Miguel Diaz Channel - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, President of Cuba, Vladimir Putin, Twitter 2021



Since 1959, in Cuba, only one surname was associated with the supreme power, and this surname - Castro. For the change of Fidel, who was standing at the helm of half a century, in 2008 his brother Raul came, and only in 2019 the authoritative dynasty gave way to a senior person from the side. They were the former Minister of Higher Education of the Isle of Freedom Miguel Diaz Channel.

Childhood and youth

Unlike its predecessors, the current president of Cuba has no revolutionary past. Miguel Mario Diaz Channel Bermudes was born on April 20, 1960 in the province of Villa Clara, which is in the center of the island. The mother of the boy taught in the school of children, and his father served in a mechanical plant.

The early biography of Miguel is not generous to remarkable facts. His childhood was held in the city of Santa Clara, a kind of cradle of the Cuban revolution, because it was from here for a year before the birth of Diaz-Clay started the progress movement of the Fidel Castro Army on Havana.

The future president already in his youth showed political activity, being a prominent representative of the Cuban Komsomol. At the same time, he managed to combine loyalty to party ideals and love for Western rock music without prejudice to reputation. It is known that young Miguel adored the Beatles and wore a shop of long hair.

After graduating from school, Diaz Channel began to study mathematics and electronics at the local university, which graduated in 1982. It was not possible to start building a career: a graduate called to the army. For three years he spent in the 12th training center of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which was stationed in Cuba.

The division was engaged in providing air security of the island, and therefore Miguel with knowledge in the field of radio electronics came there as it is impossible as by the way. His one year's lucky less: they were more often sent to fight in Angola.

Career and politics

After serving in the army, Miguel returned to his hometown. He began to teach Santa Clara at the Central University, who once graduated from himself. At the same time, Diaz Channel took up a political career and by 1987 received a leading role in the Union of Communist Youth Cuba.

At the same time, he was sent to Nicaragua - this country was shocked by civilian civilians. Miguel fell into a military mission, but he did not participate in armed conflicts, ideological propaganda was included in its functions.

By 33 years he committed himself with Komsomol and moved to the "adult" Communist Party of Cuba. Already a year later, Diaz Channel was headed by the Committee of the Party in his native province.

Miguel's further career was ascending: at first he entered the Central Committee of the Communist Party, and in 2009 he stood at the steering force of the Ministry of Higher Education of the country.

3 years later, Diaz Channel was already incomprehensible in the number of Cuba's prominent political figures. No wonder he became the deputy Raoul of Castro, who served as the head of the state. Miguel was respected by fellow citizens and one-party councils, but he was not like charismatic, like his predecessors with the heroic revolutionary past.

This did not prevent him in 2018 to head the State Council of Cuba, dividing the part of the authority with the resigned Raul Castro, which continued to lead the Communist Party of the Communist Party. In 2019, Diaz Channel was chosen by the President of the Republic.

The new head of state took a course on reform, with it a new constitution was adopted, providing for changes in the socialist economy of the country. For the first time in the Cuba, for the first time in a long time, they spoke in favor of private property and free trade, they spoke about the presumption of innocence, gender and racial equality, on discrimination against sexual minorities. The island of freedom opened the way to foreign investments, which recognized the deposit of economic growth.

Miguel undertook to maintain diplomatic ties and defeated Vladimir Putin visits and Kim Jong. And if about Russia and North Korea, Cuba's leader responded friendly, then the attitude towards the United States retained alert.

Personal life

The personal life of the Cuban leader rarely becomes the subject of discussions. It is known that the first wife of Martha gave birth to him two children. After the divorce, Miguel re-married. His chosen was the professor of the University of Courest Peraza, who is now playing the first lady of Cuba.

"Instagram" and Facebook President prefers Twitter, where it is divided by news, photographs and topical publications about the situation in the country.

Miguel Diaz Call now

April 19, 2021 did not become Raul Castro. From this Miguel headed the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party. For the first time since 1962, this post was not a representative of the Castro family. Almost immediately, Diaz Kanchaly had to face massive unrest, swelling the country due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation.

In the summer of 2021, residents of Cuba began to go to the streets, expressing dissatisfaction with the policies of the president. Poverty growth, electricity and food interruptions, an increase in the number of ill and died from COVID-19, the lack of vaccine and the deplorable state of medicine forced the Cubans to protest against the established order of affairs.

Miguel appeared with the appeal to the people and urged the true communists not to succumb to provocations. Diaz Cannel suspects that the rallies in Cuba are created according to the script of "yellow revolutions", paid by the imperialists in order to destroy the statehood of the island of freedom.

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