Darth Vader - History, photo, film, actor


Character History

After the enchanting access to the screens of the first part of the fantastic epic "Star Wars", the image of Darth Vader became an idol for young people of several generations. In 2017, manufacturers of "Star Wars" Anniversary - was exactly 40 years from the date of dating TV viewers with the fate of Anakin Skywalker.


Darth Vader, whose real name is Anakin Skywalker, acts as a character in the franchise "Star Wars". Darth appears in the film in the role of the main negative character, which occurred a conspiracy, and the past Hero in the form of Anakina Skywalker and the history of apostasy play a major role in the narration of prequel.

Darth Vader.

The character was designed by American film director George Walton Lucas Jr. and implemented on the screen with several actors. It appears in the six series of "Star Wars", in the series "Knip-one. Star Wars: Stories "and mentioned in" Star Wars: Awakening of Power. " Wader acts as an active person in the universe of the television series "Star Wars", video games, literary works and comics.

Initially, Jedi's prediction, Anakin Skywalker took the dark side and became an employee of a negative galactic empire to lead to equilibrium. Vader became the father of Skywalker's father and his twin sisters Lei, secret husband Padme and grandfather Kaylo Rena.

George Lucas,

Darth Vader has become one of the coolest rags in popular culture and is even included in the list of the greatest villains from the invented characters. According to the American Institute of Cinema, Darth Vader took the third place in the ranking of the greatest villains in the history of the film industry over the past 100 years from hundreds of villains and scum, lifting the leadership positions Hannibal Lector and Norman Bates. Nevertheless, other film critics consider Vader to the tragic hero, since its motives initially aimed at achieving the universal good, before moving on the dark side.


Darth Vader initially represents a 9-year-old boy whose role was played by Jake Lloyd. Other actors worked in the rest of the saga.

Suit Darth Vader.

In the "attack of clones" Anakin Skywalker turns out to be "strangled" Kenobi and does not control his life. When he turns into Darth Vader, every negative act, which he performs, destroys any hope or connection with the same life, which makes it difficult to go to the light.

Then Vader is forced to wear a suit designed specifically for him. The main element of the costume is the most complex mechanism that provides breathing - it led to a specific sound at the entrance and exhalation of the hero. Without its special mask, Vader on the screen no longer appeared.

Helmet Darth Vader

As a result, Vader returns to the side of good and reaches the guilt by sacrificing life in order to save the Son and the destruction of the emperor. The deceased character betrayed the ground along with the costume, observing the tradition of the Jedi.


In the first series of "Star Wars", the gloomy Vader is already close to its final image, and the main character of Anakin Skywalker reminded Luke Skywalker, which appeared in the later series.

After the success of the first "Star Wars", published in 1977, the director Film Lukas Jr. hired the author of science fiction Lee Douglas Brackett to jointly work on the scenario of subsequent parts. At the end of 1977, the scenario of the next part was ready, strongly resembling the last film, except that Vader is not the father of Luke, but a teacher.

Sword Darth Vader

In the first project, the script written by Brackett, the father of the hatch appears as a ghost, lubricating the guy to the side of evil. George Lucas did not like the script, but Brackett died from cancer earlier than the director discussed comments from her. Having lost the screenwriter, Lucas had to write the following project personally. In the new scenario, the director applied a new storyline: Vader declares that he is the father of Luke.

The new turn of the plot about the origin of the hatch had a serious impact on the film. Michael Kaminsky (author of the book dedicated to the history of the "star wars" with elements of the biography of George Lucas) argues that such a turn of the plot was seriously not considered and did not even be assured until 1978, and the first part of the film was removed under an alternative plot, where Darth Vader performed A separate character, not the father of the hatch.

Jake Lloyd in the role of young Anakina Skywalker (future Darth Vader)

When writing drafts of the second and third episodes, in which another storyline was introduced, Lucas reflected the new background, which he himself came up with: Anakin went to the disciples of Kenobi, had the son of Luke, but was seduced by the side of evil. Anakin fought with Kenobi at the volcano, having received serious injuries, but then revived in the form of Darth Vader. Kenobi hid the hatch on the fantastic planet Tatinov, when the Galactic Republic became an empire, and Vader hunted and destroyed the Jedi. This change in nature became a bridgehead to develop another plot of the "Tragedy of Darth Vader", underlying the filled film.

Deciding to create a prequel, Lucas indicated that the series will become a tragic, depicting the transition of Enakin to the side of evil. He assumed that the precons would become the beginning of a single story, which began with Anakin's childhood and ended with death. It was the final step towards turning the series in Saga.

Heiden Kristensen in the role of young Anakina Skywalker (future Darth Vader)

In the first bed, George Lucas presented Anakina with a nine-year-old child to show her hero's redemption from the mother sharp and painful. Trailers for the film with Anakin, and a film flesh, showing how he discarded the shadow of Vader, hinted by unsuspecting spectators about the possible fate of the character. Ultimately, the film has reached the goal - demonstrated the transformation of Anakin in Darth Vader.

Michael Kaminsky in the "secret history of Star Wars" cites evidence that the problems with the departure of Anakin on the side of the evil prompted Lucas to make serious adjustments to the story, first revising the initial sequence of the third prequel so that Anakin destroyed the count of the coup, which served as the first step towards the transition to Side evil.

After completing the main part of the work in 2003, Lucas again made changes in the nature of Anakin, rewriting the transition to the dark side: the transition of Anakin from grace on the dark side is now caused by the desire to save the wife of Padme, whereas in the previous version, this reason was one of several, including Enakin believed that the Jedi plan to seize the republic. These fundamental adjustments were made by editing major frames and adding new scenes taken during the Pickups in 2004.

