Margarita Sulankina - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Margarita Sukhankina - Soviet and Russian opera and pop singer. She performed on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but at the same time in the 80-90 years her voice sounded on all domestic discos, because it was Sulankina who performed the popular hits of the disco group "Mirage".

Margarita was born in Moscow in the family of engineers. Sukankini were not rich people, the girl often had to keep up the belongings of the elder brother. At the age of 4, the parents took Margarita to the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren on the Lenin Mountains, where the baby accepted the Choir and soon made a soloist. Later, the girl began to study in the music school in the class of piano.

Singer Margarita Sukhankina

In 1975, Sulankina enters the large children's choir of All-Union Radio and Central Television under the direction of Viktor Popov, in which the soloist of the senior group becomes somewhat. Gastrols began on the Union republics, and later abroad, numerous concerts and festivals, shooting on television. Later, Margarita called the head of the big children's choir with his godfather in music.

After graduating from the eighth grade, Margarita Sulankina enters the music and pedagogical school, after which documents submits to the conservatory, but does not pass through the competition. For the second year, the girl is waiting for a similar failure. Then - again the refusal, both in the conservatory and at the faculty of the musical comedy in Gitis.

Margarita Sulankina

In the end, the syncing girl is able to become a student of the State Pedagogical Institute named after Gnesiny, who Rita will soon cast. The fact is that there the teacher decided to move Sukhankin to another voice - soprano, whereas Margarita has congenital mezzo-soprano, that is, the tone is slightly lower.

The following year, the conservatory examination committee is finally confident next year. After receipt of the diploma, the period in the creative biography of Sukhankina, associated with classical music. A young opera singer performs in the Moscow Bolshoi Theater.

Singer Margarita Sukhankina

For 10 years, Sukankin's service performed almost the entire classic repertoire of the theater, but at the beginning of the XXI century leaves the troupe. Among the parties who performed Margarita were listed by Olga's party from Evgenia Onegin Peter Tchaikovsky, Laura from the "Stone Guest" Alexander Dargomyzhsky, Kerubino from the "Figaro Marriage" Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart.


Back in the mid-1980s, Margarita Sulankina recorded songs along with another Andrei Liatigin. At first, the girl's vocals sounded in the songs of the group "Activity Zone", and then Rita sang three compositions - "Video", "Stars await us" and "This night", which entered the Debut Album Mirage Group. In addition to Rita, Natalia Gulkina sounded on this record.

However, for Sukhankina, these records were only entertainment and had no commercial sense. The singer also recorded all the songs of the second album "again together", which made one of the most sought-after groups of the USSR from "Mirage". Hings "Music tied us", "New Hero", "I no longer ask" and "comes night" sounded from each house.

And here Margarita Sulankina was afraid! The singer asked Lytyagna anywhere in anywhere, which relates to a pop record, otherwise it could cause an exception from the conservatory to which the girl was so long. As a result, Tatyana Ovsienko, Irina Saltykov, Natalia Vottitskaya danced on the scene under the phonogram of the singer, and nobody knew about the real owner of a pure voice.

Margarita Sulankina

In fact, Margarita was recorded for free and the third disk "not for the first time", which went out on cassettes in 1989. Officially, the record began to spread only since 2008 and already with the execution of all vocal parties Catherine Boldysheva. The album includes the musical compositions "I am waiting for you", "you're like a shadow", "two of us."

After leaving the Bolshoi Theater Sukhankin recorded a solo "Chuvash album". By this time in Russia, fashion begins on retro and disco 80s. This served as an incentive to get out of the shadows and finally appear before the public as a performer of legendary songs. Sukankin is combined with Natalie Gulkina, calling the duet "Solo", and then replacing the name of the ensemble to the "Golden Voices of the Mirage Group".

Natalia Gulkin and Margarita Sulankina

For the possibility of performing speeches with the songs of the Mirage group, according to the right in the Golden Fund of Russian pop music, the artists paid the author's deductions to the creators of musical compositions.

In 2005, the singers record the hit "just Mirage" and the same album, which was the duet duet of Gulkina and Sulankina. A year later, the singer came to the Scene of the GCCZ "Russia", where a solo concert took place. In 2007, the Mirage Group was officially revived. Her leader again became Andrei Liatigin. In 2008, the musical team won the television competition "Superstar 2008. The team of dreams", which was held on the TV channel "NTV".

