Rachel Weiss - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, "mummy", in youth, Daniel Craig 2021



Rachel Weiss is a British actress, the star of world cinema, the owner of a number of significant awards, among which there is an Oscar. The celebrity, early determined with the profession, always overcomed the obstacles in its path. When she did not give roles in the famous theater, she organized its own, and for greater freedom in cinema did not stop before creating a producer company.

Childhood and youth

Actress Rachel Weiss was born on March 7, 1970 in a Jewish family. The ancestors of the future actress lived in Italy, Hungary, Austria. Rachel was born and grew up in London.

In the family of George Weissa's inventor and his spouse, psychoanalyst Edith Ruth, two children were brought up. Sister Rachel Minnie subsequently mastered the profession of the artist. Only warm memories remained about his childhood actress. In the house always reigned a friendly atmosphere, interesting people often came to visit parents. The girl absorbed this atmosphere and went with pleasure at school.

At the age of 14, Rachel tried himself as a model, but did not become a profession. After graduation, the girl entered the University of Cambridge, where he studied English literature. Probably, Wece would have become a good teacher if not a student theater.

The girl participated in the performances of the amateur theater and quickly became the star of the team. At the Edinburgh Festival, the stage of the theater studio brought the Creators to the Creators. In one of the performances on a talented student, critics drew and praised Weiss. At that moment, Rachel realized that her vocation was acting skills.


Rachel Weiss began to be filmed from the end of the 80s. The debut was episodic roles in the series. In 1994, the actress lit up in the horror movie "Machine of Death" about a combat robot, out of order.

Weiss was 25 years old when Bernardo Bertolucci invited her to the film "Extralling Beauty". The role was small, but sufficient for Rachel to notice directors and producers. The project was nominated for the prestigious Prize "Golden Palm Branch".

After a bright take-off, the director began to offer actress of the role of the first plan. In 1996, the chain reaction chain reaction was published with Rachel, in which Keanu Rivz and Morgan Freeman also played.

A truly loud work of Weiss became the picture Stephen Sommers "Mummy", where the performer had the role of Evelin, the library employees. The actress had to be stocking short courage on the set: in the scene, where rats and locust were sealed, fauna representatives were the most real, and not drawn at the expense of computer graphics.

The film was successful in the box office, and international popularity came to Rachel.

Two years later, work was followed in the second film of the franchise - "Mummy Returns", but Weiss refused filming in Mumi-3 - the following continuation of a fantastic militant, despite the solid fee promised for the appearance in the frame - $ 3 million.

In the military picture on the Stalingrad battle of the "enemy at the gate", over which the cinematographers of four countries - the United States, Great Britain, Germany and Ireland worked, Weiss performed the role of Nurse Tanya Chernova. The film, shot in the book of William Craig, received mixed feedback, he liked some viewers, and the veterans of Stalingrad lived at that moment were outraged by the inaccuracies in the tape and demanded her prohibition.

Talent Rachel Courtyard and revealed with each new role. The actress played in the family drama "My boy" in the ensemble with Hugh Grant, Nicholas Holt and Tony Collett. The tape, filmed on the work of Hornbi, was nominated for Oscar, Golden Globe and Baftu.

In order to prepare for the role in the mystical film "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness", the artist had a considerable time to spend in the morgue.

Then there were shooting in the political drama "Devotee Gardener" - for this role Rachel Weis received the cherished statuette "Oscar", the award of the guild of film actors and the Golden Globe.

In the heroine Isabelle, a deadly sick woman, the actress reincarnated in the film-parable "Fountain", the director of whom her civilian spouse Darren Aronophists.

Wong Carway, who invited Rachel for the role of Sue Lynn to the melodrama "My Blueber Nights", planned to shoot a tape consistently, but changed its principles. The actress was preparing to give birth, and she needed a little time to come into the form, so the scenes with her participation were removed the last.

A significant work for Weiss was the main role in the Agora drama. The actress embodied the image of the historical person - the first female scientist Hypathius of Alexandrian, who lived in the IV century of our era, which, as they think, invented the device for measuring the density of the liquid - the areaometer.

