Jackie Chan - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



All cinema lovers are familiar to Jackie Chan. But the path of the actor to the glory was not easy. However, Jackie always found the strength not to despair and again take the case. Today in the service list of the artist more than a hundred pictures.

On April 7, 1954, a boy was born in the poor Chinese family of Chan. The child weighed more than 5 kg, why Mother called the son of PJSC PJSC for a long time, which means "cannonic core." Spouses were so poor that they left the kid at the doctor for a while. When they paid a hospital account, they took the child home and gave him the name of Chen Ganshan. Later, the world found out about this guy under the pseudonym Jackie Chan.

Actor Jackie Chan.

At one time, Charles and Lily Chan fled from China from the Civil War in Hong Kong. There they settled work to the French Embassy to the cook and the maid. In the 60s, when the son of Jackie grown, the family moved to Australia.

From 6 years, Jackie Chan goes to the school of the Being Opera. There he acquired a stage experience and learned to understand his body. In addition, interested in Kung Fu.


In the movie, Jackie Chan got another child. From the age of 8, he was filmed first in the crowd, then he entrusted the role of the son of the main character in the Beijing Opera.

In adolescence, he starred in films about martial arts, but so far only in the extras. Although the list of works are films "Fur Riolet" and "Dragon Exit" with Bruce Lee. In these films, Jackie plays negative characters. But then he realized that it makes no sense to copy Bruce Lee, becoming one of the thousands.

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Having moved to parents in the 70s, he tried to study at Dickson College, worked at a construction site. Along the way, he began to film as a cascade. Jackie Chan Artistic, flexible, charismatic and owns Kung Fu. This allows him to go to the real roles. He himself puts comedy paintings, where the characters participate in street fights, demonstrate combat abilities. Artist's characters are lazy, sometimes rustic. They have a simple, a lot of problems, but in general it is brave, good guys. Jackie Chan's tricks came up with himself. In fact, at that time a new genre was born.

The film "Snake in the Eagle Shadow" became a breakthrough in the career of Jackie Chan. The director of the film allowed the talented actor to put tricks, improvise. It was what you need, because the film was shot in the comedy genre with elements of martial arts. By that time, Jackie Chan had already burned with an interesting genome.

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The film "Drunk Master" showed us a comic tandem jackie and actor Yuen Xu Tien. Jackie plays a breakdown, carefree hooligan, who is being kept with everyone in a row, after watching the combat school of his father's master. Yuen fulfills the role of a mentor who took the talented talented re-education.

In 1983, working on the film "Project" A ", Jackie Chan organized the Cascader Group. In subsequent films, he worked with her. Today, the actor is listed in black lists of all insurance companies, because it often makes life threatening. On the account of Jackie, a lot of "combat wounds" obtained on the set: dislocation of the pelvis, fractures of the fingers, sterns, ankles and ribs. Because of the broken repeatedly right ankle Jackie in the performance of the tricks is forced to land on the left foot. And on the set "Armor of God", the cranial and brain injury obtained as a result of falling from the tree, almost led to death.

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In the 1980s there was a lot of attempts to break into Hollywood. "Big Fight", "Race" Cannon Core "," Patron "did not remain unnoticed, but did not have fame.

Success came in 1995 with the painting "Disassembly in Bronx", which noted the award for Jackie Channel MTV.

"The first blow," Mr. Cool "and other films beat off the cashier. The viewer walked to wonder, laugh, admire the dexterity of Jackie Chan.

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In 2000, the cartoon "Adventures of Jackie Chan" was released. The main hero of the animated film was the archaeologist Jackie Chan, who is a collective way of characters played by the artist, and some others.

"Peak Hour" together with two sections gathered billions of dollars, becoming Hollywood hits. In the western "Shanghai Noon" he plays pair with Owen Wilson.

Jackie Chan experiments. Changes the role, adds a number of expensive and spectacular special effects to films, although it doesn't have much success, because the heart of Jackie's films has always been martial art, these famous fights using all sorts of girlfriends.

"Tuxedo" and "around the world for 80 days" became failed, if you look at them from a commercial point of view. In "Tuxedo", Jackie Chan was seven doubles.

After the failures of Jackie Chan took himself in hand. He starred in three successful films in a row, continuing to experiment. The film "Myth" is interesting, where the actor fulfills the role of the Chinese emperor, who is crazy about the charming girl, and archaeologist: absolutely different heroes, but both own Kung Fu.

"Fall of the last Empire" - an anniversary film of the actor, hundredth on the account, released in 2011. And not the last.

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More than 100 songs in the repertoire of Jackie Chan, although few people know what he sings. Jackie performs songs on several Chinese dialects, on Japanese and English. For his films, he often creates soundtracks himself, but they are usually replaced in Europe and America.