Darth Vader is first introduced in "Star Wars" as a ruthless cyborg, an employee of the Galactic Empire. He is entrusted with Tarkin to restore the secret technical projects of the death star, abducted by the rebels. Wader captures and torments leu, hidden plans inside the droid and to find Kenobi. By placing the tracking device on board Millennium Falcon, Vader is able to track the rebel base. When Jedi's attack on the star, Vader is trying to knock the hatch, but Khan Solo interferes, providing the opportunity to destroy the star of death.

David Podz played Darth Vader in the first three parts of the saga

In the "Empire series, a response strike" Vader becomes obsessed with a hatch. In a conversation with Emperor, Vader convinces him that the hatch will be able to lure on the dark side. Vader lures his son to a trap and wins a duel, taking his hand. Wader reports hatch that he is his father, and asks to help overthrow the emperor to manage the galaxy together. In horror, the hatch runs away, and Vader telepathically tells his son that his fate - go on the dark side.

In the next part, Wader and the Emperor control the creation of a new star of death. Vader brings the hatch to the emperor and threatens to move leui (sister of the hatch) to the side of the evil, if the hatch does not obey. In the attack of anger, the hatch wins Vader and takes off his father's robotic hand. The emperor orders the hatch to kill his father and take his place. Luke refuses, and the emperor torments his lightning power. Hearing the shelter's requests for help, Vader kills the emperor; But he himself is mortally wounded.

Asking the hatch to shoot him a mask, redeemed Anakin Skywalker tells his son that he is in order before dirty. Luke runs away from the star of death with the remains of the Father and solemnly burns them in a fire, the spirit of Anakin is reunited with the Spirit of Obi-Wan and iodine to watch the hatch and his friends, as the rebels celebrate the destruction of the death star and the fall of the empire.

James Earl Jones voiced Darth Vader and gave him a famous low voice

Then Lucas removed the trilogy-prequel, where the prehistory describes and the image of Darth Vader is revealed. Anakin first appears in the trilogy "Prince" in episode I, the events of which occurred over 32 years before the original star wars. Young slave Anakin lives on Tatail planet with her mother. Anakin was born without a father and has the ability to foresee the future. In addition, the young man is a talented pilot and a mechanic who built its own droid C-3PO. Master Jedi Qui-Gon Ginn meets Anakina after an emergency landing on Tatin.

Cvei-Gon feels a strong relationship of Anakin with strength and is convinced that the boy is "elected" from the prophecy of the Jedi, who will bring equilibrium by force. Then Anakin is forced to leave Smey and go learning for the Jedi. During the trip, Anakin falls in love with Padme, the young Queen Nabu. Qui-Gon asks the Jedi Council to allow Enakina to train, but they feel fear in the boy and refuse. In the end, Anakin helps prevent the intrusion of the Trade Federation in Nabu. After Kuay-Gon was killed in the battle with the spirit of Sitchov, Obi-Wan promises to teach Anakin.

Bob Anderson appeared as Darth Vader in battle scenes

In "Star Wars": Episode II - "Attack of Clones" Anakin becomes a student of Obi-Van. Anakin goes on a journey with Padme to Nabu. But feeling the pain of mother, Anakin goes to Tatoin to save her, but late. Anakin, furious, kills the dulls, guilty of the death of the mother and returns to the estate of Lars to bury the seam. By the end of the film Anakin, who lost his hand in the battle with the crust of the Duku, is equipped with a robotic hand and secretly marries paddes.

In "Star Wars": Episode III - "Revenge of Sith Sitchov" Anakin becomes a knight, Jedi and the hero of the clone war. He and Obi-Wan headed the Mission to save Palpatine from the separatist commander of General Grievus aboard her ship. When Jedi faces a mouse, Anakin wins Lord Sith, and following Palpatine persuasion, kills him coldly. They save Palpatine and return to the coruscant, where Anakin finds out that the padme is pregnant. Anquin has a vision where Padme dies during childbirth, and he is trying to prevent it.

Darth Vader - History, photo, film, actor 1885_11

Palpatine says Anakin that the dark side has the power to deceive death and, in the end, reveals that he is Lord Sith Dart Sidius. Although Anakin reports Jedi Windows about Palpatine's betrayal, he follows Windows to make sure Palpatine is alive. When he understands that the Windows wants to kill Palpatine, Anakin interferes, allowing Pipatin to kill Windows.

Desperate to save Padme, Anakin switched to the side of evil and became a student of Palpatine, Darth Vader. By order, Palpatine Vader must kill all the Jedi and the leaders of the separatists who are hidden on the planet Mustafar, Padme faces Wader and begging him to return to the side of good, but Vader refuses. When Obi-Wan landed from the ship Padme, Vader accuses his wife in a conspiracy and applies power to strangle her in infamous and rage.

After the brutal battle of Obi-Van wins Vader, damaging his legs and hand, and leaves the body on the banks of the Lava River, where it burns. Palpatine finds Vader and returns it to the coruscant, where his discerned body is treated and covered with a black armored suit, first depicted in the original trilogy. When Vader asks about the location of Padme, Palpatine explains him that he killed Padme in anger; Vader cries in agony, his spirit is broken.

Interesting Facts

  • Eric Bui, a psychiatrist from the University at the Toulouse Hospital, argued that in the Agreement of the American Psychiatric Association, Anakin's personality is characterized by six diagnostic signs of the personality border disorder, which is a reason for making a diagnosis. Bui claims that Anakin Skywalker is a useful example for the demonstration of the Border Disorder of the Personality to students.
Monument to Darta Vader in Odessa
  • Anakin's origin in the "Ghost Threat" is compared with African American identity, and dissatisfaction with life - with Siddhart, before he became Gauta Buddha.
  • In 2015, the statue of Vladimir Lenin in Odessa was redone in Darth Vader because of the decamsmanization law.

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