Anna Kuznetsova - biography, personal life, photo, news authorized by the rights of the child, children, ombudsman 2021



Anna Bulaeva, now known as Anna Kuznetsova, is the Russian state and public figure. Her political biography is developing at a huge speed. From September 9, 2016, the human rights activist holds the position of authorized under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child.

Childhood and youth

Anna Yurevna was born and rose in Penza. Her father - Yuri Bulaev, Mother - Tatiana. The girl studied in the usual high school. According to the class teacher, Irina Rogoheus, already then, at an early age, the girls, it was clear that she was destined to become a public figure.

Bulaeva was an active teenager - participated in school events, writing scenarios for performances. Odnoklassniki and teachers respond about her as a bright and positive person, who has never raised voice in life.

Anna studied diligently, so it was easily entered into a pedagogical lyceum, and after him in the Penza State Pedagogical University named after V. G. Belinsky at the Faculty of Psychology, which graduated in 2003 with a red diploma.

Politics and human rights activities

In 2008, Anna Kuznetsova officially registered the public organization "Blagovest", although the actual assistance to people carried out before. Since 2011, a woman led the regional Family Support Fund, motherhood and childhood "Pokrov", in 2014 joined the All-Russian People's Front, held the post of Chairman of the Regional Penza Branch of the All-Russian Public Movement of the Mother of Russia.

The results of the work of Anna Yuryevna speak for themselves. A program to reduce the number of abortions was introduced, traditional family foundations are widely promoted, there are help programs for low-income families, orphans and disabled children. As a result, only in the last few years, life has been preserved for about two hundred children, whose mothers were originally intended to interrupt pregnancy.

In December 2019, the Ombudsman told journalists in an interview to their negative conclusion on the law on domestic violence, since the norms of the document do not comply with the Constitution of the Russian Federation. It in many paragraphs duplicates the norms of other laws. Whether such an imperfect legislative document is needed, it is worth thinking, stated Kuznetsov.

Children's Ombudsman

In the spring of 2016, Anna Kuznetsov at the preliminary elections to the federal electoral district on the territory of the Penza region gained the maximum number of votes, and the United Russia Committee nominated it to elections to the State Duma. And on September 9, it became known that this active woman, appreciating and loving children, was appointed President Vladimir Putin to the post of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child Instead of the Paul Astakhov liberated from this post.

Some views of Anna Kuznetsova in the personal and political life of criticism are called excessively conservative and traditionalist. This also applies to positions about pregnancy and childbirth, and the activities of the Foundation on a fairly single work with young pregnant women and lonely mothers, often aimed only for the preservation of the child without further prospects and sufficient support for young mothers.

At the same time, according to unfriendliers, such a position and provided a woman with high positions in the government, as they correspond to the country's course on traditionalism, the churchrost and the Spraces became aphorism.

However, even the Table detractors note incredible hardworking policies and its implacable fight against pedophilia. Many, including the critics of the program and attitudes Anna Kuznetsova, believe that it will become more worthy of the ombudsman than its predecessor in this position. Astakhov unpleasantly remembered by the Russians by connivance in the case of a rapidly issued marriage of a minor girl Heda, offensive statements about the "wrinkled women" and inappropriate jokes during the lighting of the tragedy on the Syamozer, which suffered and killed dozens of children.

Kuznetsova opened a new official website of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child under the President of the Russian Federation. It is not associated with the patch of the predecessor.

In a new position, politician began a tough and consistent struggle with pedophiles. Anna Kuznetsova, Anna Kuznetsova, took the initiatives that supported the society and resonant steps that had given the scandals among media personalities and Internet users.

In September 2016, the Ombudsman appealed to the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation with a request to check the exhibition of Joca Strokesa "without embarrassment", held in Moscow in the center of the photo named after the Lumiere brothers, for the "Contents in the exposed photos of naked adolescent children's pornography". This case caused accusations of the witch hunting, censorization of art and trying to see the pedophilia where it was not.

In December 2016, the Ombudsman made a proposal to create a registry of pedophiles to ban such people to work in children's educational institutions. In March 2017, she proposed to introduce a lifelong administrative control over pedophiles.

