Anton Sablepov - biography, personal life, news, songs, "agon", Irina Gorbachev, photo 2021



Anton Sablepov is a Ukrainian dancer, a musician and a showman, who at one time became one of the soloists of the Quest Pistols group. The short-term project, contrary to the plans of its creators, became a real "bomb" for the domestic show business. Success inspired his participants, including Anton, to the further development of a creative career. In addition to music, today he is actively developing a new direction for himself.

Childhood and youth

Anton was born in the village of Dusharov, located in the Kharkiv region. By nationality of Sablepov - Ukrainian, his zodiac sign - Gemini. In childhood, he began to visit the choreographic studio and since then it does not part with music and dancing. In adolescence, the guy was fascinated by the work of the American pop idol Michael Jackson, began to wear outpressive clothes, reflected long hair and changed the style of dance on break dance.

After school, Anton went to Kiev and entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Art on the choreographic department. True, he did not like to fully study at the university. In just a month later, the head of the modern ballet Quest Yuri Bardas invited Savlepov to the dance team.

Anton became the third participant in the team of dancers, where Nikita Goryuk and Konstantin Borovsky were already adopted before him. About talent guy Producer said that he dances a break as no one. The Sablepov team began large-scale touring activities.

In addition to the main employment, Anton was actively filmed in the music clips. Sports figure, average growth (174 cm with weight 65 kg) and an expressive look attracted the attention of clipmers to Person Savlepov. And since he wore a hairstyle who was not too spread among young people - Dreda, then his role was strictly defined, but very popular.

Gradually the popularity of ballet increased. The guys went to the dance to the most famous Ukrainian, Russian and even Western stars of show business. As a result, Yuri Bardas had a thought of turning the dance team in the music show group. First of all, the dancers needed to master the basic skill. Anton and Nikita with the teacher were engaged in vocals, and Borovsky took the role of Rapper.

Personal life

For a long time, the artist did not have a permanent relationship. But creating a group "Agond", Anton met the girl Julia, a designer by profession, which took the place of the art director of the musical team. A month later, the singer made her a proposal from which she could not refuse. The wedding was played by secret, the bride and groom were in casual clothes. With the parents of his wife, Anton met only after marriage.

Spouses did not have common children. Anton's parental skills develops, communicating with the daughter of Julia Sableovaya Miro. The girl loved the stepfather and proud of them. A man calls the girl's dove of the world. The artist is satisfied with his personal life and protects his still small family from everyday storms.

In the 2020th it became known that Anton was divorced with his wife. He prefers not to spread about the causes of separation. And at the end of the same year, Savepov confirmed that the actress Irina Gorbachev became his new chief chief.

Anton Sablepov is a musician, singer, actor and judge show. At one time, he led a personal culinary video blog, in which vegetarianism promoted. The celebrity is fond of esoteric and yoga, studies Indian culture.

The former soloist of the Quest Pistols group has a lot of tattoos that are located on the back, chest and arms. Most of these drawings were made by impulsive desire, and Anton already regrets these decisions, considers them a mistake of youth and is going to bring the tattoo. But, judging by the photo from his "Instagram", the artist has not yet fulfilled the conceived.

Like any creative person, the savlep boldly experimenting above the style. At the beginning of the singing career, he used the image of Jack Sparrow, later surprised the audience by avant-garde outfits or hipster clothing. Having been in 2015 in Copenhagen, he briefly repainted in a blond and made a short haircut. The only thing that Anton remains constant is something that never appears in the public without a beard.


In 2007, the Quest Pistols vocal trio was founded. The debut of the musical team took place on April 1 on the air teleconcurs of the "Chance" talent. The audience did not expect from the previously dance group that the guys would also sing, so the song "I was tired" caused an excitement from the public. It was a cover version of the Long and Lonesome Road composition from the repertoire of the famous Shocking Blue group.

The performance of Quest Pistols was accompanied by breathtaking dances, which immediately determined the individual style of the team. Initially, the action was conceived as an original performance, but thanks to the audience sympathy, a single speech gave rise to a grand musical project. During the voting of television viewers, 60 thousand people gave votes for the Quest Pistols group.

The next hit "White Dragonfly of Love" turned out to be no less demanded, the author of which became a novice musician Nikolai Voronov. Other famous song songs were written by the frontman of the group "My Rockets" by Alexander Somethem, known under the pseudonym of Isolde Chatham.

