Rufus Sewell - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Film, Filmography, Wife, Series 2021



Rufus Sewell is a British theater and cinema actor who has gained popularity thanks to the roles of charismatic villains. He looked for a long way to fame, now he knows the whole world.

Childhood and youth

Rufus Frederick Sewall was born in the English County Middlesks in October 1967. According to the zodiac sign - Scorpio. The nationality of the actor is difficult to determine, he has Australian and Welsh roots. In the city of Tukeen passed not the cloudless childhood of the boy. And in Richmond, where the family moved when Rufus was not 10 years old, the same youth passed. Father Rufus and Senior Brother Kaspar, Animator Artist, did not pay enough attention to the family. After moving to Richmond, parents divorced.

Mothers had to put sons on his feet alone. The woman disappeared on several works that beat the time to raise children. As Rufus said later in an interview, he painted his hair in all the colors of the rainbow, did not spend the night at home and missed school classes.

The situation worsened when the father of Rufuus Sewell died suddenly. Stop the youngest son, which turned into the depth hooligan, was no one. Fortunately, the young man himself came to understand that it was time to be cooled. Rufus learned to play drum tools and began making money on pocket expenses.

In 19 years, Sewall managed to enter the prestigious speech school and drama in London, where he studied for 3 years. To survive, Rufus was taken for any part-time job. In the youth worked as a scavenger and a museum as a museum.


Fortunately, Judy Dench drew attention to Sewell. The famous British actress put a performance on the school stage where Rufus studied. Dench was a young pricing, and soon a novice actor debuted in the play "Dirty dinner" on the Scheppard Theater Snaps.

The debut was successful: Sewell received a premium from the community of theatrical critics as a talented novice. It opened the door to Rufus into the world of large art. The British actor was offered to play in the play, which was put on Broadway. For this work, Sewell received the following prestigious award. This time - in America.

The cinematic biography of Rufus Sewella began in 1991. After the first successful steps on the theater scene, the actor began to appear on the screen. A noticeable role was given to him in the American drama "Twenty One", the Briton played a drug addictive young man. At the artist drew attention and began to invite to different series.

And let the work in soap operations did not bring Sewell fame, but turned out to be an excellent school of skills, turning the Rufus in the recognizable actor. From the full-length paintings in the first decade of film engineers in the artist filmography appeared drama "Carnington" with Emma Thompson starring, the film "Hamlet", where Kenneth Brahn and Kate Winslet played. The amplua of the dramatic hero was fixed for Sewell.

Success came to Rufus Sewella in 1998, together with the Tiller in the style of Noir "Dark City". For the first time, English artist played a key role. Hero Rufus John Murdoch joins the fight against aliens.

In the same year, the artist appeared in the Drama "Honest Kurtizanka" (in American rental - "Dangerous Beauty") in the image of the Venice XVI century Marco Lena, the beloved of the main heroine of Veronica Franco (Catherine McCormack), which had to become a curtain.

After 2 years, Rufus played on the same platform with Hollywood Stars - Kim Bacyinger and Christina Ricci. It was a melodrama "Save and Save" ("Bless the Child"). In the film, we were talking about sect of Satanists who started hunting for the child of Heroine Maggie.

In the mini-series "Arab adventure", Briton got the role of Ali Baba. The adventure melodrama "Knight's story" was released, in which Sewall appeared in front of the audience in the form of a medieval hero of the graph of ademara. To participate in the film, the artist mastered the battle technique on the spears, because his hero is a champion on battles at peaks. In the action film "Extremals", the artist appeared in the form of an athlete who is forced to resist the gang of terrorists with comrades.

In 2003, the actors were invited to play Agamemnon to the American television series "Elena Troyanskaya" with a strong Gillory in the lead role. According to the plot of the film, which diverges with an ancient Greek myth, the hero of Rufus Sewell is eager to possess Elena beautiful. According to the lot, the girl goes to his brother Melana (James Callis), who will not enjoy married happiness, as the wife runs up with the Trojan heir to Paris. In the same year, another historical character was appeared on the screens, embodied by Rufus Sewall, Karl II in the mini-series of Joe Wright "The last king".