2017 brought Kuznetsova and new scandals. After receiving the instructions of the President of the Russian Federation, test cases of seizure of children from the family due to excessive intervention of guardianship bodies Anna Kuznetsov prepared a report in which such cases were not actually registered. The ombudsman supported the organization of parents of the Sverdlovsk region.

Simultaneously against Kuznetsova, a member of the Federation Council Elena Mizulin, which, with the support of 75 perturbed parental organizations, provided the report contracted by meaning. Many opponents of Anna Yuryevna began to argue that she spends the most real juvenile justice in the country. Critics even launched a petition about the resignation of the Kuznetsova from the post of the Commissioner for the Rights of the Child.

The Ombudsman also participated in the seizure of ten children from the adoptive family. Teachers have noticed traces in children, and such a measure did not cause questions from society. The scandal broke out when the husband of Kuznetsova in the social network told that they saw the case materials. This fact of access to closed information has indignant human rights defenders.

Anna Kuznetsova took up reforming social structures at the Federal Commissioner for the Rights of the Child. In May 2017, this undertaking also caused hype. The Public Council left the Chairman of the Organization "Parent All-Russian Resistance" of Maria Mamikonyan and a number of managers of other Russian public organizations. This decision Mamikonan explained that, in her opinion, the Council included both defenders of families and those from whom, on the contrary, need to protect families.

Personal life

In 2003, 21-year-old Anna Bulaeva married and officially took the surname of her husband. Her spouse Alexei Kuznetsov serves as a priest in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the village of Uvarovo Isinsky district of the Penza region. All subsequent years, spouses on their example showed what a real traditional family was.

Anna and Alexey lead a lifestyle corresponding to moral standards and presented the world of seven children. First, two daughters, Maria and Daria, and then four sons, Ivan, Nikolai, Timofey and Lion appeared. The younger, seventh, son Anna gave birth at the end of May 2020, the boy was called Peter.

It is very curious that Anna Kuznetsova after childbirth is not delayed in the hospital more than one day. The priest's wife believes that once a pregnancy is not a disease, then it's no sense to lie down in the hospital. So, the day the next day after the birth of the seventh child, the woman made a refund.

Friends, acquaintances and colleagues in one voice are wondering - when Anna Yurevna is resting. This little and fragile woman is constantly in motion, and he has time and fully worry as a public figure, and competently conduct a household - in the house there is always order. In addition, Kuznetsova deliciously prepares and herself sews clothes. At the same time, the politician does not lag behind modern technologies and leads an account in "Instagram".

Anna Kuznetsova now

In June 2021, Russian President at the Congress of United Russia made an appeal, during which he voiced the top five party leaders. Among them was the name of Kuznetsova.

Later, the politician told the press that the offer to enter this list was unexpected for her. But she agreed, because he saw in this opportunity to solve, first of all, the masses of child problems.

Anna Yurevna listed a number of gaps that require immediate legislative initiatives. Of course, remain at the head of the angle, questions of educational programs and a comfortable environment in school. At the same time, the Ombudsman did not remain aside from the topic of vaccination for adolescents, responding to the statements of Alexander Ginzburg.

The head of the center named after N. F. Gamaley reported the start of vaccination in September 2021. Kuznetsova hurried to recall that even after registering the drug for children must undergo mandatory clinical trials. And even when all the necessary steps are completed, on any medical manipulations with children will need to be obtained from parents.


  • 2012 - Audience Prize at the III International Social Technology Festival "For Life"
  • 2014 - Membership in the All-Russian People's Front in Penza
  • 2014 - a memorable medal "In memory of the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius of Radonezh"
  • 2015 - the position of executive director of the All-Russian Association of Family Protection Organizations
  • 2016 - Position of the Commissioner under the President of the Russian Federation for the Rights of the Child
  • 2016 - badge "For good deeds" III degree of Penza Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • 2017 - a memorial sign "For merits in the development of the city of Penza"
  • 2017 - Medal "For Assistance" of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation
  • 2019 - Medal "Memory of the Heroes of the Fatherland" Ministry of Defense of Russia
  • 2019 - Medal "For Contribution to Strengthening the Defense of the Russian Federation"

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