Anastasia Volochkova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", age, growth, daughter Ariadne, ballerina 2021



Anastasia Volochkova today is one of the most popular figures among the stars of the Russian show business. Permanent closer attention from the press, the steady vigilance of paparazzi, the audience, greedily catching everything, up to the smallest details from the life of the star, is evidenced by both the stunning success and competent black PR.

Childhood and youth

The future star of the Russian ballet was born in Leningrad on January 20, 1976. Father Yuriy Fedorovich Volochkov - Master of Sports of the International Class, Champion of the Soviet Union on table tennis. Mama Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova held the position of engineer at the Design Institute of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Tamara Vladimirovna was fond of the history of his native city and, after graduating from the states of excursions, led fascinating pedestrian tours in St. Petersburg.

Anastasia Volochkova is still grateful to the parents as a diligence and warm creative atmosphere in the family, and for the fact that Mom and Pope from the very beginning seriously reacted to the children's desire of Anastasia to become a ballerina.

Passion for the ballet and intention to associate itself with this kind of art first manifested themselves in the young Anastasia after visiting, together with the mother of Peter Tchaikovsky "Nutcracker" in the Mariinsky Theater. So, at the age of 5, the girl made the final choice of life path. In 1992, Anastasia Volochkova decides to enter the St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova.

Forever I was remembered by the future star of the exciting days of entrance examinations, according to their own recognition, comparable to the head of the heart, a reverent thrill in front of the strict beauty of the building of the Ballet Academy, which occupies the entire quarter of Rossi Street, before the glorified members of the jury sitting in the adoptive commission. But Anastasia was on the day with the firm intention to become a ballerina.

Entrance exams have become a heavy test - the girl was insufficiently talented. But, fortunately, the famous Russian Balletmister Konstantin Mikhailovich Sergeev took part in fate. According to the memories of the artist, the teachers traveled it, and the classmates sympathized. After some time, Natalia Mikhailovna Dudinskaya, the famous teacher of the Russian ballet school, drew the ballerina.

With the help of the Machinator Volochkova graduated from the Ballet Academy with honors. The graduation exam, which became a debut performance of Anastasia, took place on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater, where the girl performed the main party of Odettes and Odillia in the ballet "Swan Lake". The performance was the beginning of a career on the stage of this famous temple of the arts.


For 4 years of work in the Mariinsky Theater Anastasia successfully embodied on the stage leading parties of ballet performances "Sleeping Beauty", "Giselle", "Don Quixote". According to the ballerina, the period in its creative biography was not easy. The artist had to face numerous ill-wishers and intrigues against themselves. Ultimately, Volochkova was supplanted from all performances and actually removed from work.

Suddenly, the young dancer receives an invitation from the artistic director of the Bolshoi Theater Vladimir Vasilyev to fulfill the main role in the author's formulation of the Lake Swan's already familiar ballet. At the same time, the development of solo career of the artist began.

Anastasia received the prestigious Golden Lion Prize for participating in the Austrian competition as the best European ballerina. Soon the invitation to London was followed, where the ballerina had to fulfill the main party in the play "Sleeping Beauty".

Then Volochkova left a large theater for a year, which is explained by disagreements with the new leadership. But in 2001 he returned to take part in the formulation of Yuri Grigorovich. This period of career of the artist has already been greatly successful.

According to theatrical impresario, people went "on Volochkov", and indeed, the performances with the participation of the ballerina were collected by the full halls. In 2002, the artist received a high state award - the decree of President Ballerina was awarded the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". By this time also includes a protracted conflict with the administration of the theater.

Dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater

Intrigues against the ballerina poured into a loud trial, a challenged media: the leadership of the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a contract with a Volochkova due to professional unsuitability. These claims were reduced to the fact that allegedly the growth and weight of the artist (172 cm and 55 kg) exceed the permissible norms for the profession of the ballerina.

Volochkova recalled the feeling of injustice towards himself, who did not leave it throughout the entire process, as well as unexpected support for the Western press: Journalists from New York Times asked permission to officially measure the physical parameters of the ballerina and refute the rumors that persistently rummaged in the Russian press. According to them, it was not anastasia to grow by 11 cm since its last speech in America.

Despite the fact that the court pleaded by the illegal dismissal of the artist and decided to take the Volley back, she could not stay in a big one after everything that happened.

Show Business

After the scandal in the Bolshoi Theater, where Volochkova continued to formally listed as an artist, she acted for some time as a primary ballerina in the Krasnodar ballet theater. In 2004, the debut took place as film actresses. She performed a major role in the multi-detective TV series "Place under the Sun", shot on the novel by the writer Polina Dashkova.