In an interview with The Guardian Sewell, Sewell talks about the terns on the way the actor:

"They say:" Shoot, and you will open ", but I had to knock for a very long time. I received a leading role in the "interview with a vampire" before the volume was arrived. In the "wings of a dove", we were replaced with the mind with the mind on other actors. The same story happened with "Loving Shakespeare" - me and Julia Roberts were excluded from the project. Many times I stood on the verge of fame, but I think it created an actor out of me. Years of compromises and disappointments gave the depths of my game. "

The rating series "Mid Marta" consolidated the star status for Sewall. But the work in the cinema did not make the actor throw the theatrical scene. Rufus still played in performances and even was awarded the prestigious Theater Prize "Oliver". A no less significant project for the artist was the work in the mystical drama "Illusionist", where Sewell reincarnated in the Kronprint Leopold, whose bride is Sophie (Jessica Bail) - in his youth was the beloved of the main character - Illusionist Eduard Abramovitsa (Edward Norton). At one of the ideas of the magician, lovers hide.

In the same year, Rufus plays Arman's Count in the Legend of Zorro. This its role echoes his work in the movie "Knight's History".

Among the works included in the repertoire of Rufuus Sewell, the roles in the historic tape "Amazing lightness", the drama "Tristan and Isolda", the filmalman "Paris, I love you."

In Russia, Rouffus Sewell is known for star roles in the Melodrame "Exchange Vacation", where he starred with Kate Winslet, Cameron Diaz and Jude Low, as well as in the film "Tourist", in which he appeared with Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp.

In the film "President Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" Sewell, famous for his demonic smile, appeared in the role of the main villain - Vampire Adam. From the last works of Rufus Sewell, the roles of Avtolyik in the Hercules militant and Jacob Brown in the thriller "Devil's hand", as well as work in an independent short-style artificial intelligence called "Growth" in 2016.

In our time, sophisticated British spectators come on the game: Rufus shines on the stage of the Royal Theater London.

Cinematic Career Rufus Sewell continues to develop. In 2016, the artist starred in the rating fantasy film "The Gods of Egypt", where the court architect Ursha was played. Sewell stood up in one row with Hollywood stars by Gerard Butler, Jeffrey Raster, Elodi Jung.

In the same year, Rufus began working on the way Lord Melbourne in the series "Victoria" on the first years of the Board of the British Queen. The television series was broadcast for two seasons in British television. In 2017, the right to show a television film bought the American PBS TV channel. The ratings of the series in their homeland were high, so it was decided to release the third season, the premiere of which was held in January 2019.

Personal life

Career in the theater and cinema develops much better than the personal life of Rufus Sewell. Austrian journalist Yasmin Abdullah became the first wife of the actor. But together the couple could not hold out years. In the same year, the actor had a short relationship with the shocking helen Bonham Carter.

Then in the press discussed short novels of the British with Helen McCrow and Kate Winslet.

After meeting with the beauty of Amy Gardner, many seemed to many that, finally, Sewell found the real half with which he could live long and happily. A pair had a firstborn, who was called William Douglas Sewell. But this marriage collapsed in 2006. Amy and Rufus lived together only 2 years.

Then followed by a two-year-old romance with actress Alice Yves, with which they met, playing in one theatrical formulation of Rock and Roll. And no less long relationship with the stylist Ami Comai.

From social networks Rufus Sewell preference gives "Twitter", but the photo of the artist appear on the pages of his fans in "Instagram". In its own account, the actor lay out posts, not devoid of humor.

Rufus Sewell now

In the series "Pale horse" on the novel Agatha Christie Rouffus got the main role of the historian Mark Estrber, who investigates the series of mysterious murders.

Having learned that his name fell into the list found in the shoe of one of the victims, the hero is trying to find out if there is a reasonable explanation for crimes or is the work of the hands of witches living at the Pale Horse Villa.

In 2020, Rufus joined the inimitable Anthony Hopkins and Olivia Kolman in a powerful Drama Florian Zelora "Father". The tragic cinema talks about severe illness, about slow fading, about the smooth border between life and what after. While the father in confusion, caustic the ailment, the daughter is also experiencing mixed feelings, choosing between compassion and freedom.

At 2021, the premiere of the biographical film about Elvis Presley was planned. Rufus offered the role of the father of King Rock and Roll - Vernon.


  • 1991 - "Twenty One Year"
  • 1995 - "Carrington"
  • 1998 - "Honest Kurtizanka"
  • 1998 - "Dark City"
  • 2000 - "Arab Adventures"
  • 2001 - "Knight's Story"
  • 2003 - Elena Troyanskaya
  • 2003 - "Last King"
  • 2005 - "Legend Zorro"
  • 2006 - "Illusionist"
  • 2006 - "Exchange Vacation"
  • 2008 - "John Adams"
  • 2010 - "Tourist"
  • 2014 - "Hercules"
  • 2016 - "Gods of Egypt"
  • 2016-2017 - "Victoria"
  • 2019 - "Judy"
  • 2020 - "Pale horse"
  • 2020 - "Father"

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