In 2009, Gulkin and Sulankina recorded the "Thousand Stars" record. Capital song, as well as disco-hit "Flinks the night", which clips were released, become popular. A year later, the artists participated in the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympiad in Vancouver, where they gave two solo concerts.

Subsequently, Gulkin replaced another former soloist of the group, Svetlana Razin. The last album "Let me let me go" was released in 2013, but only one Margarita Sukhankin remained to his appearance in the "Mirage" vocalist.

In 2016, the artist officially began the solo career. Margarita performs the songs of Mirage, which received copyright from the team's creators, as well as new musical compositions. One of the last hits Margarita Sulankina became the song "My love".

Since 2016, Ekaterina Boldyshev has been officially a soloist "Mirage". Andrei Lytygin's songs came out in her performance, such as "White Snow", "Star Rossip".

Personal life

At the beginning of the opera career, Margarita Sulankina went to the master class to Germany, where he met a Croatian businessman by Marununa. Soon the wedding took place, and Rita took not only the surname of her husband, but also accepted his Catholic faith. Spouses lived in Germany and Switzerland, but Margarita did not suit the fact that the husband turned her into a housewife and did not allow him to return to the stage. Two years later, the marriage was destroyed, but the name Meruna remained at Rita in the passport.

Andrei Liatigin and Margarita Sulankina

Then the actress was married three times. First, for a little-known composer, then for the Pianist-accompanist of the Bolshoi Theater. The last spouse singer was a businessman, a retired officer. But none of the marriage unions turned out to be long.

Since 2010, Margarita lived in a civil marriage, which herself called the guest, with the composer Andrei Liatigin. The spouses even adopted two children, a boy Serezhu and Girl Valery. This event was widely covered with press and television, as biological parents devoid of parental rights tried to return children to themselves. But all the public speeches of their souls and Lera were, according to Margarita Sukhankina, only falsification, since after the broadcast show "Let them say" with Andrei Malakhov, the relatives of children did not apply for custody.

However, the conflict is in the family of the artist - the husband was not ready to love adoptive children as his relatives. Andrei, according to Margarita, grabbed love for the only daughter who was born in the first marriage. Andrei Margarita broke up after four years of living together, and now they are only colleagues.

Now Margarita does not regret the choice in favor of children, but on the contrary, calls this act the only right solution in his life. Elderly parents help to educate Serious and Lero Artist. Together, the family lives in a country house in the suburbs.

Margarita Sukhankina with children

Margarita Sulankina is interested in raising children. The accumulated experience of the artist is divided with other parents through the Letidor portal, where the information column is fixed behind the drunker. Messages about new articles, as well as photos of their children, the artist places on a page in "Instagram".

Margarita Sulankina now

Margarita Sulankin in 2017 received an invitation from the creators of the international teleconcurs "Super!", Where I became a member of the jury. Children remaining without parental care are invited to participate in the show. Together with Margarita Sukankina, Victor Drobysh, Christmas tree and Stas Pieha took in the judicial chairs. As the Margarita told the interview later, the singer supported all the performers, as they knew their hard fate, but someone turned out to be an artist closer in the manner of performance and in spirit.

Margarita Sulankina in the show "You're super!"

The victory in the first season of the show won a native of Abkhazia Valery Adleiba. Six months after the completion of the first season of the project, at the beginning of 2018, Margarita Sulankina recorded two new hit with the finalists of the show: "I believe" with Anastasia Simoganova and Ice Cream with the hope of Shehibanova.


As part of the Mirage Group

  • 1987 - "Stars await us"
  • 1988 - "Together together"
  • 1989 - "Not for the first time"
  • 1997 - "Danceremix"
  • 1999 - "Version 2000"
  • 2001 - "Back to the Future"
  • 2003 - "Throw"
  • 2004 - "Old New"
  • 2005 - "Just Mirage"
  • 2009 - "Thousand Stars"
  • 2013 - "Let me go"


  • 1997 - "Unnecessary songs"
  • 2002 - "This is not a mirage"
  • 2003 - "Chuvash Album"

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