In 2009, the premiere of the Nerve show was held, which was a huge success in London, as well as in the State Kremlin Palace in Moscow. In the same year, the autobiography of the Volochkova "History of Russian Ballerina" was published.

After the release of the book on the counters in the network, "photojabab" appeared with the image of the cover, on which another name was conquered - "I and Ball". Despite the Black PR, the literary work of the ballerina was successful for readers who noted the light syllable of the author and an interesting choice of topics.

Shine dancer and his vocal talent. Anastasia became a member of the New Year's show Alla Pugacheva, where unexpectedly for fans appeared as a singer, fulfilling the composition of the ballerina specially written for her.

TV projects with the participation of the Volochkova go with constant frequency. So, in 2019, she visited the entertainment show "Comedy Club", became the guest of the project "Fashion sentence", where he discussed with Alexander Vasilyev's latest trends in the field of women's decorations. Also, the artist completed writing the second book "Fee for Success".

In addition, Volochkova gave an exclusive interview with TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak. The scandalous transfer came out on the YouTube Channel "Carefully, Sobchak!". The meeting of the two "swung girlfriends" took place in the ballerina cottage. The evening turned out to be rich events, memories and confers of the TV presenter: the ladies managed to work out at the machine, after performing several ballet paes, Ksenia persuaded Anastasia to try on the things that Elena Bezonova stylist, former director of the fashion director L'Officiel. After a long conversation over a glass of celebrity wine proceeded to the steam room.

Despite the friendly atmosphere that reigned on the set, there was still disagreements between the former friends after the release of the television show Sobchak on Ether. Volochkova accused the lead in an attempt to disgrace her, the relationship of the dancer proposed to find out on the broadcast of Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!".

Social activity

In 2003, Anastasia Volochkova decided to join the Party "United Russia". The sphere of artist's activities included numerous charitable and social programs for children.

The "Creative Center of Anastasia Volochkova" was opened. In the future, the artist planned to create a network of such centers throughout the country. In 2009, Anastasia Volochkova participated in the election of the head of the city administration of Sochi, but her candidacy was discontinued at the registration stage.

At the age of 40, Anastasia again announced that he wanted to directly participate in politics. Ballerina examined his own participation as a candidate for deputies from the Fair Russia party in the elections to the State Duma.

Later, the dancer revised his own views on the Crimean issue. Before that, Volochkova has repeatedly stated that he considers the Crimea of ​​the Ukrainian territory, and sharply negatively belonged to political opponents on this topic.

But after the joining of Crimea, Anastasia did not refuse to give concerts on the courts of the New Russian region. And in the summer of 2017, he stated to journalists that our Crimea, and later independently sent their own personal information on the Ukrainian site "Peacemaker".

Roman with Suleyman Kerimov

Roman dancers with oligarch Suleiman Kerimov made a lot of noise. Their relationship was originated in the early 2000s. Anastasia was conquered by wide romantic gestures and the strongest charisma of this person. However, in 2003, the couple broke up after 2 years of relationship.

Ballerina experienced the most sincere feelings for the chosen, so he gladly took the news about her pregnancy. But Anastasia did not rush in this beloved in this beloved: in one conversation, Suleiman warned her that in the case of parting the child would take her and give him to raising his relatives. Upaying about the heard, Volochkova on one of the rehearsals in the theater survived the miscarriage. After what happened, she left Kerimov. According to the prince, the businessman did not forgave the former beloved of this humiliation: he achieved anastasia to be fired from the Bolshoi Theater.

But not only failed motherhood became a stumbling block between in love. According to the dancer, Suleiman was a jealous man, although Volochkova herself assured that at that moment did not even think about other men. Subsequently, it turned out that each pitch of the ballerina was tracked by his employees, and the apartment was flooded with bugs and hidden microphones.

Personal life

The sphere of personal life Volochkova has always caused interest in her numerous fans. In his youth, the artist met with Nikolai Zubkovsky, the grandson of Ballerina Inna Zubkovsky. The young man helped Anastasia getting a protection in the Mariinsky Theater, where his famous relatives had connections.

Later, Vyacheslav Leibman appeared in the life of Volleykova, who for the sake of Ballerina broke up with Ksenia Sobchak. The future television star survived this gap painfully and for a long time did not communicate with the former girlfriend. Close relationships associated the dancer also with entrepreneurs Mikhail lived and Sergey Polonsky.

