Alexander Shane - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Alexander Shane is a Russian actor and film director, starring in such famous paintings as "9 Rota" and "Star". He was also the author of the series "Mayakovsky" and cycle of non-counseled films "Anthology of contemporary art".

Alexander was born in Moscow in the family of the famous director and the scenario of Alexander Samuilovich Shane, in honor of which he received his name. Mom Irina Romanovna Pavlova is the only one who in the family did not have a relationship to art: a woman made a career as a geophysicist. But the sister of Catherine older for 10 years, although he did not go along the path of cinema, it is directly related to creativity. For many years, it organizes the brightest exhibition of artists.

Film director Alexander Shein

Alexander, a hotly interested in the work of the Father, wanted to be only director. However, at first, the young man received an acting education, after graduating from Boris Golubovsky's workshop in Gitis. Then Shane went to the second Higher Vgik. At the Faculty of Directory, he was engaged in 2000 by the famous teacher of Vladimir Naumova.

Interestingly, in the penultimate course, Alexander Shane, together with his friends, Lordkipanidze and Viktor Taknovy created his own film studio "2PLAn2". The organizers decided not to just shoot films, and look for new opportunities for the transfer of aesthetic reality. Today, television series, and short films and full-fame, including developing multimedia art projects come from the studio.


As director Alexander Shane held a full-length film "The mixer", which was removed in 2002, and a large-scale documentary project "Anthology of Contemporary Art".

Alexander Shein.

First, for educational paintings within the framework of the last project, Alexander, a pair with Evgeny Mitta, wrote scenarios, and then removed two parts: "Vinogradov and Dubosar: a picture to order" and "Timur Novikov. Zero object. " These films tell the audience about the artists who over the past 30 years have significantly influenced Russian art.

In addition, as director Alexander Shaine has also shot three short paintings: "Treason" in 1998, in the year "Morning is not time for girls" and "Other District" in 2003.

I started my creative path in the role of actors Alexander Shane with his own paintings "Mixer" and "Treason", which Shane took off as a director. Then there were a small role in the chanthan thriller, in which Oksana Fander and Alexey Serebryakov shone, and the Criminal Drama "Carmen" with Igor Petrenko and Olga Philippova in the foreground.

Aleksandru's fame as an actor brought an action movie "9 company", the science fiction film "Inhabited Island" and the tragicomedy "Star". In the famous "ninth company", dedicated to the life of the fighters of the "Afghan team, Alexander Shain got the role of" Patefon ".

But in two other pictures, actor characters did not even receive names. In the "inhabited island", Alexander Shane played the role of the investigator, and in the "star" - gallery player. In addition, the actor appeared in a less popular picture called "Jocona on Asphalt".

Alexander Shayne also realized both producer. In fact, for today the watchlist of Shane is like a producer brighter and large-scale, despite the fact that the producer career Shane began much later than the acting or directorial - only in 2006. At the same time, Shaine also became the producer of debut projects of a number of original directors in new genres and formats for them.

But the first film of Alexander Shane as a producer, the Melodrama "Euphoria", which received many awards of prestigious film festivals, made Shane name in this area. This film became the dramatic debut of theatrical director Ivan Vyrypayev. Euphoria participated in the competitive program of the Venetian film festival and received a "small golden lion", and at the Kinotavr film festival received a special jury prize.

The film was based on a love triangle, the action of which occurs in the Don steppe. Therefore, the course of the storyline is due to the remoteness of the village, where heroes live, from major cities, as well as the severity and simplicity of their morals.

Film director Alexander Shein

In 2007, Alexander Shane became the producer of the documentary film of the scandalous director Valeria Gai Germanic "Birthday of Infanta". The film covers the BDSM subculture and raises questions about where the desire for sadomasoze is taken from. The film also became a member of the competitive program of the Open Russian Film Festival "Kinotavr".

