Rachel Nichols - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Rachel Nichols - American film actress, Star of the "Continuum" series, as well as parking films, Pandemic.

Rachel Nichols was born in the town of Augusta of the American State Maine in January 1980. In the family of the future actress, no one was associated with the world of the theater and cinema. Dad worked as a teacher at a local school.

Actress Rachel Nichols

The girl grew an awkward teenager with long and thin legs and hands. To cope with the disproportionate body, the girl began to play sports. Selected light athletics and long jumps. In order to make movements more plastic, Nichols visited the choreographic studio.

At 17, Rachel Nichols decided to try himself as a TV presenter. The girl passed the casting, and she was entrusted to lead the entertainment program "Revenge of the rejected", which was broadcast by the MTV channel. Nichols worked for a short time on television, but managed to feel the taste of work in the camera lens.

Rachel Nichols

In the graduation class, Rachel Nichols went on the exchange program for schoolchildren to France. There, slender beauty notifies the scout of the model agency, which invited Nichols to participate in the Paris Week of High Fashion as a model. Rachel agreed. Soon the girl was filmed in advertising L'Oreal, Guess and Abercrombie & Fitch. Photo Rachel began to regularly appear on the pages of glossy magazines.

Rachel's earned money spent on higher education. Nichols went to New York and entered the University of Columbia. The girls' plans were to become a financial analyst at Wall Street. In 2003, the student received diplomas for economics and mathematics. In addition, at the University of Rachel studied psychology and dramatic art.


The cinematic biography of Rachel Nichols began in 2000, when she was still at the university. The film "Autumn in New York", in which a starting actress starred, is among the best Hollywood melodmas. Nichols was lucky to watch the work of Star Richard Gira and Winon Rider, who starred in the lead roles. And although Rachel got only an episode, but the start was successful. Then the girl was seriously thinking about cinema and began to study drama.

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After 2 years, Nichols again starred in the episode. This role was found in the hired agent. "Sex in a big city", where Rachel played Alex, finally convinced Nichols to move on the acting way. On the set of Nichols lucky to shoot together with recognized actresses of modernity by Saray Jessica Parker, Kim Cattroll, Christine Davis, Sintia Nixon, whose high acting skills impressed the girl.

An intended start to be carried out next year. Rachel invited a key role in the comedy "stupid and even dumber: when Harry met Lloyd." And let the criticism did not leave the film that came to the screens in 2003, the stone on the stone acquired by Rachel Nichols experience turned out to be invaluable.

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Soon followed the role in the horror movie "The Horror of Amityville" about the composite killer, acting on the call of unknown voices. In 2005, a melodrama "Saleswoman" appeared in the repertoire of Rachel Nichols, and then the series "Spy", sports drama "Risen champion". And once again followed a series of horror films, among which - "Dark Forest", "They", "Parking".

A loud success came to the actress after entering the screens of the last thriller, where Rachel throughout the film appeared in a frank dress. According to the scenario, the heroine should play in a short night shirt, besides wet. Nichols insisted that this outfit replace to more decent.

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After the "Parking" exit, the lack of star roles did not observe the actress. Every year there are 3-4 new projects in which Rachel Nichols is removed in key images.

In 2011, Nichols passed the casting for the role of Tamara, the beloved warrior Conan (Jason Momoa) in the militant Marcus Nisper "Conan-Barbarian". The adventure film was created in a 3-D format, but in the box office I was postgraduated.

In 2012, the actress was a participant in the key acting composition of the Alek Cross detective director of the director Rob Cohen. Rachel got the role of Monica, the partner of the curz detective (Tyler Perry), which dies from the hands of the criminal.

In 2012, the actress decided to try himself at the production field. Rachel Nichols has become the fantastic series "Continuum", where the girl also played the main character of Ciro Cameron, a guest from the future. In the current time, Kira is arranged to work at the police station, she must track down the gang of criminals who arrived in the present from the future. The ratings of the series from the first days of showing the film turned out to be recorded, so four seasons were filmed. The shooting process was walking in Canada.

The actress sympathizes the genre of fantasy drama, so in 2013, Rachel starred in the series "Witches of East-Enda", where Julia Ormond played the main characters, Jenna Devan. Nichols takes the role of a second plan - ICIS character. Among the works of this year, filming the filmography of artists, the roles in the films "Kill or die", "Maccannik".

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Success accompanies the Chicago project on fire, where Rachel Nichols also appeared. The series about the work of the fire division comes out on American television for six seasons in a row.

Personal life

In the summer of 2008, the actress married the director and producer Scott Stuber. The wedding took place in Colorado. The couple looked in love and happy. Rachel appeared before guests with hair painted in natural color - blond.

Scott Staber and Rachel Nichols

Immediately after the honeymoon, the couple took over the construction of a family nest in Cabo San Lucas. But the relationship of the spouses began to rapidly deter. Soon young people disappeared. In the winter of 2009, Rachel and Scott broke up.

Nichols does not like to talk about his personal life. But from the fans of the actress did not hide the fact that in 2014 the marriage ceremony with a young man named Michael Kerschow, a successful developer.

Actress Rachel Nichols

In 2016, the actress became one of the victims of the hacker hacking service of the ICloud, which was undergone tens of accounts of Hollywood stars. Jennifer Lawrence, Kirsten Dunst, Avril Lavin, Vanessa Hudgens, Rihanna. Personal photos of actresses hit open access. The FBI service was engaged in the crime investigation.

Rachel Nichols has a personal page in Twitter, and in the "Instagram" on the account of Michael's account, collaborative family photos appear.

Rachel Nichols now

Rachel Nichols has long been taking his own niche in American cinema, so regularly appears in the iconic projects of modern times. In 2016, a picture of the Pandemic about the deadly virus, which spreads on the planet, and only a vaccine, invented by the heroine of Nichols, a doctor of Lauren Chase, was published with the actress in the lead role.

Now the fourth season of the Adventure TV series "Librarians" was released, where Rachel Nichols starred. The actress reincarnated to the negative heroine - the first Keeper of Flynna, which is endowed with immortality.

At the beginning of 2018, Nichols is busy in the American project, which is still at the stage of approval of the acting. In this film, Rachel will play the main heroine of Rebeccu.


  • 2000 - "Autumn in New York"
  • 2005 - "Horror Amitiville"
  • 2005-2006 - "Spy"
  • 2007 - "Parking"
  • 2009 - "Star Path"
  • 2011 - "Conan-Barbarian"
  • 2012 - "Alex Cross"
  • 2012-2015 - "Continuum"
  • 2016 - "Pandemic"
  • 2017 - "Librarians"

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