Stars named Jackie Chan can be seen in Hong Kong, Hollywood and on the old Arbat in Moscow.

In Hollywood, on Jackie, the proposals were filled with the role of negative characters. But he always gave refusal. Chan was afraid to spoil the image and get into the list of stereotypes of kinoshodeev.

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In 2010, the premiere of the art film "Karate-Patzan" started, where the son of Will Smith and Jada Pinket-Smith shone. Jackie Chan played the Mentor of the Young Drekuer. Viewers warmly accepted the ribbon, and for Jagen, the role became one of the important in the career biography.

In 2016, Jackie Chan was honored with Oscar for an outstanding contribution to cinema.

Jackie's creative biography was not limited to roles in militants. He made an actor of visualing in three cartoons about Kung Fu Panda. In addition, Chan sorted most of the paintings in which he was filmed, and more than a dozen tapes.

Personal life

Jackie Chan married in the early 80s in Taiwanese actress Lin Fengjiao. Jackie's future wife saw in 1982 and fell in love. The proposal of the hand and heart followed immediately in the pavilion for filming. Chan, fearing the inadequate reaction of the fans, fifteen years hid lin from the public.

Lin Fengjiao and Jackie Chan

The son of Chan Jumin was born in the family, which went in the footsteps of the Father. He plays a movie and sings. Bought fame under the pseudonym Jace Chan.

In 2014, Jacy had problems with law. He went to prison for six months for granted premises to drug users. Jackie Chang did not interfere with the accomplishment of justice, but in an interview shared, which was shocked by what happened.

Before the prison opinion, the father and her son had a cool relationship. Jackie even announced that it would be better to make part of money for charity than Jacy will leave. However, after liberation, they met and set up a connection.

Jackie Chan with Son

Actress Elaine U Tsili, telling about the extramarital connection with the actor, argued that the daughter of Etta from Zholin was born with Chang. The artist considered this connection to the mistake and refused to recognize the child officially.

There were rumors that when Jackie found out about the pregnancy of Elaine, he asked the girl to make an abortion. But she did not take such a step. As a result, the actor agreed that he had two children. But in the upbringing and fate of daughter Jackie does not participate.

Ettetu from Zholin with Mom Elaine in Tsili

In April 2017, Etta took an unsuccessful attempt of suicide. Doctors concluded that the girl was depressed. In addition, the father does not get along with it, and the relationship with the mother was left to desire the best.

Then Etta on the page in "Instagram" was confessed in a non-traditional orientation and posted photos from Andy's beloved. A flurry of critics collapsed on the girls, but they found the strength to thank those who rely on the cavial-out with understanding.

Star Pope Etta also has an official account in "Instagram". For a favorite actor, many thousands of fans are watching. Jackie is divided with the fans of the records in Twitter.

Jackie Chan now

In 2017, Jackie Chan's voice spoke to the heroes of animated films "Lego Film: Ninjago" and "Real Squirrel 2".

In May of the same year, the Russian audiences saw the premiere of the painting "Armor of God: in search of treasures." In China, the fighter came out in January.

And already in November 2017, Jackie Chan reincarnated from Professor of Archeology in the former special forces in the Foreign film. He played in a brilliant duet with a junk pier.

The following filmography of Jackie was replenished with a role in science fiction film "Blementing Steel". This tape has become the first work of the Chan in a similar genre.

In August 2018, the premiere of the Russian-Chinese film "Viy 2. The Secret of the Dragon Print" is expected. This is the first in the history of cinema tape, filmed by Russia and China. The director of the painting was Oleg Stephenko, who became the director of the first film "Viy".

Interestingly, the film was not filmed by the work of Nikolai Gogol, but is based on Chinese myths. The film has set itself a goal Show two great cultures - Russia and China.

The film involves actors from different countries. In addition to Jackie Chan, the audience will see in Ribe Arnold Schwarzenegger, Paul Volia, Jason Fleming, Andrei Merzlikin and others.


  • 1973 - "Fist Retribution"
  • 1976 - "New fist of rage"
  • 1978 - "Magnificent Bodyguards"
  • 1979 - "Dragon Fist"
  • 1985 - "Police Story"
  • 1987 - "Armor of God"
  • 1988 - "Police Story 2"
  • 1991 - "Armor of God 2: Operation" Condor "
  • 1992 - "Police story 3: Super Polysky"
  • 1998, 2001, 2007 - "Peak Hour", "Rush Hour 2", "Peak Hour 3"
  • 2000 - "Shanghai Noon"
  • 2003 - "Shanghai Knights"
  • 2005 - "Myth"
  • 2010 - "Karate-Patzan"
  • 2012 - "Armor of God: Mission Zodiac"
  • 2017 - "Alien"
  • 2018 - "The Secret of the Dragon Print: Journey to China"

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