to believe that the projects that Carpachev leads, winning look at the contrast with numerous teleconcurs, where only the stars of the showubusiness are involved, which will never be close to viewers. Against the background of these show shows with the main characters in which the audience will learn if not, then their neighbors are attaching to the views.

Suddenly, Carpauchev's transfer has become popular with the younger generation, which in principle prefers Internet television. In social networks, there are whole groups where screenshots of these gears are laid out. The regulars of these groups are often shared by the most paradoxical and phantasmagoric moments of releases that cause shock and laughter, but everyone with interest and attentive look at the show in search of such moments.

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Dmitry Karpachev and himself promotes his own person and shows with his participation on the Internet. The TV host and the psychologist leads the official website dedicated to the education of children, relationships and personal development. Also on the site collected the brightest quotations of the TV presenter, the biography of Dmitry Karpachev was posted and announcements for the nearest master classes and trainings of the psychologist are regularly updated.

Personal life

About the family of the TV presenter is quite a bit of information. It is known that Dmitry Karpachev's personal life, unlike his heroes of his TV shows, was wonderful. In his hometown, he met a girl who loved. TV presenter Irina is a few younger than his spouse. Who is she by profession is unknown. Dmitry himself in one of the interviews reported that Ira was a yoga coach.

Dmitry Karpachev with son

In 2009, Dmitry and Irina moved to the capital of Ukraine. In the same year their wedding took place. In the final of this happy year in December - in December - the son of Svyatogor was born at the couple. So far, this is the only child of Karpachev. About the second, as the TV presenter once said, they wonder when the son is growing and becomes more independent man.

Dmitry Karpachev now

In 2016, the scandalous well-known show Dmitry Karpachev "Dear, we kill children" officially entered Russian television. In the broadcast, the transfer was allowed by the TV channel "YU". Also this year, Russian premieres of other show Karpachev were held on the TV channel - "Save our family" and "Lie Detector".

Dmitry Karpachev

The TV host itself in 2016 was engaged in the launch of the new Daughter-Mother project. This post-project, based on the show "Pregnant in 16" and showing how the fate of the former participants in the transfer was. Already familiar to the viewers of the girl again come to the studio Dmitry Karpachev, to tell, with what problems and difficulties are faced due to early pregnancy and how their relationships with close after the birth of a child have developed.


  • 2009 - "Pregnant in 16"
  • 2011 - "Dear, we kill children"
  • 2012 - "Save our family"
  • 2012 - "Lie Detector"
  • 2016 - "Mother's Daughters"

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