Joseph Brodsky - biography, poems, photos, personal life, rumors and cause of death



In a conversation about the great poets of the 20th century, it is impossible not to mention the work of Joseph Brodsky. He is a very significant figure in the world of poetry. Brodsky had a difficult biography - persecution, misunderstanding, court and reference. It pushed the author to leave in the USA, where he received the recognition of the public.

Poet-dissident Joseph Brodsky was born on May 24, 1940 in Leningrad. The boy's father worked by a military photographer, a mother accountant. When in the 1950s in the ranks of officers, the "cleaning" of the Jews was held in the ranks of the officers, the father moved to work with a photoconduct in the newspaper.

Poet-dissident Joseph Brodsky

The children's years of Joseph coincided with the war, the blockade of Leningrad, hunger. The family survived, like hundreds of thousands of people. In 1942, his mother took Joseph and evacuated to Cherepovets. In Leningrad, they returned after the war.

Brodsky threw school, barely by going to grade 8. He wanted to financially help his family, so I went to work on the factory assistant milling machine. Then Joseph wanted to become a conductor - it did not work out. At one time he was eager to become a physician and even went to work in the morgue, but soon changed his mind. For several years, Joseph Brodsky changed a lot of professions: all this time he wooked poems, philosophical treatises, studied foreign languages ​​and even gathered with buddies to earn the plane to escape from the Soviet Union. True, the case did not go on the ideas.


Brodsky told that the poems began to write from 18 years, although there are several poems written in 16-17 years. In the early period of creativity, he wrote a "Christmas romance", "Monument to Pushkin", "From the outskirts to the center" and other poems. In the future, the style of the author had a strong influence of Poetry M. Tsvetaeva, O. Mandelstam, A. Akhmatova and B. Pasternak - they became a personal canon of young men.

Joseph Brodsky

With Ahmatova Brodsky met in 1961. She never doubted the talent of the young poet and supported Joseph's creativity, believing success. The most Brodsky poems Anna Andreevna were not particularly impressive, but the scale of the personality of Soviet poetess admired.

The first work that was alarmed by the power of the Soviets, dated 1958. The poem was called "Pilgrims". Following he wrote "loneliness." There, Brodsky tried to rethink what was happening to him and how to get out of the current situation, when newspapers and magazines closed the doors before the poet.

Poet Joseph Brodsky

On February 14, 1960, Joseph Brodsky first performed at the Leningrad "Poets Tournament". He read the "Jewish cemetery", which caused a serious scandal in literary and public circles. Three years later, an article branded by Brodsky was published in the "Evening Leningrad", the quotations from Joseph "Procession" and other works were provided in it. The authors of Paskville snapped the lines from the context, which sounded as an accusation of the poet in love for someone else's homeland. Joseph Brodsky began to pursue at all levels.

In January 1964, in the same "Evening Leningrad", letters of "indignant citizens" were published, demanding to punish the poet, and on February 13, the writers were arrested for tune. The next day, in the chamber he had a heart attack. Thoughts of the Brodsky of that period clearly guessed in verses "Hello, my aging" and "what to tell me about life?".

Poet-dissident Joseph Brodsky

The starting injury lay down a heavy burden on the poet. The situation aggravated due to the breaking of relationships with the beloved Marina Basmanova. As a result, Brodsky took an attempt to leave life, but unsuccessfully.

In 1970, the author wrote the poem "Do not go out of the room", in which there was a look at what place a man is given in Soviet power.

The persecution continued until May 1972, when Brodsky gave a choice - psychiatric hospital or emigration. Joseph Alexandrovich was already in a mental hospital, and, as he said, she was much worse than prison. Brodsky chose emigration. In 1977, the poet adopted American citizenship.

Joseph Brodsky

Before leaving from the native country, the poet tried to stay in Russia. He sent a letter to Leonid Brezhnev himself with a request to resolve to live in the country at least as a translator. But the future of the Nobel laureate did not hear.

Joseph Brodsky participated in the International Poetic Festival in London. Then he taught the history of Russian literature and poetry in Michigan, Colombian and New York universities. In parallel, he wrote an essay in English and translated into English poems Vladimir Nabokov. In 1986, a collection of Brodsky "Less Unity" came out, and next year he received the Nobel Prize in the field of literature.

Joseph Brodsky in London, 1994

In the period 1985-1989, the poet wrote the "Memory of Father", "Presentation" and Essay "One-High Room". In these verses and prose - all the pain of a person who was not allowed to spend on the last path of the parents.

When the perestroika began in the USSR, the poems of Joseph Alexandrovich actively printed literary magazines and newspapers. In 1990, in the Soviet Union began to publish the poet's books. Brodsky has repeatedly received an invitation from homeland, but constantly hesitated with this visit - he did not want the attention of the press and publicity. The complexity of the return was reflected in the poems "ITAKA", "Letter to an oasis" and others.

Personal life

The artist Marina Basmanova, with whom he met in 1962, became the first big love of Joseph Brodsky. They met for a long time, then lived together. In 1968, Marina and Joseph had a son Andrei, but with the birth of a child, relations worsened. In the same year they broke up.

Joseph Brodsky and Maria Soczqi

In 1990, he met Maria Soc. - Italian aristocrat with Russian roots on the maternal line. In the same year, Brodsky married her, and in three years they had daughter Anna. Unfortunately, to see how the daughter grows, Joseph Brodsky was not destined.

The poet is known as the famous smoker. Despite the four transferred operations on the heart, he never threw smoking. Doctors strongly advised Brodsky to tie with a detrimental habit, which he answered: "Life is remarkable precisely because there is no guarantees, no ever."

Joseph Brodsky

Still Joseph Brodsky adored cats. He argued that these creatures have no ugly movement. In many photos, the Creator is shot with a cat in his arms.

With the support of the writer in New York, the Russian Samovar restaurant opened. Co-owners of the institution became Roman Kaplan and Mikhail Baryshnikov. Joseph Brodsky has invested in this project a part of the money from the Nobel Prize. The restaurant has become the landmark of the Russian New York.


He suffered from angina, before emigration. The state of the poet's health was unstable. In 1978, he made a heart surgery, the American clinic sent an official letter to the USSR with a request to allow the parents of Joseph to leave for her sown's care. Parents themselves have applied for 12 times, but each time they refused. From 1964 to 1994, Brodsky suffered 4 infarction, he never saw her parents anymore. The mother of the writer died in 1983, and after a year she did not and father. Soviet authorities refused to come to the funeral at the request. The death of parents handled the health of the poet.

On January 27, 1996, Joseph Brodsky folded the portfolio, wished the wife of a good night and rose to the office - he needed to work before the spring semester. On the morning of January 28, 1996, the wife found a spouse without signs of life. Doctors stated death from heart attack.

The grave of Joseph Brodsky

Two weeks before death, the poet bought a place in the cemetery in New York, not far from Broadway. There, he was buried, after performing the last will of the poet dissident, who, until the last sigh, loved his homeland.

In June 1997, Joseph Brodsky's body was reburied in Venice in the San Michele cemetery.

In 2005, the first monument to the poet was opened in St. Petersburg.


  • 1965 - "Poem and Poems"
  • 1982 - "Roman Elegances"
  • 1984 - "Marble"
  • 1987 - "Uranius"
  • 1988 - "Stop in the desert"
  • 1990 - "Fern Notes"
  • 1991 - "Poem"
  • 1993 - "Cappadocia. Poems"
  • 1995 - "In the vicinity of Atlantis. New poems "
  • 1992-1995 - "Works of Joseph Brodsky"

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