According to the ballerina, she had a 5-year-old novel with Jim Kerry. The Hollywood actor was fascinated by the talent of a young dancer from Russia and even flew to Moscow to communicate with Anastasia. At first, the relationship was wearing a platonic character, but later the feelings were smelled. According to Volochkova, they decided to stop the novel due to the employment of each: the artist did not want to move from Russia to Hollywood, even for her beloved.

The grand wedding in the life of the ballerina happened in 2007. Its chosen was the businessman Igor Vdovin. This event was widely publicized in the media as one of the most memorable secular events. Later, the dancer herself said that the ceremony was fictitious, they were never officially painted with Igor Vdove.

For 2 years before the celebration, the daughter of Ariadne was born. Perhaps, not wanting for the daughter of repeating the sad experience in the theaters, Anastasia speaks against the girl engaged in ballet. Later in the family of the ballerina, friction began, which led to parting. Now with a former husband Volochkova does not communicate. According to the artist, he hides the place of residence due to a large amount owned by her. The daughter of Ariadne has been living with his father for several years.

A few years after the divorce, Anastasia began relations with the head of the company for the transportation of oil Bakhtiir Salimov. They met during the tour of the dancers in Vladivostok on Valentine's Day. The relationship was in the best way, and the show business star was willing to joy through his profile on the social network.

In addition, there were rumors that the ballerina had a novel with a singer Nikolai Baskov. Lovers rest together in the Maldives, laid out joint intimate photos in "Instagram". Many expressed the view that it was no more than a PR-move from both artists.

Anastasia leads the official registered account in "Instagram". Volochkova is not shy to upload photos at home, without makeup, record video from training. Often the dancer places pictures in the twine, surprising fans with their abilities. She also likes to demonstrate a figure in open swimsuits or fitting outfits with deep neckline.

On changes in the personal life of the ballerina, the audience guess a long time ago. On the TV show "Secret by Million" Volochkova opened the secret, having passed the check on the detector of lies. According to Anastasia, her bridegroom is called Oleg, he is younger for several years, it is divorced, raising his daughter. Specialists clarified that the satellite of the artist is not so rich as she would like to present his audience.


In September 2017, the name of the Volochkova again sounded in the scandalous key. TV presenter Dana Borisova returned from the rehabilitation clinic in Thailand and on the TV program "Secret by Million" stated that one ballerina and a secular lioness (as TV viewers understood, annealed Anastasia) also suffers from drug addiction and alcoholism and needs help to be ready to provide. In response, Volochkova accused the TV presenter in the slander and attempt to reconeach.

In November 2017, Anastasia again fell into the epicenter of the scandal. Account Ballerina hacked, by rumors, hackers demanded 20 thousand rubles from Anastasia. For non-disclosure of information. Volochkova refused, and photos of bare ballerina and intimate correspondence fell into open access.

The network also hit the home photo of a pornographic nature, where distinctly recognizable Volochkova. The video was stolen from the Ballerina's ex-boyfriend account - the businessman Cherman Dzotov in the social network "VKontakte". Samopal erotic instantly attracted the attention of both ballerina fans and misfortunes who hurried to blame the Volley in immoral behavior.

Anastasia commented on this event, calling Hackers with scams and accusing people to use other people's intimate photos and videos for their own PR. The entrepreneur suggested that the entry fell on the universal review due to his sex coach Alex Leslie.

Later, the circumstances of another fraudulent business were found out in relation to the Volochkova. Her personal driver Alexander Skirtach for several years secretly robbed the hostess. He asked Anastasia money on the funeral of the mother, but, as the dancer found out later, the woman was alive and healthy.

Damage Volochkova rated 376 thousand rubles. Ballerina filed at Alexander to court. Skirtach was placed in the SIZO. According to the sentence, the fraudster received 3 years of imprisonment conditionally, but Skirtach decided to appeal. According to the accused, part of the amount that the employer took, he returned, but could not prove it, since he did not take a receipt. In addition, Alexander announced information about the state of the ballerina, which, according to Skirtach, is 244 million rubles.

The scandal broke out in the studio of the NTV television channel, where both parties were invited to transfer "New Russian Sensations". The scuffle rose. On the protection of the Volley, her friend Nikita Dzhigurda rose.

Anastasia Volochkova now

Anastasia Volochkova - the desired guest on many TV projects. On the eve of the new 2021, Ballerina visited the studio of the online show "Alena, Damn!", Where the events taking place in her life. So, in the middle of the summer, the artist visited the Women's Monastery in Diveevo, for which he was fined for a disturbance of quarantine. After this incident in the network between the dancer and the governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region, the information war was broken by Gleb Nikitin.

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