The bright work of the creative biography of the actress was the role in the fission of the plays of Terens Rettiegen "Deep Blue Sea", where the pair was eminent British Tom Hiddleston. The project brought the executiver a nomination for the Golden Globe in the category "Best Actress".

Rachel is a prominent figure in European cinema and hollywood. Her glory refers to achievements on the acting field and produce experience. Weiss already participated in the creation of paintings "The image of things" and "radiator" as a producer.

Another project was the film "Disobedience", the shooting of which was completed in 2017. Rachel worked on him as a producer and the leading role. An actress Rachel Makadams became partner of Weiss on the stage platform, according to which the drama was conceived in order to show what kind of women could be. The premiere of the picture was held in the framework of the International Film Festival in Toronto.

In the historic tape "Favorite" Rachel Weiss played Sarah Churchill, seeking to become an approximate Queen of Anna. In an interview with the actress, she said that the preparation for the shooting demanded from her the development of shooting skills from a rifle and riding riding. For work in the project, the celebrity received a prize of the Hollywood Film Festival in the nomination "The Best Actress of the Second Plan".

Personal life

Many spectators are interested in how Rachel Weiss succeeds in such a plausible to pass the passion of a woman in love on the screen. It turned out that such passions were in the life of the artist.

The first big love actress was the director Sam Mendez. Lovers seemed to be a harmonious pair. But Sam's wife became Kate Winslet, his child's mother. The family life of the director in this union did not work out.

The second passion of the actress was Darren Aroneal. Gradually, the relationship went into the status of family, however, without official registration. In 2006, Wece gave birth to Son Henry. Fans of acting couple waited for a wedding, which never took place.

On the set of the film "House Dream" Rachel starred with Daniel Craig, the performer of the role of James Bond. The actors got acquainted in the youth of theatrical stage and were friends for a long time, but this cooperation turned out to be fateful.

Roman broke out rapidly, but from colleagues and friends lovers hidden relationships. Both were not free. The feelings took over: at the end of 2010, Rachel Weiss and Darren Aronofsky officially stated that they part. Darren was seriously worried about the gap, but gradually bother with this thought. The director now takes an active part in the education of the Son.

In June 2011, Rachel married Craig. It seems that the actress finally found her man. As Weiss claimed, over the years it comes to understanding that you need to stay in silence. Therefore, Rachel does not lead accounts on social networks, including in "Instagram", and the photos of Weiss and her husband do not fall into the press, with the exception of pictures made in official events.

In September 2018, a new head of his personal life came from the Star Couple, which was facilitated by the birth of her daughter. In an interview with the actress, he said that the children make it very happy, but she could not be a strict mom, it hinders the mild character and passion about the role of the parent.

Rachel Weiss now

The invaluable experience of the past and the admission of the public now play an important role in Rachel's rapidly growing filmography.

In the summer of 2021, the premiere of the fantastic tape "Black Widow" - the second film of the Marvel Universe about superhero women, where Weiss got the opportunity to embody the image of the girlfriend of the main heroine Malena eastern.

Despite spy intrigue in the frame and the nobility of the complex plot, the tricks and scenes with weapons were not the tricks and scenes with weapons, but collaboration with animals - pigs that her character glow, at some point she appears in the form of a scientist.


  • 1995 - "Death Machine"
  • 1996 - "Extralling Beauty"
  • 1999 - "Mummy"
  • 2001 - "Enemy at the gate"
  • 2003 - "Scam"
  • 2005 - "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness"
  • 2005 - "Devotee Gardener"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Bloom"
  • 2009 - "Agora"
  • 2010 - "Stukachka"
  • 2011 - "Deep Blue Sea"
  • 2013 - "Oz: Great and Horrible"
  • 2015 - "Youth"
  • 2017 - "Disobedience"
  • 2018 - "Race of the Century"
  • 2018 - "Favorite"
  • 2021 - "Black Widow"

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