Daria Parmenenkova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Daria Parmenenkova - Belarusian actress theater and cinema. Russian spectators met the young actress after the release of melodram "not easy happiness" and "easier than the paired turnip", in which Daria played the main characters.

Daria was born in Minsk in the summer of 1995. As far as it is known, Parmenkov's parents are not related to acting profession. But it did not become an obstacle for the girl who had already decided in childhood that he would become an artist.

Actress Daria Parmenenkova

The first steps on the stage of Daria made even at school. The girl was happy to participate in amateur and engaged in a drama. And she also dreamed that he would also talk about her, as the idols that reached the tops in Russian cinema. For the girl, there was always an example of the work in which the legends of the Soviet cinema were involved: Alis Freindlich, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Andrei Mironov and Yevgeny Evstigneev.

After receiving the school certificate, Daria Parmenkov decided not to leave far from his home and entered BGAI, the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, which released more than one dozen famous artists. The master of the course, where the future star was studied, Nikolai Kirichenko became.


The creative biography of Daria Parmenkova began in student years. The first successful steps Artist made on theatrical stage. In 2015, the girl together with the colleague Nikolai Sparrow took part in the XII International Festival of Student Theaters "Teatrals Kufar-2015" in Minsk.

Daria Parmenenkov in the theater

Parmenenkov and Sparrow presented a mini-play on the story of Vasil Bykov "Go and not return." For the work on the production of the girl was honored with a diploma "For the best female role."

Cinematographic career Darya Parmenkova began in the same 2015. The debut of the young actress became the role of the second plan in the melodrama "Do not tell me for goodbye" about the love of two young people - Tatyana (Elizaveta Shukov) and Andrei (Danila Lebedev), which is waiting for a heavy test.

Daria Parmenenkova

Soon the Belarusian student was invited to the major role in the melodrama "not easy happiness" Mikhail Zhervsky. In the image of a touching girl Lida, pupils of the boarding school, the actress made thousands of viewers who did not move away from the screens, admiring the game of film actresses.

Heroine Dasha from an early age becomes a frequent guest in the house of the teacher of the orphanage Anna Sergeyevna (Oksana Forest). But when the son of Anna Sergey (Alexey Koryakov) falls in love with Lida, his mother's attitude to the girl is changing. This role brought Darya the first tangible success, making recognizable and in demand by directors. The film was broadcast on the channel "Russia".

In the film "More easier than steam turnips" Daria Parmenenkov played Nadu Limonov. This film is often called the best in the creative biography of the actress. The picture tells about Nad, a girl who since childhood dreamed of going at the footsteps of the Father, to become a famous chef and lead the network of restaurants, but fate intervened.

The conflict with the stepfather ended with the fact that Nadia is forced to leave the house, as well as to quit work. The girl takes an invitation to become a dining room under a tram depot in a small town. White clay.

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Nadya suspects that Alexey Depot Director for the Council of Mayor specifically invited an inexperienced girl to spark the dining room. Despite the resistance of the band's unusable, Nadia is actively taken for business. Soon the girl not only manages to establish relationships with employees, but also to turn the dining room into one of the most popular places in the city.

Critics repeatedly noted the brilliant game of actresses in this film, and the fans said they would expect the same work in the future.

Personal life

Belarusian actress is not married yet. Today, Darya Parmenkova's personal life is her family, study and career in a movie, which takes away the mass of the forces and time. It is known that Dasha learn to play guitar and succeeded in this lesson.

Actress Daria Parmenenkova

The girl loves to read serious literature, adores the classics. And at leisure, movies with favorite actors are watching, among which the stars of the Russian and world cinema. Daria is engaged in sports, monitors the figure (the growth of Daria is 165 cm) and health.

Daria Parmenenkova now

Now Daria Parmenkovsky firmly occupied his own niche among actresses taken in melodramas. Every year, its filmography is replenished with 3-4 projects of this kind. In 2016, the shooting of the melodrama "Blacksmith of my happiness" was completed, where the actress appeared in the form of Nastya nurse. The plot of the series is built around the history of the love doctor Valentina Zorkina (Anna Tarautkina) and the balovna of the fate of Anton Kovaleva (Ilya Yermolov). A young man falls into an accident and loses his memory. Love for Valentine returns him to life.

Daria Parmenenkov in the film

A series of successful projects Actresses complemented the film by the director Alexander Hwa, "Life without Faith", in which Daria Parmenenkov performed the main role of the Girls of Faith. Heroine Dasha falls in love with Boxer Vasily (Alexander Sokolovsky). Young people lead a different way of life, but, like all the opposites, attract each other.

The acting duo was so successful that the director of the melodrama "My dear" Sergey Rusakov decided to repeat it. At this time, the hero of Alexander became the heir to the great state of Konstantin, who, against the will of the mother of Valentina (Tatiana Yakovenko), begins to meet with the heroine of Darya - Olga. The film premiere took place in 2018 on the TV channel "Russia-1".

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In addition, Daria took part in the filming of the film "Plastic Queen", where heroin Angela played, an envious girlfriend of Mary (Olga Dyatlovskaya), the daughter of the plant director. Masha's father loses his daughter with his beloved young man Alexei and sends to Moscow. Returning in five years home, Maria discovers that Lesha (Efim Petrunin) already lives with her friend Svetlana (Elizabeth Fale).

The popularity of the actress confirmed the new project of the year - the criminal film "Don't tell anyone." Heroine Daria is an ambitious young writer Anna, which is solved on moving to St. Petersburg for career development. The girl takes an invitation from his idol, Solovyov writer (Andrei Astrakhantsev), and becomes his secretary. But the writer behaves strangely, and soon the girl learns that all the helpers of Solovyov disappeared without a trace. To understand all the ane helps her bridegroom Igor (Ivan Bataryv).

Daria Parmenenkov in the film

In the same year, Parmenenkov played the role of Dasha in the film "I want to be happy," and also appeared in the melodramatic comedy "Fire, Water and Rusty Pipes", where I appeared in the image of the accountant of Jeep Svetlana. Another main role is the image of a student of a medical university Polina in the melodrama "Keep you, my love." During his studies, the girl falls in love with a talented fellow countryside (Alexey Koryakov), but soon the lovers are forced to part. The side of the sought-after performer and the creators of the melodrama "Color of Ripe Cherry", in which Daria received an episodic role in which Daria received an episodic role.

The actress successfully continues the theater career. In 2017, Daria again participated in the festival "Teatral Kufar", where he received a diploma for the "best female role of the second plan" in setting on the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "Notes of the Young Doctor."

Daria Parmenenkov in the film

The users of the Instagram network constantly monitor the work of the actress, hoping to see the photo of Darya Parmenkovka with the filming of new TV shows, as well as learn more about the personal life of the film actresses.


  • 2015 - "Not easy happiness"
  • 2015 - "Do not say goodbye"
  • 2016 - "Simply paired turnips"
  • 2016 - "Plastic Queen"
  • 2017 - "Kuznets of my happiness"
  • 2017 - "Life without faith"
  • 2017 - "Keep you my love"
  • 2017 - "Fire, Water and Rusty Pipes"
  • 2017 - "Color Ripe Cherry"
  • 2017 - "I want to be happy"
  • 2017 - "Nobody say"
  • 2018 - "My Dear"

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