Kuzma Kotres - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kuzma Kotres - a young Russian actor, famous for the Teenage Medical Drama "Red Bracelets".

The ascending asterisk of domestic cinema and the Kuzma Kotrelev Theater was born in Moscow in June 1997. About the family Kuzma is known a little. Parents of the actor, Maria and Fedor Kotrelev, deeply believing Orthodox people. According to some data from social networks, except for Kuzma in the family will grow old children.

Kuzma Kotrelev in childhood

Kuzma Kotres grew in a creative atmosphere. Kuzma read a lot and quickly loved the theater. Already in early childhood it was obvious that the boy has many talents. Kuzma perfectly declares. And the young man sings well and with ease develops new musical instruments. In his young years, Kotrelev plays a piano, horn and guitar.

In the fact that the talented artist, the audience were able to make sure that the boy appeared on the screen as leading children's gears. These programs were broadcast on the carousel TV channel.

Already then it was clear that the appearance of Kuzreyeva Kuzmaeva on the theater scene and in the Big Cinema is only a matter of time, and the nearest.

Actor Kuzma Kotres

So it happened. After graduating from the High School of Kotrelev with ease, Oleg Tabakov had ease with ease. Soon Kuzma - the actor of the Mobile Children's Theater "Sophfit".


Cinematographic biography Kuzma Kotreleva began in 2012, when the young artist was 15 years old. The young actor appeared in the episode of the Russian-Ukrainian detective psychological thriller "Dragon Syndrome". Fame This project Kuzma did not bring, but the novice actor saw professionals work. And they were a lot of them in the tape. Alexey Guskov, Alexey Serebryakov, Andrei Merzlikin and Ekaterina Klimov played the main roles.

The debut turned out to be quite successful. But in the next film project, Kuzma Kotrelev appeared after a 3-year break. During this period, Kotrelev paid attention to musical creativity.

In 2013, the music group "still in no way" was formed from the seven participants, according to the musicians themselves, with opposite tastes and views on the group. Kuzma performs in the group as a vocalist and also plays a pipe. The "still in no way" is an unusual set of musical instruments. In addition to standard guitars, drums and synthesizers in creating music, ukulele, cello, melody, violin and accordion are involved. The group has already created 4 studio entries, but the musicians see their vocation in live performances.

Kuzma Kotres

In parallel with musical development, all this time Kuzma improved the acting skill on the theater scene. Since 2015, Kuzma plays in the MHT named after A. P. Chekhov. From the same year, Kotrelev is involved in the play "Buntari" as an actor.

The director Alexander Merochers is positioning a new creation as a "rock play" and notes that the music plays in the formulation of through and binding importance. The plot of the performance unfolds outside the era, the Decembrists, Pelenters, Russian rock musicians and people from punk culture are mixed on stage.

Kuzma Kotrelev in the theater

The main characters are famous surnames. Pushkin, Pestel, Nechaev, Petrovskaya, Kakhovsky and others appear on the stage, but these are not attempts to recreate real personalities, but phantasmagoric images living according to the laws of dreams. The director and critics agreed on the fact that the production shows idealism and the eternal riot, for the image of which the era is not important.

In 2015, the actor starred in the touching TV series "Red Bracelets". This is the Russian adaptation of the same Catalan project, which tells about the life of patients of a children's hospital. Anna Mikhalkov, Daria Moroz, Yevgeny Tsyganov and other famous actors played "adult characters. But the role of children went to Kuzme Kotrelev, Philip Ershov, Azamat Aliyev, Stas Miloslavskaya and other young artists.

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This project was very highly appreciated by film critics. Therefore, in 2016, the tape was shown at the Odessa Film Festival. Note that before the series at the film festivals did not imagine. In 2016, the organizers for the first time chose 6 multi-dimensional tapes of different genres from all over Europe. From the Russian chosen "red bracelets", where Kuzma Kotrelev played brilliantly.

Personal life

So far, the main thing for the novice actor is creativity. Free time Kuzma passes on stage. Therefore, the personal life of Kuzma Kotrelev, as they say, behind the brackets. The actor is registered in the social network "VKontakte". In the profile of Kuzma, only intriguing "not married" is indicated in the relationship line. Also, the actor registered accounts on Twitter and Instagram. The young celebrity has not so many subscribers on these services, in Instagram in Kuzma, only 500 fans.

Kuzma Kotres now

On November 4, 2016, a premiere of a comedy with an intermission "Sleeping Prince" was held on the play of Terens Rattigan, where Kuzma played the role of Nicholas VIII, King Carpathia. The main roles in the production played by Dmitry Nazarov and Ksenia Teplov. The play is not known in Russia, but in America is a classic plot, in the last century embodied on the screens of Lawrence Olivier and Marilyn Monroe.

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Kuzma plays the young ruler who arrived in London along with the father-regent. During an unofficial dinner, the father tired of public affairs turns an intrigue with the actress, but the relationship for one night turns around the plot, which influenced the royal family, and on the country. Critics described this performance, as a good comedy about love and that the liveliness and freedom and freedom will defeat the soforhood and instinctness. The romantic comedy ends with an ambiguous final, which the play called the "modern Happi-end".

In 2017, the First Channel appointed the date of the premiere of the series "Red Bracelets" on television. The audience was waiting for the series back in 2015, when a multi-sieuled drama was filmed, but the mass premiere was constantly postponed. Fans will finally see the long-awaited "red bracelets" in the spring of 2017.


  • 2012 - Dragon Syndrome
  • 2015 - "Red Bracelets"

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