Toby Kebbell - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Toby Kebbell is a British actor, his filmography of Pestrite with loud names, among which the "Dead Man's Boots", Rock-N-Roller, Varcraft, Ben-Gur.

Toby Kebbell (Tobias Alista Patrick) was born on July 9, 1982 in Pontafract, located in the western part of the English County Yorkshire. Childhood and youth Toby spent in the county of Nottinghamshire, where the family moved shortly after his birth. He grew up in a large family. Parents divorced when he was a year and a half. The boy stayed to live with Mishel's mother - a cook and landscaped gardener.

Among the hobbies of young Toby Kebbell, there was a television - at the age of 17, the young man appeared on central television in Nottingham. There was a meeting with the producer and director of the cervical medical station, which determined his further creative biography, however, as a film actor. The absence of appropriate education and experience did not prevent Toby to achieve success on this field.


Kebbella's debut film began the role of Anthony in the psychological thriller of Shane Meduse "Dead Man's Boots" of 2004. The artist fulfilled the role of the mentally backward young man who falls into a gang to drug dealers. The acting game Toby did not remain unnoticed - the young man came to the nomination "promising debut" award of an independent British cinema.

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The first major role opened a lot of prospects before novice actors. With enviable success, Toby received offers from directors. Soon the audience saw the actor in the historical picture of Oliver Stone - the militant "Alexander". Toby fulfilled the role of a second plan - PAsania, Tsar Philip II bodyguard (Val Kilmer), Father Alexander Macedon (Colin Farrell). In the plot, the hero Toby kills his patron.

The artist made an indelible impression on the brilliant director Woody Allen, and that without preliminary trials and listening invited the British in the film "Match Point".

Toby Kebbell in the film

Chief Hero, Tennisist Chris (Jonathan Reese Myers), manages to marry chloe (Emily Mortimer), daughter of a rich businessman. At the same time, a young man begins a passionate novel with Nola (Scarlett Johansson), which, premenhenev, threatens to tell him everything. Chris is solved for murder. And soon Chloe declares her husband about his pregnancy. Painting with the participation of Cabbella in the role of a police officer, the investigative of the case, went to large screens in 2005.

A year later, Toby played in the thriller "Wildness", and in 2007 there was a biographical film "Control", in which the actor appeared as Rob Gretton, the Joy Division Rock Group manager. The life is shown the life of Vocalist Ian Curtis, the plot is based on the memoirs of the wife of the Musician Deborah. Tobbell's acting game was highly appreciated by film critics. He became a laureate of not one film: One of them is a victory in the category "Best Second Plan Actor" at the 10th British Independent Film Awards ceremony in November 2007.

In 2008, along with Gerard Butler, Tom Wilkinson and Tandy Newton Toby starred in the film "Rock-H-Roller" director Gaya Richie. On the screen, he portrayed the Musician-drug author Johnny Pound. For almost a month, Kebbell had to be hardly hungry to show the image of a drug addicted musician as possible. In addition to this, he studied to shoot a gun and play piano.

The actors did not turn out to be in vain, because for this role Kebbell awarded award from the publication "The Sun". The future star, as they wrote in the tabloid, became the first in the nomination "Best Male Role." In addition, the actor was among the nominees to the prize of the British Academy in the category "Rising Star".

In 2010, the premiere of the film "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time" took place: in the adventure militant Toby Kebbell played the role of Prince Garciva.

It is also worth noting the participation of the actor in the fantasy film "Student of Correce", where he got the role of illusionist Drake, serving evil forces. Despite his no longer small experience in cinema, the artist was interesting to observe the work of his colleagues - Nicholas Cage and Monica Bellucci.

The following years of Kebbell never ceases to actively film. One after another came out films and serials with his participation: "Martial horse" Stephen Spielberg, "Black Mirror" Charlie Bruker, "Advisor" Ridley Scott. The artist's filmography is becoming more comprehensive thanks to work in the projects "Master of Escape", "Planet Monkeys: Revolution", "Fantastic Four."