Another vivid full-length project of the production of Shane was the drama "America" ​​about the group of people living in a house-like home in Portugal and dreaming of fake passports to move to America. The main role in this project was played by the wife of Shane Chulpan Hamatov.

Alexander Shein.

"America" ​​became the first full meter in the career of the Portuguese director Joao Nuno Pinto. The main roles in the film, in addition to Hamaya and Mikhail Evlanova, also played the Spanish actors Fernanda Luish, Maria Barranco, Dinart Branka.

In 2011, Shane began to produce television series. Alexander put his hand to the creation of popular projects "the most important", "Tower" and "Emergency Situation". Alexander Shane also made the producer and parts of the films of the documentary project "Anthology of Contemporary Art".

Personal life

Alexander Shaine was married twice. With the first spouse, his relationship did not work out, and despite the appearance of the Son, the family did not become strong. Later, the director had a novel with the older daughter Nikita Mikhalkov, Anna Mikhalkova. The case went to the wedding, but as a result, the woman chose to return to her former husband Albert Bakov, with whom divorced a year before.

Alexander Shane and Chulpan Hamatova

In 2009, Alexander married Actress Chulpan Hamaya. For some time they lived in a civil marriage, but thanks to the emergence of a joint daughter, which was called, issued a relationship officially. Also in the family lived two daughters Chulpan from previous marriages: Arina, whose father is the actor Ivan Volkov, and Asya, who appeared on the light of the businessman Alexei Dubin.

Alexander Shaine now

In October 2017, rumors about the divorce of the pair appeared. The fans were shocked by such gossip, because Alexander Shane and Chulpan Hamatov were considered one of the strongest couples of Russian cinema, although rumors that over the years in the life of the couple everything became not so smoothly, periodically arose.

Alexander Shane and Chulpan Hamatova

Rumors about divorce have already appeared in 2014. The fact that Shane is no longer husband Hamaya, periodically talked and subsequently. But if, before that moment, Alexander Shane rejected such specles and called the gossip about the divorce by complete nonsense, then in 2017 the director refused to comment on these news.

Shaine told the press that he was not in a marriage agency to discuss such a question. Official statements or documentary confirmations of the divorce also did not follow. Nevertheless, in an interview, whatever this news, the director was mentioned that he was to blame for his wife and what was tormented by her.

Film director Alexander Shein

According to rumors, the spouses broke up in friendly relations, Shaine is regularly seen with his daughter and helps to bring up a child.

Also in 2017, the director presented the author's interdisciplinary project "Vamikovsky". This is the second not a short film in the director's cage Shane. The creation of this painting from the director left 10 years.

Alexander Shein.

The film premiere took place at the "Territory" festival. At the presentation, Alexander Shane and Chulpan Hamatov came together, but this is also due to both work. Chulpan Hamatova played the main female role in the film director.

As follows from the name, the picture is devoted to the biography of the famous Soviet project Vladimir Mayakovsky. Chulpan Hamatova, accordingly, fulfilled the role of Lily Bric, beloved and the muse of the poet. Other main roles performed Lyudmila Maxakov, Yuri Kolokolnikov, Mikhail Efremov and Yevgeny Mironov. Alexander Shaine described his own film as a look at the life of the poet through the prism of modern times.

Actor filmography

  • 1998 - "Treason"
  • 2001 - "Shatun"
  • 2002 - "Mixer"
  • 2003 - "Carmen"
  • 2005 - "9 Rota"
  • 2005 - "Euphoria"
  • 2007 - "Jocona on Asphalt"
  • 2008 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 2014 - "Star"

Filmography of Director

  • 1998 - "Treason"
  • 1999 - "Morning Not Time for Girls"
  • 2002 - "Mixer"
  • 2003 - "Other District"
  • 2010 - "Vinogradov and Dubosar: picture to order"
  • 2014 - "Timur Novikov. Zero object "
  • 2015 - "Colding"
  • 2016 - "Vamikovsky"

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