The bright debut of the team inspired residents of "Comedy Club" - "Duet of Chekhov" - to create a humorous number dedicated to the group.

First, there were only 3-4 songs in the repertoire of the team, which was not enough for full-fledged concerts. The exit was found quite simple: first Quest Pistols, about half an hour, showed dance numbers, and then sang the song in stock. The group was popular in Ukraine, Russia, neighboring countries, as well as in Europe.

Musicians of the Ukrainian Trio Quest Pistols performed at several international festivals, including in Belgium at a concert in support of a healthy lifestyle. In 2008, the Group became the laureate of the MTV Europe Music Awards award in the nomination "The Best Contractor of Ukraine".

Over time, the repertoire expanded, and in 2007 the light saw the debut studio album "for you", which received the status of a platinum. He followed the release of a disk "Magic Paints + Rock'n'roll and Lace", and in 2009 the musicians released the SuperKlass plate.

In 2011, Anton Sablepov decided to leave the musical team, as stated in the press, but in a month he returned back. During the fourth participant of the group, Daniel Matsuchuk (Daniel Joy) became. In addition to the songs included in the albums, the hits "I am your drug", "revolution", "you are so beautiful", "different", "cooler" were popular with popularity.

In addition, in 2013, Anton under the pseudonym Zorko recorded a solid disk with the same name. Simultaneously with the work, the artist began entrepreneurial activities and launched the production of Zorko clothing brand.

The musician continued to speak with the group, but only before the beginning of 2016. Then an unexpected news was filmed on Quest Pistols fans: one after another the team left the leading soloists, and newcomers came to their place. In 2016, the new "favorite" album was recorded with an updated composition, where the singles "Unlike", "kill".

Anton Sablepov left. A new period began in the artist's creative biography. The musician, together with Nikita Gorusti and Konstantin Borovsky, founded the new pop group "Agond", thus recreated the first composition of Quest Pistols.

The team immediately recorded a number of new compositions, of which "release" and "every for themselves". Songs entered the Album "# Yabdulyubtable". In 2016, the team recorded video on the Summer Hits and Opa-Opa. And in 2017 clips "Superhero" "Provocive" and "Run". Then the group left the borus.

Films and Tele Show

Anton Sablepov - a man creative and fondant, the artist was not enough to sing and dance, so one day he decided to experience the possibilities of movies. As an actor, the young man appeared on the set in the romantic comedy "Wedding for Exchange" and the humorous musical "like the Cossacks".

Many times the singer was invited to various television shows, including the popular transfer of Ivan Urgant and Alexander Tsecalo "big difference."

In 2016, Anton Sablepov became part of the judging jury at the talent contest "X-factor". Together with the musician from the group "Agond", Konstantin Meladze, Andrei Danilko, Julia Sanina occupied by the Mentors' chair. Televisses became Oksana Marchenko and Andrey Pozhnikov.

Experience as a mentor, Anton seemed curious and interesting. Suddenly, the winner was the winner for the public. Savlepova - Singer from Armenia Sevak Khanagyan. The second place went to the Kiev group Detach, which Julia Sanina supervised, and the third was the Mountain Breeze musical team, which was included in Andrei Danilko.

Anton Sablepov Now

Now Anton does not cease to experiment and develop in the creative direction. In 2019, the group "Agond" was recorded two clips on the songs "You 20" and "Bomb" in collaboration with Irina Gorbacheva. Moreover, in the second composition, the Russian actress has become a full-fledged third party, fulfilling the chille of the hit. Videos appreciated duet fans.

In addition, Anton became one of the first participants in the Ukrainian "roasters" and DZK. Later with his participation on Yutubeub, the release of the show "Technical" of the Communction of the Communches The Stand Up was released. It was the first yield of Savlepov on the stage in the wall of the standa.

In April 2020, the ball was recorded the release of the Superintition TV game with TV presenter Sergey Podula, in which Anton Sablepov fought with the forests of Nikityuk. In the middle of the program, the singer had to fulfill an unusual task - to overcome the bar of obstacles, where his rival was a trained dog.

Among other things, the artist became a guest of the True or Action program, which comes out on the Yutyub-Channel of the singer Olga Polyakova.


  • 2007 - "For you"
  • 2008 - "Magic Paints + Rock'n'roll and Lace"
  • 2009 - Superklass.
  • 2013 - Zorko.
  • 2016 - "# Yabdulyubybye"

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