In 2016, his track record was replenished with no less loud film. In the fantastic film "Varcraft", created based on the popular computer game, was used by the technique of capturing the movement. Actors, executors of fantastic creatures, accounted for all scenes to play in special costumes with sensors. Such a manner of execution to many artists seemed exhausting - it was difficult to focus on the image due to the lack of props and costumes.

The work of Toby Kebbell and his nippers, Patton and Anna Galvin, complicated the need to talk on the fictional orc. But the acquired experience was useful for Toby in the future. Travis Fimmel also played in the film, Ben Foster, Dominic Cooper.

In the historic drama of Timur Bekmambetov "Ben-Gur" Kebbell got the role of Zloda Messalai, the brother of the main character of Judah Ben-Gura (Jack Houston). The Kebbell Hero eliminates his brother, spent on slavery. After many years, Judas returns to the native edges, but now in the role of an invincible rider on chariots. Mesal will recognize the brother and agrees to the tournament on horses, during which is going to kill Judas.

The scenes on the chariots were removed live. To prepare both actors was allocated for five months. Toby is fond of horse riding, but here it was necessary to learn completely different skills. According to Cebbell subsequently, not only the strong muscles of the hands and legs were needed for ride on the chariot, but also strong fingers. The actor assured that during the work on the film, no horse was injured.

Personal life

As it became known, in 2009, the actor Toby Kebbell began to meet with Rizvan Bashir. The couple met at the party of the journalist Andrew Nile.

Chosen by Actor - Ex-President of the Oxford Union and Fulbright Scholarship. By the time of exploring Tobi she was the founder of the platform for booking the adventures

Daniella and Toby Kebbell

In 2017, a photo of artist with a girl Danielle (Danielle) appeared on the Tobbell Fan Club account with Danielle (Danielle), with which the actor visited the world premieres of Kong and Ben-Gur films. The full name of the girl is not known, Toby keeps the intrigue, but the actor calls a low brunette with his beloved. The only thing that became known to the fans of Toby, so this is what his girl is American, and there are young people for two years.

Toby Kebbell now

In 2017, the actor received an invitation from the creators of the fantastic militant "Kong: Cherep Island", restarting the MEDIAFRSHIZ KING-Kong. The movie Toby performed the role of Major Jack Chapeman, but also, as already having experience in shooting the capture of movement, the actor played along with Terry Notari Some scenes for the main character - Monster King Cong.

Another premiere of 2017 is the satirical tape "The death of Stalin", created by the motives of the FPANCS discussion. The comedian key in the film shows the events that took place in the Kremlin after the death of the Soviet leader. The main roles in the film were performed by the top Kebblell, Olga Kaupecko and Tomoti Daltoon, A in Hykita XPHEUTA was reincarnated by Buchemi.

A talented actor is now in demand in many promising projects. In 2018, the Rob Koene Rob Koene, Rob Koene, was already released on the screens, where Toby fulfilled the role of the criminal Will. In addition to this picture, they expect their completion of the film "Bank account Mr. Toda", "Destroyer", "Angel".


  • 2004 - "Dead Man's Boots"
  • 2004 - "Alexander"
  • 2005 - "Match Point"
  • 2006 - "Wildness"
  • 2007 - "Control"
  • 2008 - "Rock-n-roller"
  • 2010 - "Student of Correder"
  • 2010 - "Prince of Persia: Sands of Time"
  • 2011 - "Black Mirror"
  • 2012 - "Wrath of Titans"
  • 2014 - "Planet Monkeys: Revolution"
  • 2015 - "Mysiper Buddha"
  • 2015 - "Fantastic Four"
  • 2016 - Ben-Gur
  • 2016 - "Varcraft"
  • 2017 - "Kong: Skull Island"
  • 2018 - "Robbery in Hurricane"

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